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[供应链管理] Stochastic Modeling and Optimization: With Applications in Supply Chains [推广有奖]

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Yao, David D.; Zhang, Hanqin; Zhou, Xun Yu (Eds.)

This book covers the broad range of research in stochastic models and optimization. Applications covered include networks, financial engineering, production planning and supply chain management. Each contribution is aimed at graduate students working in operations research, probability, and statistics.


1 Discrete-time Singularly Perturbed Markov Chains *
2 Nearly Optimal Controls of Markovian Systems *
3 Stochastic Approximation, with Applications *
4 Performance Potential Based Optimization and Markov Decision Processes *
5 An Interior-Point and Decomposition Approach to Stochastic Programming *
6 Stability of General Processing Networks *
7 Large Deviations, Long-Range Dependence, and Queues *
8 Markowitz's World in Continuous Time, and Beyond *
9 A Markov Chain Method for Pricing Contingent Claims *
10 Stochastic Network Models and Optimization of a Hospital System *
11 Optimal Airline Booking Control with Cancellations *
12 Information Revision and Decision Making in Supply Chain Management

About David Yao
[size=+4]D[size=+3]AVID [size=+4]D [size=+3]. [size=+4]Y[size=+3]AO
Columbia University
IEOR Department
New York, NY 10027-6699
Phone: (212) 854-2934
FAX: (212) 854-8103


[size=+0]David Yao received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Toronto (1983), was Assistant Professor at Columbia University (1983-86), Associate Professor at Harvard University (1986-88), and since 1988 has been a full Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at Columbia University. In addition, he held a visiting scientist (part-time) appointment at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (1990-2003).

He has been an IEEE Fellow, an INFORMS Fellow, and a Guggenheim Fellow (1991/92); and has received the Presidential Young Investigator Award (1987-92) from the National Science Foundation; the Franz Edelman Award (first prize, 1999) from the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS); the SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize (2003) from the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics; and from IBM: Outstanding Technical Achievement Award (1999), Research Division Award (1996), Invention Achievement Award (1992, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2005), and IBM Faculty Award (2006).

Professor Yao's teaching and research interests are in stochastic models, queues and queueing networks, focusing on the analysis, design and control of stochastic systems, such as manufacturing systems, supply chains, and communication networks. Author/co-author of over 180 refereed publications, three books and five edited volumes, he is a leading contributor to the theory and applications in his field, and has served on the editorial board of several leading journals, including Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Management Science, Operations Research, Operations Research Letters, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, and Queueing Systems. He has been listed in several major biographical references, including Who's Who in America, Who's Who in Science and Engineering, American Men and Women of Science, Who's Who in American Education, and Who's Who in Business and Finance.

His professional society associations include IEEE, INFORMS and SIAM. He served as Chairman (1992/93), Chairman Elect (1991/92), and Past Chairman (1993/94) of what is now the Applied Probability Society of INFORMS. He was Co-Chair of the Program and Organizing Committees of the 12th INFORMS Applied Probability Society Conference (Beijing, June 2004). He has served on the INFORMS (ORSA) Lanchester Prize Committee (1992/93); and on the INFORMS John von Neumann Theory Prize Committee (2001-03), which he chaired in 2003.

Professor Yao is a founding member of Columbia's Center for Applied Probability (CAP) , and serves on its Executive Committee. At Columbia, he is the principal architect of several academic programs, including the M.S. degree program in Financial Engineering. He is also the founding and current Director of the Center for Logistics Technologies and Supply Chain Optimization at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. A principal investigator of numerous grants and contracts from both government agencies and industrial sources, he has done extensive research and consulting work in various aspects of semiconductor fabrication, inventory and distribution planning, scheduling and resource management in computer operating systems, internet traffic modeling, web-server performance optimization, and supply chain management. He is a holder of six U.S. patents in manufacturing operations and supply chain logistics.


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关键词:Optimization Supply Chain Applications Application Stochastic Applications Modeling Optimization Chains Supply

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一品小猪 发表于 2010-7-21 11:47:12 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
David D. Yao  

Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
302 Mudd Building, Columbia University, MC4704
500 West 120 St, New York, NY 10027-6699
E-mail: yao@columbia.edu
URL: http://www.columbia.edu/~yao
Tel: 212-854-2934; Fax: 212-854-8103

Ph.D. (Industrial Engineering and Operations Research), University of Toronto, 1983; M.A.Sc., 1981.
Academic Appointments
Columbia University:
Thomas Alva Edison Professor (1992)
Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (1988)
Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, (1983-86).
Harvard University:
Associate Professor of Systems Engineering (1986-88).
Yale University:
Visiting Professor of Operations Research, 1991/92.
Honors and Awards
Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award, Columbia Engineering Alumni Association, 2009.
IBM Faculty Award, IBM Corporation, 2005.
Fellow, Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, 2005.
SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (2003).
Franz Edelman Award (first prize), Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (1999).
Outstanding Technical Achievement Award, IBM Research Division (1999).
Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (1997).
Research Division Award, IBM Research Division (1996).
Invention Achievement Award, IBM Research Division, (1992, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2005).
Guggenheim Fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Foundation (1991/92).
Presidential Young Investigator, National Science Foundation (1987-92).
George E. Nicholson, Jr. Memorial Award,
first prize; Operations Research Society of America (1983).
Ontario (Canada) Graduate Scholarship (1982/83);
University of Toronto Open Doctoral Fellowship (1981/82);
University of Toronto Open Masters Fellowship (1980/81).

Research Grants

As Principal Investigator/Project Director:
NSF-CMMI-0969328, ``Dynamic Scheduling and Resource Control in Stochastic Processing Networks: Beyond Priority Rules,'' ($325,000 for three years, starting June 1, 2010).
NSF-CNS-0325495, ``P2P Network Theory,'' ($982,292 for five years, starting September 15, 2003; with Dan Rubenstein).
NSF-DMI-0085124, "Multi-Product Assemble-to-Order Systems: Performance Analysis and Supply Chain Optimization,'' ($220,000 for three years, starting October 1, 2000).
NSF-ECS-9705392, "Dynamic Scheduling and Resource Management of Parallel Processors," ($180,000 for three years, starting October 1, 1997).
NSF-DMS-9631392, "Center for Applied Probability: Infrastructure Support for an Interdisciplinary Center" ($1,000,000 for five years, starting September 1, 1996; with Chris C. Heyde).
NSF-DMI-9523029, "Process Control: Dynamics and Coordination" ($179,000 for three years, starting October 1, 1995).
NSF-MSS-9216490, "Intelligent Control Initiative: Monotone Control of Discrete-Event Systems" ($200,000 for three years, starting September 1, 1992; with Paul Glasserman).
NSF-DDM-9108540, "Stochastic Convexity in Queueing Networks and Its Applications, Phase II" ($120,000 for two years, starting September 1, 1991).
NSF-ECS-8803183, "Stochastic Convexity in Queueing Networks and Its Applications" ($209,979 for three years, starting August 15, 1988).
NSF-ECS-8658157, "Optimization and Control of Discrete-Event Stochastic Systems" ($312,500 for five years, starting October 1, 1987).
NSF-DMC-8503986, "Research Initiation: Flexible Routing in Manufacturing Systems" ($59,694 for two years, starting August 1, 1985).

