Selected Policy Rule:
Taylor (1993)
Selected Models:
NK_RW97 (common variables and model shocks expressed in percent)
NK_LWW03 (common variables and model shocks expressed in percent)
Selected options:
Autocorrelation functions will be plotted.
Impulse response functions will be plotted.
Selected shocks:
Monetary policy shock
Currently Solving: NK_RW97
Error using eval
Undefined function 'dynare' for input arguments of type 'char'.
Error in MMB (line 540)
eval(['dynare ' modelbase.names(modelbase.models(epsilon),:)]); % solve model "epsilon" in dynare
by running the .mod file --> translates Dynare syntax into .m file, that is run
Error in run (line 64)
evalin('caller', [script ';']);