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[下载]硕士学位论文 农村居民食物消费结构变动及其对粮食需求影响的实证分析 [推广有奖]

zhuhongfei 发表于 2005-8-21 16:49:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
问楼主有没有林文夫(hayashi  fumio)写的计量经济学阿?


hanszhu 发表于 2005-8-21 22:30:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

[下载]Stephen Kokoska, Daniel Zwillinger.Standard Probability and Statistics Table

CRC Standard Probability and Statistics Tables and Formulae, Student Edition (Paperback) by Stephen Kokoska, Daniel Zwillinger

Editorial Reviews
Book Description Users of statistics in their professional lives and statistics students will welcome this concise, easy-to-use reference for basic statistics and probability. It contains all of the standardized statistical tables and formulas typically needed plus material on basic statistics topics, such as probability theory and distributions, regression, analysis of variance, nonparametric statistics, and statistical quality control.For each type of distribution the authors supply:?definitions?tables?relationships with other distributions, including limiting forms?statistical parameters, such as variance and generating functions?a list of common problems involving the distributionStandard Probability and Statistics: Tables and Formulae also includes discussion of common statistical problems and supplies examples that show readers how to use the tables and formulae to get the solutions they need. With this handy reference, the focus can shift from rote learning and memorization to the concepts needed to use statistics efficiently and effectively. Book Info Presents a clear textual description of topics directly applicable to modern business and engineering as well as to statistics, including regression analysis, ANOVA, decision theory, signal processing, and control theory. DLC: Probabilities--Tables. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
Product Details
  • Paperback: 225 pages
  • Publisher: CRC Press; Student edition (March 29, 2000)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 0849300266
23754.rar (3.53 MB, 需要: 50 个论坛币) 本附件包括:
  • Stephen Kokoska, Daniel Zwillinger.Standard Probability and Statistics Tables and Formulae.CRC.2000.djvu


hanszhu 发表于 2005-8-28 10:15:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

[下载]Gary Kooper.Bayesian Econometrics.2003.PDF

Bayesian Econometrics Gary Koop ISBN: 0-470-84567-8 Paperback 374 pages July 2003
US $80.00

Researchers in many fields are increasingly finding the Bayesian approach to statistics to be an attractive one. This book introduces the reader to the use of Bayesian methods in the field of econometrics at the advanced undergraduate or graduate level. The book is self-contained and does not require that readers have previous training in econometrics. The focus is on models used by applied economists and the computational techniques necessary to implement Bayesian methods when doing empirical work. Topics covered in the book include the regression model (and variants applicable for use with panel data), time series models, models for qualitative or censored data, nonparametric methods and Bayesian model averaging. The book includes numerous empirical examples and the website associated with it contains data sets and computer programs to help the student develop the computational skills of modern Bayesian econometrics.

Table of Contents
Read Excerpt (PDF)
Author Information

25293.rar (1.91 MB, 需要: 50 个论坛币) 本附件包括:
  • Gary Kooper.Bayesian Econometrics.2003.pdf

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-5 9:36:43编辑过]


littlerain0915 发表于 2005-9-4 02:45:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


hanszhu 发表于 2005-9-4 19:07:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

[下载]Simulation Modeling Handbook: A Practical Approach

Simulation Modeling Handbook: A Practical Approach (Hardcover) by Chris Chung, Christopher A. Chung

List Price: $ 149.95

Book Description The use of simulation modeling and analysis is becoming increasingly more popular as a technique for improving or investigating process performance. This book is a practical, easy-to-follow reference that offers up-to-date information and step-by-step procedures for conducting simulation studies. It provides sample simulation project support material, including checklists, data-collection forms, and sample simulation project reports and publications to facilitate practitioners' efforts in conducting simulation modeling and analysis projects. Simulation Modeling Handbook: A Practical Approach has two major advantages over other treatments. First, it is independent of any particular simulation software, allowing readers to use any commercial package or programming language. Second, it was written to insulate practitioners from unnecessary simulation theory that does not focus on their average, practical needs. As the popularity of simulation studies continues to grow, the planning and execution of these projects, more and more engineering and management professionals will be called upon to perform these tasks. With its simple, no-nonsense approach and focus on application rather than theory, this comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide is the ideal vehicle for acquiring the background and skills needed to undertake effective simulation projects.Features·Presents step-by-step procedures for conducting successful simulation modeling and analysis·Addresses every phase of performing simulations, from formulating the problem to presenting study results and recommendations ·Uses approaches applicable regardless of the specific simulation or software used ·Includes a summary of the major simulation software packages and discusses the pros and cons of using general purpose programming languages Book Info Handbook provides step-by-step procedures for conducting simulation studies. Provides sample simulation project support material; including checklists, data-collection forms, and sample reports and publications. For engineering and management professionals. DLC: Digital computer simulation.
Product Details
  • Hardcover: 608 pages
  • Publisher: CRC Press (July 15, 2003)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 0849312418