International Business Machines, Faculty Award, ``Research in Stochastic Networks'' ($30,000 for one year, starting September 1, 2005).
Electric Power Research Institute, RP-8030-22, "Monotone Control of Discrete-Event Systems" ($100,000 for two years, starting September 1, 1994; with Paul Glasserman).
International Business Machines, Agreement No. 15160046, "Analysis, Design and Control of Manufacturing Systems" $121,705, February 1, 1990 - January 31, 1991).
International Business Machines, Agreement No. 15160045, "Analysis, Design and Control of Manufacturing Systems" ($146,618, February 1, 1989 - January 31, 1990).
Solar Instrument, Inc., Manufacturing Research Fellowship ($30,000 awarded to doctoral student Yindong Lu, 1994).
AT&T Bell Laboratories ($25,000, 1987).
Digital Equipment Corporation ($37,500, 1987).
General Electric Corporation ($7,500, 1987).
GTE Laboratories ($40,000, 1987-91).
International Business Machines Corporation ($12,500, 1987/88).
Xerox Corporation ($20,000, 1987/88).

Hong Kong RGC Grant CUHK4188/09, ``Joint Replenishment and Re-distribution in Supply Networks: Structural Properties and Asymptotic Optimality,'' (HK$588,793 for three years, starting Oct 1, 2009).
Hong Kong RGC Grant CUHK4182/07, ``Dynamic Resource Control: Limiting Regimes and Asymptotic Optimality,'' (with Hengqing Ye; HK$684,000 for three years, starting Oct 1, 2007).
Hong Kong RGC Grant CUHK4179/05E, ``Stochastic Networks with Concurrent Resource Occupancy,'' (HK$538,836 for three years, starting Oct 1, 2005).
Hong Kong RGC Grant CUHK4173/03E, ``Studies on Dynamic Pricing Models,'' (HK$377,149 for two years, starting September 1, 2003).
Lee Charitable Foundation (via Chinese University), Hong Kong, "R&D Center: Internet Business for Chinese Enterprises", (HK$6,000,000 for three years, starting January 1, 2001; with X.Q. Cai).
Hong Kong RGC Grant CUHK4175/00E, ``Linear Quadratic Control via Semidefinite Programming, with Applications,'' (with S. Zhang and X.Y. Zhou; HK$635,817 for three years, starting October 1, 2000).
Hong Kong RGC/NSFC Grant CUHK10, ``Supply Chain Structure and Information Dynamics,'' (with H. Yan; HK$680,000 for three years, starting January 1, 2000).
Hong Kong RGC Grant CUHK4376/99E, ``Studies on Assemble-to-Order Systems,'' (HK$622,000 for three years, starting September 1, 1999).
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, "Strategic Research in Risk and Optimization" (HK$ 800,000 for three years, starting January 1, 1999).

As Co-PI:
NSF Engineering Research Center in Telecommunications at Columbia University, (1985 - 1994).
NSF Engineering Research Center in Systems at University of Maryland and Harvard University, (1987 - 89).
ONR-N00014-84-K-0465, Joint Services Electronics Program at Harvard University, (1986 - 89).

Hong Kong RGC Grant, "Managing Inventory Replenishment, Product Substitution, and Pricing in Supply Chain" (HK$538,836 for three years, starting September 2005; with Shaohui Zheng).
Hong Kong RGC Grant CUHK4242/04E, "Continuous Linear Programming - Computational and Control Perspectives" (three years, starting October 2004; with Shuzhong Zhang (PI) and Xunyu Zhou).
Hong Kong RGC Grant CUHK4234/01E, "Risk-Sensitive Control" (HK$762,762 for three years, starting December 1, 2001; with X.Y. Zhou).
Hong Kong RGC Grant HKUST6063/97E, "Studies on Networks of Inventory Queues" (HK$760,000 for two years, starting July 1, 1997; with Liming Liu).

"Job Configuration for Semiconductor Manufacturing," D.P. Connors and David D. Yao; U.S. Patent 5,341,302, August, 1994.
"System and Method for Inspection of Products Supplied with Warranties," David D. Yao, Jinfa Chen and Shaohui Zheng; U.S. Patent 5,608,658, March, 1997.
"A Method for Providing Inventory Optimization," Markus Ettl, Grace Lin, Gerald Feigin and David D. Yao; U.S. Patent 5,946,662, August 31, 1999.
"A Method for Estimating Future Replenishment Requirements and Inventory Levels in Physical Distribution Networks," Gerald Feigin, K. Katircioglu and David D. Yao; U.S. Patent 6,006,196, December 21, 1999.
"Large Inventory-Service Optmization in Configuration-to-Order Systems," F. Cheng, Markus Ettl, Grace Lin, and David D. Yao; U.S. Patent 6,970,841, November 29, 2005.
"Large Inventory-Service Optmization in Configuration-to-Order Systems," F. Cheng, Markus Ettl, Grace Lin, and David D. Yao; U.S. Patent 7,496,530, Feb 24, 2009 (additional claims to U.S. patent 6,970,841).
``Tracking a Financial Benchmark with a Few Assets,'' Yao, D.D., Zhang, S. and Zhou, X.; provisional patent filed February 19, 2004.
Editorial Boards
Editor-in-Chief, Frontiers and Trends in Stochastics Systems (2005 - present);
Area Editor (Stochastic Models), Operations Research (1995 - 2006);
Department Editor, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Theory and Applications (1991 - present);
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (1997 - 99);
Associate Editor, Management Science (1990 - 97);
Associate Editor, Operations Research Letters (1989 - present);
Associate Editor, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences (1989 - present);
Associate Editor, Queueing Systems, Theory and Applications (1989 - present);
Associate Editor, IIE Transactions (1993 - 97);
Associate Editor, Naval Research Logistics (1989 - 94);
Associate Editor, ORSA Journal on Computing (1992 - 95).
Professional and Honor Society Membership
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Fellow)
Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (Fellow)
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Omega Rho (Honor Society for Operations Research and Management Science)
Alpha Pi Mu (Honor Society for Industrial Engineering)
Biographical Reference Listings


一品小猪 发表于 2010-7-21 11:47:46 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Biographical Reference Listings
Who's Who in America
American Men and Women of Science
Who's Who in Science and Engineering
Who's Who in American Education
Who's Who in Business and Finance

