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Business Leadership in China: How to Blend Best Western 2011 [推广有奖]

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Editorial ReviewsReview"It is full of sound, readable advice that is relevant to anyone concerned with that part of the world." (Professional Manager, July 2009) --This text refers to an alternate [url=]Paperback[/url] edition.

ReviewThis book by Frank Gallo is a reflection on his extensive experience of the country, having worked there as a senior consultant. It is sound, readable advice relevant to anyone interested in that part of the world. Gallo explores four key areas, including how to respond to the complex challenges of leading a firm or a division in China; what the major differences are in activities such as team working and decision making; and where misunderstandings can arise.
-- Professor Bruce Lloyd, FCMI, London South Bank University

It seems that every day a new book on doing business in China is written. Now, a new book has arrived on the scene that is a "must read." Business Leadership in China by Frank T. Gallo is like a textbook on how to blend best Western practices with Chinese wisdom. This timely book will ensure a harmonious leadership style that draws out the best from both Western and Chinese business practices.
-- Russ M. Miller, LLIF, Chairman and CEO, Performance Institute

Frank Gallo recently published an outstanding book, Business Leadership in China. The book sheds light on the uniqueness of China's business leadership, the clash of old and new generation leaders, and its transition to hybrid management leadership practices. By sharing his own experiences of consulting in China, he provides practical advice and examples of how Chinese business leaders think and act.
-- Editor, Korea Times

Dr. Gallo's book is a "Little Red Book" based on his experience and observation. Not only does it analyze the influence of culture and tradition on leadership style, but also helps Chinese leaders more deeply understand the Western leadership concept and practices. Every foreign leader and every domestic leader should read this book and benefit from it. I highly recommend this insightful and empowering book.
-- Gary Wang, Founder and CEO, MindSpan Learning

Dr. Frank Gallo's book illustrates the differences and similarities of culture, leadership, and management style between Chinese and foreign executives. It is of great value to multinationals who are planning to enter the China market and Chinese companies who are about to go abroad.
-- Gao Yong, Founder and President, Career International Inc.

Dr. Gallo observes the influence of leaders and leadership in Chinese companies. Written from the perspective of an American scholar and leadership expert, this book will help foreigners understand Chinese companies and the business climate as well as provide insightful views for Chinese leaders.
-- Guo Xin, Asia Chief Executive, Mercer HR Capital Consultancy

Dr. Gallo's book is a classic work that really "digs into the earth." As a Chinese and a 25-year business leader, I am deeply touched by his insightful and interesting observations about the behaviors of Chinese leaders. This book allowed me to see a different view of Chinese leadership that comes from a Westerner's cultural perspective. The book provides important guidance for understanding the art of leadership for companies operating in the China market, both multinational and domestic."
-- Patrick Huang, Greater China President, Towers Watson Consulting

China does not lack leadership ideology and philosophy, but lacks the tools to implement strategy. In contrast, the West has abundant leadership theories and practices, but lacks an understanding of and insight into Chinese culture. No matter whether you are in China or other countries, if you want to be an effective leader, you need to have the right local knowledge and apply that to best practices. The author analyzes Chinese culture and its business environment with a modest and open mind. In his many years of leading, teaching, and consulting, he demonstrates how to combine the philosophies of the East with the business practices of the West. I believe this book will inspire Chinese and Western leaders alike.
-- Chris Xu, Director of Human Resources and Leadership Development, TCL Corporation

An exciting and informative book about what it takes to be an effective leader in China. This should be read not only by "westerners" but also Chinese executives and managers. Without patronizing either Chinese wisdom or Western (American) practices, Gallo does a great job of helping the reader to become culturally sensitive, even empathic on an interpersonal level. He provides invaluable practical experiences with clear applications about pitfalls to navigate and bridges to build in order to work effectively with Chinese organizations and their workforces. I loved his personal examples and willingness to share lessons learned the hard way!
-- Barry Z. Posner, PhD, Dean and Professor of Leadership, Santa Clara University (USA) and Co-author, The Leadership Challenge, A Leader's Legacy, and Credibility


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Business Leadership in China: How to Blend Best Western 2011

thomasfan 发表于 2016-2-15 18:09:44 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


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