25217.rar (9.14 MB, 需要: 50 个论坛币)


suewoe 发表于 2005-9-4 22:32:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

why are many just recommendation? I don't see many books for downloading

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-4 22:37:47编辑过]


hanszhu 发表于 2005-9-5 03:10:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

[下载]David J. Spiegelhalter, Keith R. Abrams, Jonathan P. Myles.Bayesian Approach

Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-Care Evaluation

by David J. Spiegelhalter, Keith R. Abrams, Jonathan P. Myles

Product Details

Hardcover: 406 pages Publisher: John Wiley & Sons (January 9, 2004) Language: English ISBN: 0471499757

25294.rar (2.28 MB, 需要: 50 个论坛币) 本附件包括:

  • David J. Spiegelhalter, Keith R. Abrams, Jonathan P. Myles.Bayesian Approaches to Clinical Trials and Health-Care Evaluation.pdf

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-5 9:52:06编辑过]


hanszhu 发表于 2005-9-5 09:23:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

[下载]Andrew B. Lawson, William J. Browne, Carmen L. Vidal Rodeiro.Disease Mapping

Disease Mapping with WinBUGS and MLwiN Andrew B. Lawson, William J. Browne, Carmen L. Vidal Rodeiro ISBN: 0-470-85604-1 Hardcover 292 pages September 2003
CDN $126.99
Disease mapping involves the analysis of geo-referenced disease incidence data and has many applications, for example within resource allocation, cluster alarm analysis, and ecological studies. There is a real need amongst public health workers for simpler and more efficient tools for the analysis of geo-referenced disease incidence data. Bayesian and multilevel methods provide the required efficiency, and with the emergence of software packages – such as WinBUGS and MLwiN – are now easy to implement in practice.
  • Provides an introduction to Bayesian and multilevel modelling in disease mapping.
  • Adopts a practical approach, with many detailed worked examples.
  • Includes introductory material on WinBUGS and MLwiN.
  • Discusses three applications in detail – relative risk estimation, focused clustering, and ecological analysis.
  • Suitable for public health workers and epidemiologists with a sound statistical knowledge.
  • Supported by a Website featuring data sets and WinBUGS and MLwiN programs.

Disease Mapping with WinBUGS and MLwiN provides a practical introduction to the use of software for disease mapping for researchers, practitioners and graduate students from statistics, public health and epidemiology who analyse disease incidence data.

Table of Contents
Read Excerpt (PDF)
25292.rar (3.43 MB, 需要: 50 个论坛币) 本附件包括:
  • Andrew B. Lawson, William J. Browne, Carmen L. Vidal Rodeiro.Disease Mapping with WINBUGS and MLWiN.Wiley.2003.djvu

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-5 9:27:12编辑过]


hanszhu 发表于 2005-9-5 10:24:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


25298.rar (1.34 MB)

Over 90 percent of the information in the world is still on paper. Many of those paper documents include color graphics and/or photographs that represent significant invested value. And almost none of that rich content is on the Internet.

That's because scanning such documents and getting them onto a Web site has been problematic at best. At the high resolution necessary to ensure the readability of the text and to preserve the quality of the images, file sizes become far too bulky for acceptable download speed. Reducing resolution to achieve satisfactory download speed means forfeiting quality and legibility. Conventional web formats such as JPEG, GIF, and PNG produce prohibitively large image files at decent resolution. As a result, Web site content developers have been largely unable to leverage existing printed materials. DjVu (pronounced "déjà vu") is a new image compression technology developed since 1996 at AT&T Labs to solve precisely that problem. DjVu allows the distribution on the Internet of very high resolution images of scanned documents, digital documents, and photographs. DjVu allows content developers to scan high-resolution color pages of books, magazines, catalogs, manuals, newspapers, historical or ancient documents, and make them available on the Web.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-8 10:48:17编辑过]


sunrain1234 发表于 2005-9-5 10:25:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


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