Postdoctoral Fellows Supervised
Hong Chen (Ph.D., Stanford University, 1987), postdoctoral research in optimization and control in queueing networks, September 1987 - August 1988, at Harvard University.
Jixian Zhang (Ph.D., Georgia Tech., 1988), postdoctoral research in combinatorial and stochastic optimization, September 1988 - August 1989, at Harvard University.
Doctoral Dissertations Advised
S.C. Kim (Ph.D., Columbia University, 1985) "Loading, Assignment and Allocation Problems in a Class of Manufacturing Systems".
Gerald Feigin (Ph.D., Harvard University, 1990) "Comparison Methods for Scheduling Control of Multiclass Queues".
Dinah Cheng (Ph.D., Columbia University, 1990) "Tandem Queues with General Blocking: Stochastic Comparisons and Structural Properties".
Kenneth Budka (Ph.D. Harvard University, 1991) "Sample Path Analysis of Flow Control Schemes in Telecommunication Networks".
Bing Zhao (Ph.D., Columbia University, 1993) "Probabilistic Analysis of Some Combinatorial Optimization Problems".
Sanjay Mithal (Ph.D. Columbia University, 1994) "Limit Theorems for Networks of Finite Buffer Queues in Heavy Traffic."
Shaohui Zheng (Ph.D. Columbia University, 1994) "Dynamic Approaches to Some Quality Control Problems."
Youyi Feng (Ph.D., Columbia University, 1994; co-supervised with G. Gallego) "Optimal Pricing for Perishable Assets."
Guojian Li (Ph.D. Columbia University, 1995) "Applications of Stochastic Processes to Asset Planning."
Jinfa Chen (Ph.D. Columbia University, 1997) "Substitution and Inspection Models in Production-Inventory Systems."
Li Zhang (Ph.D. Columbia University, 1997) "Reliability and Dynamic Scheduling of Stochastic Networks."
Yingdong Lu (Ph.D. Columbia University, 1998) "Stochastic Scheduling of Multi-Class Networks with Side Constraints."
University Committees (Columbia; partial list)
Provost's Search Committee for Engineering Dean (1994/95)
Provost's Salary Equity Committee (1994/95)
Strategic Planning Committee, School of Engineering and Applied Science (1993/94)
Executive Committee, Center for Applied Probability (1993 - present)
Columbia University:
Graduate Courses --- Discrete Event Stochastic Systems, Queueing Networks, Queueing Theory, Advanced Stochastic Models, Stochastic Models II, Analysis of Automated Manufacturing Systems, Introduction to Financial Engineering, OR Method in Finance, Financial Engineering II, Continuous-Time Asset Pricing, Production and Inventory Control, Probability and Statistics, Production Management.
Undergraduate Courses --- Probability, Probability and Statistics, Production and Inventory Control, Production Scheduling, Facility Layout and Location.
Harvard University:
Graduate Courses --- Discrete Event Stochastic Systems, Mathematical Programming.
Yale University:
Graduate Course --- Structural Properties in Discrete-Event Stochastic Systems.
Undergraduate Course --- Probability and Stochastic Models.
Other Professional Activities
Visiting Scientist/Consultant:
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (1990 - );
AT&T Bell Laboratories, ConAgra, Digital Equipment, GE, GTE, USWest, Xerox.
Chair, INFORMS Applied Probability Society Special Committee to examine the launch of a new journal in collaboration with the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), 2006/07.
Chair, INFORMS John von Neumann Theory Prize Committee (2003). Member, INFORMS John von Neumann Theory Prize Committee (2001-03).
Chairman (1992/93), Chairman Elect (1991/92), Past Chairman (1993/94), ORSA Technical Section and TIMS College of Applied Probability (now the Applied Probability Society of INFORMS).
Director, Center for the Advancement of E-Commerce Technologies, Chinese University of Hong Kong in collaboration with Sun Microsystems and Oracle (1999 - ).
Senior Fellow, Center for the Management of Operations and Logistics, University of Texas, Austin (1996-2000).
Council Member (1992 - 95), ORSA Technical Section of Telecommunications.
Member, ORSA Lanchester Prize Committee (1992/93).
Program Co-Chair, INFORMS Applied Probability Society Conference (Beijing, June 2003).
Program Chair, Second ORSA Telecommunications Conference, March 1992, Boca Raton, Florida.
Member, Program Committee of (partial list): ORSA /TIMS Special Interest Meeting on Flexible Manufacturing Systems (Boston, 1989); IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (Nice, France, May 1992); ORSA /TIMS Applied Probability Meeting (Paris, France, June 1993); INFORMS Applied Probability Meeting (New York, July 2001); 3rd/4th ORSA Telecommunications Conference (Boca Raton, Florida, March 1995/March 1998); IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (San Diego, December 1997); ACM Performance Conference (2001-2005); IEEE INFOCOM (2005).
Cluster Chair, Applied Probability, ORSA/TIMS Anaheim.
Referee for:
Advances in Applied Probability, Annals of Operations Research, Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems - Theory and Applications, European Journal of Operational Research, Information Sciences, Information Systems and Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Computer, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, IIE Transactions, International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Applied Probability, Journal of the Association of Computing Machinery, Journal of Distributed and Parallel Computing, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Journal of Optimization - Theory and Applications, Journal of Robotic Systems, Large Scale Systems, Management Science, Material Flow, Mathematics of Operations Research, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, Operations Research, Operations Research Letters, Opsearch, Performance Evaluation, Queueing Systems - Theory and Applications, Royal Statistical Society (UK), Scandanavian Journal of Statistics, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, Systems and Control Letters, Transportation Science.
Reviewer and Panelist for:
National Science Foundation: Division of Electrical, Communications and Systems Engineering; Division of Networking and Communications; Division of Design, Manufacturing and Computer-Integrated Engineering; Program of Decision, Risk and Management Science;
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada;
International Science Foundation;
German-Israel Foundation;
Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (Engineering Panel).


一品小猪 发表于 2010-7-21 11:48:55 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

Yao, D.D. and Zheng, S., Dynamic Control of Quality in Production-Inventory Systems: Coordination and Optimization, Springer-Verlag, Series in Operations Research, 2002.
Chen, H. and Yao, D.D., Fundamentals of Queueing Networks: Performance, Asymptotics and Optimization, Springer-Verlag, Applications of Mathematics, 46, 2001.
Glasserman, P. and Yao, D.D. Monotone Structure in Discrete-Event Systems, Wiley Inter-Science, Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 1994.

Shanthikumar, J.G., Yao, D.D. and Zijm, W.H.M. (eds.), Stochastic Modeling and Optimization of Manufacturing Systems and Supply Chains, Kluwer, International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, 63, 2003.
Yao, D.D., Zhang, H. and Zhou, X.Y. (eds.), Stochastic Modeling and Optimization, with Applications in Queues, Finance, and Supply Chains, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
Song, J.S. and Yao, D.D. (eds.), Supply Chain Structures: Coordination, Information, and Optimization, Kluwer, International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, 42, 2001.
Glasserman, P., Sigman, K., and Yao, D.D. (eds.) Stochastic Networks: Stability and Rare Events, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Statistics, 117, 1996.
Yao, D.D. (ed.) Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems, Springer-Verlag, Series in Operations Research, 1994.


