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[经济分析入门] Lent seduce a man with a young son, neighbors, the group robbed women [推广有奖]

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captured suspect in garage

has 0:30 or so, Longgang Longgang Public Security Bureau police station received a victim named Ma said,coach online outlet, the same day 0:00 pm, When ready to return to their rented Yangmeigang 三巷 way, three men forcibly pushed by a small van,coach purses, the looting, the body carried by 500 yuan, and two mobile phones were snatched away. Subsequently, the three men pushed it into the housing, the seizure of bank card, bank card password to compel him to say, the card is taken away cash 1 Million. After the implementation after the robbery, it pulled a remote small roadside dropped.  
take the alarm,Coach Handbags, Longgang Police Station leaders attach great importance to the organization immediately dispatched four road police, started around the same time to visit the crime scene investigation. November 4 23 pm, the panel was informed that the gang suspects Xili day to drive to the official used car market at high speed through the water, wipe the vehicle hit the door cause damage to the fence, the car has been sent to Longgang repair. Gang task force a comprehensive investigation of the auto repair shop in the South Union community, Longgang street a car repair shop found a suspicious vehicle being repaired, police dispatched a place both inside and outside, waiting for the suspect appeared.  
from at 8:00 on November 5 to 15:30 Xu, dispatched police after seven hours of waiting, looking around and finally found a man went into the car repair shop. Reflected suspicious police, judge and possibly other suspects nearby. Before long, the men previously into the repair shop door, two men waved to the side of the road. See the time is ripe, the police swiftly and in one fell swoop the three suspects A wave, A are, A super-arrested, and seized the victim named Ma looted mobile phone.  
principal facts. November 6 11 am, the police task force continues to build on,coach outlet store, in love together community Kuei arresting criminal suspects. Account of the gang from the case was informed that the crime gangs are each called by a middle-aged man called Xiemou crime organization, but Xiemou very cunning, under normal circumstances do not appear in the crime scene. Meanwhile, the police also got to Xiemou is already captured the suspect's father, A wave. Immediately,coach store outlet, the police rushed to the residence Xiemou to search results Xiemou has caught fled, missing.  
Xiemou legitimate task force to find traces of four when, at 10:00 on November 10, a lawyer came to the Longgang Police Station, two hands holding a power of attorney, the suspect claimed to understand the waves and the Arab-Arab over the situation. Police took a look at the power of attorney, power of attorney is both the father Xiemou A wave signature. Task force to the lawyer, power of attorney is the same for both handwriting and must come to the party. 11 am, Xiemou really in dollars, when its just driving a car BYD entered the police station, was the police Wengzhongzhuobie. As the task force expected, the suspect Xiemou confessed, so desperate, but, s wisdom wrong, since the investment law.  
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Longgang Public Security Bureau,coach outlet store online, according to police reports, the gang is a typical composition by family members and neighbors of criminal gangs. Suspect Xiemou, 37, divorced, to work deep into the factory, and found that some young women are simply easily deceived, so often take the initiative to invite young women to eat plant, sweet talk from time to time with coax, buy gifts and clothes both hands, made some of the women of goodwill, and then to place the name of a friend, will be taken of women Piandao Shou. Living together for some time, and then work hard to earn money the factory name, vain women lured to the hotel when the DJ, to identify some of the temptation of man exchanges. When a similar open house ready to go fool around when Xiemou waves on the instigation of his son and fellow A are A, A super car then tracked to his sister and wife are each other's bullying on the grounds, the other one way or another car robbery, the proceeds of property from five spoils, the gang has confessed to similar practices committed crimes of robbery cases. The case is being further digging and verification.  

crazy thieves ransacked

telecom base station

● has 11 cases of crime, Ministry of Public Security supervise the handling

● 7 suspects recently arrested by Gang's Procuratorate

investigation, since July 2008, the suspects of 7 people in agriculture a high speed along the row of salt, water officials high speed along the Henggang about six other places to communication facilities and road facilities for the theft of the target, when sharing together, to carry Zhuti, pliers, wrenches and other tools of crime, the theft has a crazy 11 Mobile, a telecommunications company and other units the base station being used as the host of public telecommunications facilities, computer room power supply, battery, antenna, cable and other communications equipment, and split one of copper, aluminum and other precious metals after the sale of spoils. Theft of the gang unit of the base station caused by the multiple functions of telecommunications equipment can not function properly, communication times for a long time a large area of ??paralysis.  
adverse impact on the series of cases are due to supervise the handling of Ministry of Public Security. Recently, Longgang District Prosecutor's Office for alleged destruction of public telecommunications facilities of a crime of Agriculture approved the arrest of seven people. The case is under further investigation.

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