一品小猪 发表于 2010-7-21 11:49:23 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Journal Papers (Appeared and Accepted)
Xu, H., Yao, D.D.\ and Zheng, S., Optimal Replenishment and Substitution of an Inventory System with Nonstattionary Batch Demand. Production and Operations Management.
Ye, H. and Yao, D.D., Utility-Maximizing Resource Control: Diffusion Limit and Asymptotic Optimality for a Two-Bottleneck Model. Operations Research.
Chen, H., Wu, O., and Yao, D.D., Optimal Pricing and Replenishment in a Single-Product Inventory System. Production and Operations Management.
Wang, X.Q., Zhang, S.Z., and Yao, D.D., Separated Continuous Conic Programming: Strong Duality and an Approximation Algorithm. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization.
Ye, H. and Yao, D.D., Heavy-Traffic Optimality of a Stochastic Network under Utility-Maximizing Resource Control. Operations Research, 56 (2008), 453-470.
Lin, G.Y., Lu, Y. and Yao, D.D., The Stochastic Knapsack Revisited: Switch-Over Policies and Dynamic Pricing. Operations Research, 56 (2008), 945-957.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D., John A. Buzacott and His Pioneering Contributions to Manufacturing and Service Systems. Production and Operations Management, 16 (2007), 657-664.
Yao, D.D., Comments on: Dynamic Priority Allocation via Restless Bandit Marginal Productivity Indices. TOP (OR Journal of the Spanish Statistics and OR Society), 15 (2007), 220-223.
Yao, D.D., Zhang, S., and Zhou, X., Tracking a Financial Benchmark with a Few Assets. Operations Research, 54 (2006), 232-246.
Lu, Yingdong, J.S. Song and Yao, D.D., Backorder Minimization in Multiproduct Assemble-to-Order Systems. IIE Transactions, 37 (8) (2005), 763-774.
Yao, D.D., Zhang, S., and Zhou, X., Stochastic LQ Control via Primal-Dual Semidefinite Programming. SIAM Review, 46 (2004), 85-111 (an invited SIGEST paper).
Glasserman, P. and Yao, D.D. Optimal Coupling is Totally Positive and More. Journal of Applied Probability, 41A (2004), 321-332.
Liu, L., Liu, X. and Yao, D.D., Analysis and Optimization of Multi-Stage Inventory-Queues. Management Science, 50 (2004), 365-380.
Lu, Y. and Yao, D.D., Optimal Control of a Fluid Network with Side Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 48 (2003), 1865-1869.
Lu, Y., Song, J.S. and Yao, D.D., Order Fill Rate, Leadtime Variability, and Advance Demand Information in an Assemble-to-Order System. Operations Research, 51 (2003), 292-308.
Song, J.S. and Yao, D.D., Performance Analysis and Optimization of Assemble-to-Order Systems with Random Leadtimes. Operations Research, 50 (2002), 889-903.
Chen, H., Shen, X. and Yao, D.D., Brownian Approximations of Multiclass Open Queueing Networks. Operations Research, 50 (2002), 1032-1049.
Cheng, F., Ettl, M., Lin, G. and Yao, D.D., Inventory-Service Optimization in Configure-to-Order Systems. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management. 4 (2002), 114-132.
Yao, D.D., Zhang, S., and Zhou, X., Stochastic LQ Control via Semidefinite Programming. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 40 (2001), 801-823. Awarded 2003 SIAM Outstanding Paper Prize.
Yao, D.D., Zhang, S., and Zhou, X., A Primal-Dual Semidefinite Programming Approach to Linear Quadratic Control. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 46 (2001), 1442-1447.
Chen, J., Yao, D.D. and Zheng, S., Optimal Replenishment and Rework with Multiple Unrealible Supply Sources. Operations Research, 49 (2001), 430-443.
Ettl, M., Feigin, G., Lin, G., and Yao, D.D. A Supply Network Model with Base-Stock Control and Service Requirements. Operations Research, 48 (2000), 216-232.
Lin, G., Ettl, M., Buckley, S., Bagchi, S., Yao, D.D., Naccarato, B.L., Allan, R., Kim, K., and Koenig, L., Extended-Enterprise Supply-Chain Management at IBM Personal Systems Group and Other Divisions, Interfaces, 30 (2000), 7-25.
Yao, D.D. and Zheng, S. Sequential Inspection under Capacity Constraints. Operations Research, 47 (1999), 410-421.
Yao, D.D. and Zheng, S. Coordinated Quality Control in a Two-Stage System. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 44 (1999), 1166-1179.
Squillante, M.S., Yao, D.D., and Zhang, L., Analysis of Job Arrival Patterns and Parallel Scheduling Performance. Performance Evaluation, 36-37 (1999), 137-163.
Chang, C.S., Yao, D.D., and Zajic, T. Large Deviations, Moderate Deviations, and Queues with Long-Range Dependent Input. Advances in Applied Probability, 31 (1999) 254-277.
Yao, D.D. and Zheng, S. Sequential Quality Control in Batch Manufacturing. Annals of Operations Research, 87 (1999), 3-30.
Yao, D.D., Discussion notes: The Achievable Region Approach to the Optimal Control of Stochastic Systems, by M. Dacre, K. Glazebrook and J. Nino-Mora, Journal of the Royal Statistics Society, B, 61 (1999).
Gong, W. and Yao, D.D., An Appreciation of Professor Yu-Chi Ho, Journal of Optimization, Theory and Applications, Special Issue guest-edited by Gong and Yao, 100 (1999), 453-456.
Yao, D.D. and Zheng, S. Markov Decision Programming for Process Control in Batch Manufacturing. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences. 12 (1998), 351-372.
Chen, J., Yao, D.D. and Zheng, S. Quality Control for Products Supplied with Warranty. Operations Research, 46 (1998), 107-115.
Yao, D.D. and Zheng, S. Coordinated Production and Inspection in a Tandem System. Queueing Systems, Theory and Applications, 24 (1996), 59-82.
Connors, D. and Yao, D.D. Methods for Job Configuration in Semiconductor Manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 9 (1996), 401-411.
Connors, D., Feigin, G. and Yao, D.D. A Queueing Network Model for Semiconductor Manufacturing. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 9 (1996), 412-427.
Chang, C.S., Nelson, R. and Yao, D.D. Optimal Scheduling of Distributed Parallel Processors: Structural Properties and Optimal Policies, Mathematical and Computer Modeling (Special Issue: Advances in Discrete-Event Systems), 23 (1996), 93-114.
Glasserman, P. and Yao, D.D. Structured Buffer Allocation Problems. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, 6 (1996), 9-42.
Yao, D.D. S-Modular Games, with Queueing Applications. Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, 21 (1995), 449-475.
Glasserman, P. and Yao, D.D. Stochastic Difference Equation with Stationary Coefficients. Journal of Applied Probability, 32 (1995), 851-866.
Glasserman, P. and Yao, D.D. Subadditivity and Stability of a Class of Discrete-Event Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 40 (1995), 1514-1527.
Sigman, K. and Yao, D.D. Finite Moments of Inventory Processes. Annals of Applied Probability, 4 (1994), 765-778.
Chen, H., Yang, P. and Yao, D.D. Control and Scheduling in a Two-Station Network: Optimal Policies and Heuristics. Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, 18 (1994), 301-332.
Chang, C.S., Nelson, R. and Yao, D.D. Optimal Task Scheduling on Distributed Parallel Processors. Performance Evaluation, 20 (1994), 207-221.
Glasserman, P. and Yao, D.D. Monotone Optimal Control of Permutable GSMPs. Mathematics of Operations Research, 19 (1994), 449-476.
Connors, D., Feigin, G. and Yao, D.D. Scheduling Semiconductor Lines Using a Fluid Network Model. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 10 (1994), 88-98.
Chen, H. and Yao, D.D. Dynamic Scheduling Control of a Multi-Class Fluid Network. Operations Research, 41 (1993), 1104-1115.
Chen, H., Yang, P., Yao, D.D. and Chao, X. Optimal Control of a Simple Assembly System. Operations Research Letters, 14 (1993), 199-205.
Gallego, G., Yao, D.D. and Moon, I. Optimal Control of a Production Process with Trial Runs. Management Science, 39 (1993), 1499-1505.
Chang, C.S. and Yao, D.D. Rearrangement, Majorization, and Stochastic Scheduling. Mathematics of Operations Research, 18 (1993), 658-684.
Cheng, D.W. and Yao, D.D. Tandem Queues with General Blocking: A Unified Model and Comparison Results. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, 2 (1993), 207-234.


一品小猪 发表于 2010-7-21 11:49:51 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Yao, D.D. Le Style Est L'Homme, and beyond. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Theory and Applications, 3 (1993), 323.
Yao, D.D. On Wolff's PASTA Martingale. Operations Research, 40 (1992), 352-355.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. Spatiotemporal Convexity of Stochastic Processes and Applications. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 6 (1992), 1-16.
Glasserman, P. and Yao, D.D. Monotonicity in Generalized Semi-Markov Processes. Mathematics of Operations Research, 17 (1992), 1-21.
Glasserman, P. and Yao, D.D. Generalized Semi-Markov Processes: Antimatroid Structure and Second Order Properties. Mathematics of Operations Research, 17 (1992), 444-469.
Glasserman, P. and Yao, D.D. Some Guidelines and Guarantees of Common Random Numbers. Management Science, 38 (1992), 884-908.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. Multiclass Queueing Systems: Polymatroid Structure and Optimal Scheduling Control. Operations Research, 40 (1992), 293-299.
Chen, H. and Yao, D.D. A Fluid Model for Systems with Random Disruptions. Operations Research, 40 (1992), 239-247.
Glasserman, P. and Yao, D.D. Algebraic Structure of Some Stochastic Discrete Event Systems, with Applications. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, 1 (1991), 7-35.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. Bivariate Characterization of Some Stochastic Order Relations. Advances in Applied Probability, 23 (1991), 642-659.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. Strong Stochastic Convexity: Closure Properties and Applications. Journal of Applied Probability, 28 (1991), 131-145.
Ross, K.W. and Yao, D.D. Optimal Load Balancing and Scheduling in a Distributed Computer System. Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, 38 (1991), 676-690.
Yao, D.D. and Pei, F.F. Flexible Parts Routing in Manufacturing Systems. IIE Transactions, 22 (1990), 48-55.
Chen, H. and Yao, D.D. Optimal Intensity Control of a Queueing System with State-Dependent Capacity Limits. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 35 (1990), 459-464.
Chen, H. and Yao, D.D. Derivatives of the Expected Delay in the GI/G/1 Queue. Journal of Applied Probability, 28 (1990), 899-907.
Ross, K.W. and Yao, D.D. Monotonicity Properties for the Stochastic Knapsack. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 36 (1990), 1173-79.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. Optimal Scheduling Control of a Flexible Machine. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 6 (1990), 706-712.
Yao, D.D. and Klein, M. Lot Sizes under Continuous Demand: The Backorder Case. Naval Research Logistics, 36 (1989), 615-624.
Shanthikumar, J. G. and Yao, D.D. Optimal Buffer Allocation in a Multicell System. Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 1 (1989), 347-356.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. Second Order Stochastic Properties in Queueing Systems. Proceedings of IEEE, 77(1), (1989), 162-170.
Yao, D.D. and Schechner, Z. Decentralized Control of Service Rates in a Closed Jackson Network. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 34 (1989), 236-240.
Servi, L.D. and Yao, D.D. Bounds for Queueing Systems with Limited Service Schedule. Performance Evaluation, 9 (1989). 247-261.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. Stochastic Monotonicity in General Queueing Networks. Journal of Applied Probability, 26 (1989), 413-417.
Ross, K.W. and Yao, D.D. Optimal Dynamic Scheduling in Jackson Networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 34 (1989), 47-53.
Yao, D.D. Optimal Run Quantities for an Assembly System with Random Yields. IIE Transactions, 20 (1988), 399-403.
Yao, D.D. and Shanthikumar, J.G. Allocating a Joint Setup in a Multi-Cell System. Annals of Operations Research, 15 (1988), 155-167.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. Throughput Bounds for Closed Queueing Networks with Queue-Dependent Service Rates. Performance Evaluation, 9 (1988), 69-78.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. On Server Allocation in Multiple-Center Manufacturing Systems. Operations Research, 36 (1988) 333-342.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. Second-Order Properties of the Throughput in a Closed Queueing Network. Mathematics of Operations Research, 13 (1988) 524-534.
Yao, D.D. The Arrangement of Servers in an Ordered-Entry System. Operations Research, 35 (1987), 759-763.
Yao, D.D. and Kim, S.C. Reducing the Congestion in a Class of Job Shops. Management Science, 34 (1987), 1165-1172.
Shanthikumar J.G. and Yao, D.D. Comparing Ordered-Entry Queues with Heterogeneous Servers. Queueing Systems, Theory and Applications, 2 (1987) 235-244.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. Optimal Server Allocation in a System of Multi-Server Stations. Management Science, 34 (1987), 1173-1180.
Yao, D.D. and Buzacott, J.A. Modeling a Class of Flexible Manufacturing Systems with Reversible Routing. Operations Research, 35 (1987), 87-93.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. Stochastic Monotonicity of the Queue Lengths in Closed Queueing Networks. Operations Research, 35 (1987), 583-588 .
Yao, D.D. Majorization and Arrangement Orderings in Open Networks of Queues. Annals of Operations Research, 9 (1987), 531-543.
Yao, D.D. and Shanthikumar, J.G. The Optimal Input Rates to a System of Manufacturing Cells. INFOR, Information Systems and Operational Research, 25 (1987), 57-65.
Yao, D.D. and Kim, S.C. Some Order Relations in Closed Networks of Queues with Multi-Server Stations. Naval Research Logistics , 34 (1987), 53-66.
Yao, D.D. Some Results for Bulk-Arrival Queues. Selecta Statistica Canadiana, 7 (1986), 109-128.
Yao, D.D. Convexity Properties of the Overflow in an Ordered-Entry System with Heterogeneous Servers. Operations Research Letters, 5 (1986) 145-148.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. The Preservation of Likelihood Ratio Ordering under Convolution. Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 23 (1986), 259-267.
Buzacott, J.A. and Yao, D.D. Flexible Manufacturing Systems: A Review of Analytical Models. Management Science, 32 (1986), 890-905.
Buzacott, J.A. and Yao, D.D. On Queueing Network Models of Flexible Manufacturing Systems. Queueing Systems, Theory and Applications, 1 (1986), 5-28.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. The Effect of Increasing Service Rates in Closed Queueing Networks. Journal of Applied Probability, 23 (1986), 474-483.
Yao, D.D. An Optimal Storage Model for a Flexible Manufacturing System. Studies in Management Science and Systems, 12 (1986), 113-126.
Yao, D.D. and Buzacott, J.A. The Exponentialization Approach to Flexible Manufacturing Systems Models with General Processing Times. European Journal of Operational Research, 24 (1986), 410-416.
Yao, D.D. and Buzacott, J.A. Models of Flexible Manufacturing Systems with Limited Local Buffers. International Journal of Production Research, 24 (1986), 107-118.
Yao, D.D. Refining the Diffusion Approximation for the M/G/m Queue. Operations Research, 33 (1985), 1266-1277.
Yao, D.D. and Buzacott, J.A. Modeling the Performance of Flexible Manufacturing Systems. International Journal of Production Research, 23 (1985), 945-960.
Yao, D.D. Material and Information Flows in Flexible Manufacturing Systems. Material Flow, 2 (1985), 143-149.
Yao, D.D. and Buzacott, J.A. Modeling a Class of State-Dependent Routing in Flexible Manufacturing Systems. Annals of Operations Research, 3 (1985), 153-167.
Yao, D.D. First Passage Time Moments of Markov Processes. Journal of Applied Probability, 22 (1985), 939-945.
Yao, D.D. Some Results for the Queues M(X)/M/c and GI/(X)/G/c. Operations Research Letters, 4 (1985), 79-84.
Yao, D.D. Some Properties of the Throughput Function of Closed Networks of Queues. Operations Research Letters, 3 (1985), 313-318.
Yao, D.D. and Buzacott, J.A. Queueing Models for a Flexible Machining Station, I: Diffusion Approximations. European Journal of Operational Research, 19 (1985), 233-240.
Yao, D.D. and Buzacott, J.A. Queueing Models for a Flexible Machining Station, II: The Method of Coxian Phases. European Journal of Operational Research, 19 (1985), 241-252.
Yao, D.D., Chaudhry, M.L. and Templeton, J.G.C. Analyzing the Steady-State Queue GI(X)/G/1. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 35 (1984), 1027-1030.
Yao, D.D., Chaudhry, M.L. and Templeton, J.G.C. A Note on Some Relations in the Queue GI(X)/M/c. Operations Research Letters, 3 (1984), 53-56.
Yao, D.D., Chaudhry, M.L. and Templeton, J.G.C. On Bounds for Bulk Arrival Queues. European Journal of Operational Research, 15 (1984), 237-243.
Turksen, I.B. and Yao, D.D. Representation of Connectives in Fuzzy Reasoning: The View through Normal Forms. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC-14 (1984), 146-151.

Journal Editorials

Yao, D.D. Area Editor's Statement --- Stochastic Models. Operations Research, 48 (2000).
Yao, D.D. Area Editor's Statement --- Stochastic Models. Operations Research, 44 (1996), 248-249.
Doshi, B. and Yao, D.D. Editorial Introduction, Special Issue on Telecommunications. Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications, 20 (1995), 1-6.


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Book Chapters

Yao, D.D. and Zhou, X.Y., Financial Engineering. In: McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2008; pp. 125-128.
Cheng, F., Ettl, M., Lin, G.Y., Schwarz, M. and Yao, D.D., Designing Flexible Supply Chain Contracts via Options. In: Planning in the Extended Enterprise: A State of the Art Handbook. K.G. Kempf, P. Keskinocak, and R. Uzsoy (eds.), Springer, 2008.
Yao, D.D., Zhang, Q. and Zhou, X.Y., A Regime-Switching Model for European Options. In: Stochastic Processes, Optimization, and Control Theory Applications in Financial Engineearing, Queueing Networks, and Manufacturing Systems, H. Yan, G. Yin and Q. Zhang (eds.), Springer, 2006; pp. 281-300.
Cheng, F., Ettl, M., Lin, G. and Yao, D.D., Inventory Management in High Technology Value Chains. In: Supply Chain Management on Demand, C. An and H. Fromm (eds.), Springer, 2005; Chapter 3, 37-63.
Yao, D.D. and Zheng, S., Inventory with Substitution: Single- and Multi-Period Models. In: Stochastic Modeling and Optimization of Manufacturing Systems and Supply Chains, Shanthikumar, J.G., Yao, D.D. and Zijm, W.H.M. (eds.), Kluwer, 2003; Chapter 8, 177-202.
Feigin, G., Katircioglu, K., and Yao, D.D., Distribution Resource Planning: A Critique and Enhancement. In: Analysis and Modeling of Manufacturing Systems, S. Gershwin et al (eds.), Kluwer, 2003, Chapter 2, 37-68.
Yao, D.D., Dynamic Scheduling via Polymatroid Optimization. In: Performance Evaluation of Complex Systems: Techniques and Tools, M.C. Calzarossa and S. Tucci (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 2002, 89-113.
Chang, C.S., Yao, D.D., and Zajic, T., Large Deviations for Processes with Long-Range Dependence, with Queueing Applications. In: Stochastic Modeling and Optimization, with Applications in Queues, Finance, and Supply Chains, D.D. Yao, H. Zhang and X.Y. Zhou (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 2002.
Yao, D.D., Zhang, S., and Zhou, X., Linear Quadratic Control Revisited: A View through Semidefinite Programming. In: Modeling, Control and Optimization of Complex Systems, Weibo Gong and Leyuan Shi (eds.), Kluwer, 2002, Chapter 9, 195-235.
Song, J.S. and Yao, D.D., Introduction and Overview. In: Supply Chain Structures: Coordination, Information, and Optimization, J.S. Song and D.D. Yao (eds.), Kluwer, 2001, Chapter 1, 1-6.
Brown, A.O., Ettl, M., Lin, G., Petrakian, R. and Yao, D.D., Inventory Allocation at a Semiconductor Company: Modeling and Optimization. In: Supply Chain Structures: Coordination, Information, and Optimization, J.S. Song and D.D. Yao (eds.), Kluwer, 2001, Chapter 9, 283-309.
Yao, D.D., Production-Inventory Systems. In: Industrial Engineering Handbook, G. Salvendy (ed.), Wiley, 2001, Chapter 61, 1669-1694.
Yao, D.D. and Zheng, S., Optimality of Sequential Quality Control via Stochastic Orders. In: Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes (a volume in honor of Julian Keilson), J.G. Shanthikumar and U. Sumita (eds.), Kluwer, 1999, Chapter 10, 129-147.
Squillante, M.S., Yao, D.D., and Zhang, L., Internet Traffic: Periodicity, Tail Behavior, and Performance Implications. In: Systems Performance Evaluation: Methodologies and Applications, E. Gelenbe (ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1999, Chapter 2, 23-37.
Yao, D.D. and Zhang, L. Stochastic Scheduling and Polymatroid Optimization, Lecture Notes in Applied Mathematics, 33, George Yin and Qing Zhang (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1997, 333-364.
Chen, H. and Yao, D.D. Stable Priority Disciplines for Multiclass Networks. Stochastic Networks: Stability and Rare Events, Glasserman, P., Sigman, K., and Yao, D.D. (eds.) Springer-Verlag, 1996, Chapter 2, 27-39.
Chang, C.S., Yao, D.D., and Zajic, T. Moderate Deviations for Queues with Long-Range Dependent Input. Stochastic Networks: Stability and Rare Events, Glasserman, P., Sigman, K., and Yao, D.D. (eds.) Springer-Verlag, 1996, Chapter 14, 275-298.
Yao, D.D. Stochastic Convexity and Submodularity, with Production Applications. Probability Models and Statistics, A J. Medhi Festschirt, A. Borthakur (ed.), Wiley Eastern (New Age International), New Delhi, 1996, 1-28.
Melamed, B. and Yao, D.D. The ASTA Property. Advances in Queueing, Theory, Methods and Open Problems, J.H. Dshalalow (ed.), CRC Press, 1995, Chapter 7, 195-224.
Buzacott, J.A., Shanthikumar, J.G., and Yao, D.D. Jackson Network Models of Manufacturing Systems. Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems D.D. Yao (ed.), Springer-Verlag, 1994, Chapter 1, 1-46.
Glasserman, P., and Yao, D.D. A GSMP Framework for the Analysis of Production Lines. Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems D.D. Yao (ed.), Springer-Verlag, 1994, Chapter 4, 131-186.
Chang, C.S., Shanthikumar, J.G., and Yao, D.D. Stochastic Convexity and Stochastic Majorization. Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems D.D. Yao (ed.), Springer-Verlag, 1994, Chapter 5, 187-230.
Shanthikumar, J.G., and Yao, D.D. Stochastic Comparisons in Closed Jackson Networks. In Stochastic Orders, M. Shaked and J.G. Shanthikumar, Academic Press, 1994, Chapter 14, 433-460.
Yao, D.D. Conservation Laws and Polymatroid Structure, MaGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, MaGraw-Hill, 1992, 370-372.
Shanthikumar, J.G., and Yao, D.D. Second-Order Stochastic Properties in Queueing Systems. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Y.C. Ho (ed.), IEEE Press, 1990.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. Monotonicity Properties in Cyclic Queueing Networks with Finite Buffers. Queueing Networks with Blocking, H. Perros and T. Altiok (eds.), Elsevier Science, 1989, 325-344.
Yao, D.D. Modeling Flexible Manufacturing Systems Using Product-Form Queueing Networks. Progress in Materials Handling Logistics, Vol. 1, J.A. White and I.W. Pence (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1989, 223-236.
Dallery, Y. and Yao, D.D. Modeling a System of Flexible Manufacturing Cells. Modelling and Design of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, A. Kusiak (ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1986, 289-300.
Yao, D.D. and Shanthikumar, J.G. Some Resource Allocation Problems in Multi-Cell Systems. Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Operations Research Models and Applications, K.E. Stecke and R. Suri (eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1986, 245-256.


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Refereed Proceedings

Xu, H., Yao, D.D. and Zheng, S., Inventory with Flexible Substitution. Proceedings of INFORMS/MSOM Conference. University of Maryland, June, 2008.
Yao, D.D. and Xiao, Y., Asymptotically Optimal Decisions for Replenishment and Transshipment. Proceedings of INFORMS/MSOM Conference. Beijing, June, 2007.
Yao, D.D. and Ye, Hengqing, Asymptotic Optimality of Threshold Controls in a Stochastic Network based on a Fixed-Point Approximation. Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Mathematical Performance Modeling and Analysis. June 27, 2006, St. Malo, France.
Ye, Hengqing and Yao, D.D., Asymptotic Optimality of the Max-Min Fair Allocation. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems. Ann Arbor, Michigan, July 10-12, 2006. pp. 352-357.
Kumar, R., Yao, D.D., Bagchi, A., Ross, K. and Rubenstein, D., Fluid Modeling of Pollution Proliferation in P2P Networks. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 34(1) (June 2006), 335-346.
Adler, M., Kumar, R., Ross, K., Rubenstein, D., Turner, D., and Yao, D.D., Optimal Peer Selection for P2P Downloading and Streaming, IEEE Infocom 2005.
Adler, M., Kumar, R., Ross, K., Rubenstein, D., Turner, D., and Yao, D.D., Optimal Peer Selection in a Free Market Peer-Resource Economy. Second Workshop on Economics of Peer-to-Peer Systems, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 2004.
Adler, M., Kumar, R., Ross, K., Rubenstein, D., Turner, D., and Yao, D.D., Two Optimal Peer Selection Problems, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 32(2) (September 2004), 28-30.
Li, Xuan, and Yao, D.D., Control and Pricing in Stochastic Networks with Concurrent Resource Occupancy, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, 32(2) (September 2004), 50-52.
Squillante, M.S., Xia, C.H., Yao, D.D., and Zhang, L., Threshold-Based Priority Policies for Parallel-Server Systems with Affinity Scheduling. Proceedings of the 2001 American Control Conference . Arlington, VA, 2001, 2992-2999.
Yao, D.D. and Zheng, S., Optimal Control of a Multi-Product Inventory System with Substitution. Proceedings of IEEE 38th Conference on Decision and Control. Phoenix, Arizona, 1999, 468-473.
Yao, D.D., Zhang, S., and Zhou, X., Linear Quadratic Control via Semi-Definite Programming. Proceedings of IEEE 38th Conference on Decision and Control. Phoenix, Arizona, 1999, 1027-1033.
Feigin, G., Katircioglu, K., and Yao, D.D., Capacity Allocation in Semiconductor Fabrication. Proceedings of IEEE 38th Conference on Decision and Control. Phoenix, Arizona, 1999, 1374-1379.
Squillante, M.S., Yao, D.D., and Zhang, L., Web Traffic Modeling and Web Server Performance Analysis. Proceedings of IEEE 38th Conference on Decision and Control. Phoenix, Arizona, 1999, 4432-4437.
Squillante, M.S., Yao, D.D., and Zhang, L., Analysis of Job Arrival Patterns and Parallel Scheduling Performance. Performance '99, Istanbul, Turkey, 1999.
Yao, D.D. and Zheng, S., Sequential Inspection in a Two-Stage System. Proceedings of IEEE 36th Conference on Decision and Control. San Diego, CA., 1997, 4068-74.
Yao, D.D. and Zhang, L. Dynamic Scheduling of a Class of Stochastic Systems: Optimality and the Polymatroid Structure, Proceedings of IEEE 36th Conference on Decision and Control. San Diego, CA., 1997, 1191-96.
Yao, D.D. and Zheng, S., Sequential Quality Control of a Machining Process. Proceedings of IEEE 34th Conference on Decision and Control. New Orleans, LA, 1995, 3128-33.
Yao, D.D. and Li, G. S-Modular Games and Flow Control. Proceedings of 28th Princeton Conference on Information Sciences and Systems. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 1994, 1-6.
Glasserman, P. and Yao, D.D. Subadditivity and Stability of a Class of Discrete-Event Systems. Proceedings of IEEE 32nd Conference on Decision and Control. San Antonio, Texas, 1993, 3172-77.
Sigman, K. and Yao, D.D. Finite Moments of Inventory Processes. Proceedings of 31st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, 1993, 423-432.
Glasserman, P. and Yao, D.D. Monotone Rate Control of Permutable GSMPs. Proceedings of IEEE 31st Conference on Decision and Control. Tucson, Arizona, 1992, 777-782.
Chen, H. and Yao, D.D. Studies on Systems with Random Disruptions via Fluid Models. Proceedings of American Control Conference. Boston, MA, 1991, 449-454.
Yang, P., Chen, H. and Yao, D.D. Optimal Control and Scheduling in a Multiclass Queueing Network: Results and Conjectures. Proceedings of IEEE 29th Conference on Decision and Control. Honolulu, Hawaii, 1990, 582-586.
Budka, K.C. and Yao, D.D. Monotonicity and Convexity Properties of Rate Control Throttles. Proceedings of IEEE 29th Conference on Decision and Control. Honolulu, Hawaii, 1990, 883-884.
Glasserman, P. and Yao, D.D. Applications of Some Structural Properties in Stochastic Discrete Event Systems. Proceedings of IEEE 29th Conference on Decision and Control. Honolulu, Hawaii, 1990, 1317-22.
Yao, D.D. and Cheng, D.W. New Wave Manufacturing Systems Modeling. Proceedings of NSF Grantees Conference on Design and Manufacturing, Tempe, Arizona, January 1990.
Lin, F. and Yao, D.D. Generalized Semi-Markov Process: A View Through Supervisory Control. Proceedings of IEEE 28th Conference on Decision and Control. Tampa, Florida, 1989, 1075-76.
Chen, H. and Yao, D.D. Optimal Scheduling of Multi-Class Queueing Networks: The Approach via Fluid Networks. Proceedings of 28th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Tampa, Florida, 1989, 1105-06.
Servi, L.D. and Yao, D.D. Stochastic Bounds for Vacation Models with Limited Service. Proceedings of the International Seminar of Performance of Distributed and Parallel Systems. Kyoto, Japan, 1988.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. Stochastic Convexity and Its Applications in Parametric Optimization of Queueing Systems. Proceedings of IEEE 27th Conference on Decision and Control. Austin, TX, 1988, 657-662.
Yao, D.D. and Schechner, Z. Decentralized Control of Service Rates in a Closed Jackson Network. Proceedings of IEEE 26th Conference on Decision and Control. Los Angeles, 1987, 1487-1490.
Shanthikumar, J.G. and Yao, D.D. General Queueing Networks: Representation and Stochastic Monotonicity. Proceedings of 26th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Los Angeles, 1987, 1084-1087.
Yao, D.D. and Shanthikumar, J.G. A Closed Queueing Network of Counting Processes. Proceedings of 26th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Los Angeles, 1987, 675-676.
Yao, D.D. and Shanthikumar, J.G. Optimal Periodic Run Quantities for a Set of Cells under Joint Setup. Proceedings of 1987 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, D.C. 1987.
Yao, D.D. An FMS Network Model with State-Dependent Routing. Proceedings of 1st ORSA/TIMS Conference on Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1984.
Yao, D.D. and Buzacott, J.A. Closed Queueing Networks with Blocking --- A Model for Flexible Manufacturing Systems. Abstract in Advances in Applied Probability, 9 (1984).
Yao, D.D. and Buzacott, J.A. Closed Queueing Network Models for Flexible Manufacturing Systems. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Production Research, Windsor, Canada, 1983.
Yao, D.D. and Buzacott, J.A. Modeling a Multi-Machine Work Station in Flexible Manufacturing Systems. Proceedings of 20th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, H.V. Poor and W.K. Jenkins (eds.), 444-451, 1982.
Yao, D.D. and Leon-Garcia, A. On the Behavior of the Data Queue in a Voice/Data Integrated System. Proceedings of 20th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, H.V. Poor and W.K. Jenkins (eds.), 977-984, 1982.
Yao, D.D. and Turksen, I.B. On Multi-Valued Controller in Production Systems. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Production Research, Windsor, Canada, 1983.
Turksen, I.B. and Yao, D.D. Bounds for Fuzzy Inference. Cybernetics and Systems Research, R. Trappl (ed.), 729-734, North-Holland, 1982.

Book Review

Yao, D.D. Review of A Celebration of Applied Probability (J. Gani, ed., Applied Probability Trust, 1988), Interface, 21 (1991) 143-145.

Yao, D.D. Review of Stochastic Models of Manufacturing Systems (J.A. Buzacott and J.G. Shanthikumar, Prentice Hall, 1993), Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, Theory and Applications, 4 (1994) 406-409.
Papers Submitted and Working Papers

Cheng, F., Ettl, M., Lin, G.Y., Lu, Y., and Yao, D.D., A Two-Stage Push-Pull Production Planning Model.

Xu, H., Yao, D.D., and Zheng, S., Optimal Policies for a Two-Product Inventory System under a Flexible Substitution Scheme.


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