计算机专业论文范文 摘要 计算机技术和网络技术的发展,使得以多媒体通信为主体的信息网络己成为世界关注的热点。Internet的巨大成功,使IP成为未来信息网络的支柱技术之一,以IP为核心的分组化已成为电信网络演进的主流方向。而IP Phone技术作为一种以IP网络为传输载体的语音和传真通信技术,在语音传输方面效率高、费用低,这些特性决定了该技术应用广泛,特别是与电话网、多媒体技术结合,可以开拓出多种多样的新业务。 本文将介绍在Windows平台上,VC++6.0环境下,基于TCP/IP协议,利用Winsock建立客户端/服务器模式,实现了一个广域网环境下的PC到PC结构IP电话软件。 关键词:VoIP ,音频, TCP/IP, VC++6.0 ,Winsock ABSTRACT With the development of the computer technology and networking,the information network, which mainly contains multimedia communications become the world's hot spots of concern.The great success of Internet makes IP one of the most important technologies of the future information network,the group with the core of IP has already become main stream of the evolution of telecommunication network .The IP Phone technology is a voice and fax communications technology transferred by IP networks, and it is high efficiency, low-cost in voice transmission, which makes it extensive applied in different scope,particularly, if it is combined with telephone network and multimedia technology, it can explore a variety of new business. This article will introduce how to use Winsock to build client/server model to achieve wide-area network environment of the PC-to-PC IP telephony software on the Windows platform, under the VC++6.0 environment, on the TCP / IP protocol. Key words:VoIP,audio, TCP / IP, VC + +6.0,Winsock 目录 摘要I ABSTRACTII 第一章 引言1 1.1 研究的背景1 1.2 研究的目的和意义1 1.3 发展前景2 第二章 实现VoIP系统的相关知识3 2.1 VoIP系统介绍3 2.1.1 VoIP的概念3 2.1.2 IP电话原理4 2.1.3 IP电话的实现4 2.2 Winsock编程技术5 2.3 客户机/服务器模型5 2.4 TCP/IP协议6 2.5 开发工具Visual C++ 6.0介绍6 2.6 语音处理技术7 2.6.1 音频功能简介7 2.6.2 语音抖动技术处理8 2.6.3 音频格式的设定9 2.6.4 分配/准备音频缓冲区10 第三章 VoIP系统的设计与实现11 3.1 系统主要性能要求11 3.2 系统实现环境及基本构思11 3.3 系统设计和功能实现12 3.3.1 服务器/客户端模块12 3.3.2 音频模块15 第四章 总结20 4.1 系统研究总结20 4.2 可发展研究方向20 致谢22 参考文献23 附录 部分程序代码24
计算机专业论文范文 摘 要 “教师教学工作量计算系统”是根据教师教学工作量核算办法设计出的一套软件,该软件可以根据提供的源数据计算出教师相应的工作量。目前,各高校为进一步深化教育教学改革,加强教学管理,切实保证教学任务完成,提高教学质量和办学效益,每年都要对教师教学工作量进行,由于计算繁琐,完全由人工完成很容易由于疲劳、疏忽等原因出现错误。该软件不仅能够简化计算,而且节省了很多不必要的重复操作时间,大大便利了实际操作,实用性强。本软件以VB为开发平台,涉及到VB用户界面设计,VB菜单设计,VB自动按要求完成相关计算,VB语言与excel之间的接口问题等。此软件能够从Excel读取数据并将其显示在VB界面的表格中,能让其按要求自动完成计算,同时使用户随时能看到数据的变化,并可以随时保存表格为excel文档。相当实用,具有普遍的现实意义。 关键词:VB用户界面设计、VB菜单设计、VB与excel、教师教学工作量计算系统 Abstract Currently, in order to further deepen the educational and teaching reform, strengthen teaching management, ensure the completion of the teaching task, and improve teaching quality and teaching efficiency, colleges and universities have to account teachers’ teaching workload every year. As the calculation is complicated, it will be likely to make mistakes because of fatigue, negligence and so on if it is entirely completed by hand. In this thesis, a program, calculating system of teachers’ teaching workload is designed in terms of the accounting approach to teachers’ teaching workload. This software can calculate teachers’ teaching workload basing on the provided data source. The software can not only simplifies calculation process, but also saves a lot of repeated operation time. The software is convenient to operate and has strong practicability. The software is developed using Visual Basic programming language, involving VB user interface design, VB menu design, automatic calculation design, automation server technology of Excel, and so on. The software can import data from Excel sheet and display them on the VB interface, and automatically complete the calculation in terms to the designed algorithm. At the same time, the users can real-time see the changed results when the data sources change, and save form as Excel sheet whenever they want. The software is very practicable and common for application. Keywords: VB user interface design、VB menu design、automation server、 the computing system of teachers' teaching workload. 目 录 摘要 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ⅱ 1 引言1 1.1 软件概况1 1.2 论文各章简介2 2 Visual Basic3 2.1 VB概述3 2.1.1 计算机程序设计语言简介4 2.1.2 程序设计语言的发展4 2.2 VB语言特点的概括5 3 相关学习7 3.1 VB常用工具的学习7 3.1.1 属性7 3.1.2 响应的事件7 3.2 菜单编辑器的学习8 3.2.1 属性设置区8 3.2.2 编辑区9 3.2.3 菜单项显示区10 3.3 CommonDialog控件的学习10 3.3.1 控件功能10 3.3.2 控件使用说明10 3.3.3 ShowOpen“打开”对话框功能11 3.4 MSFlexGrid控件的学习11 3.4.1 MSFlexGrid控件功能11 3.4.2 MSFlexGrid控件使用说明11 3.5 For…Next语句的学习12 4 我校教学工作量核算方法14 4.1 教学工作量核算原则14 4.2 教学工作量分类核算依据14 4.2.1 理论教学14 4.2.2 实践教学16 4.2.3 其它工作量19 4.3 教学研究与教学建设工作量19 4.4 附 则24 5 设计程序分析25 5.1 界面设计分析25 5.1.1 “帮助”按钮25 5.1.2 “文件”按钮27 “打开”按钮27 “保存”按钮31 “另存为”按钮32 “退出”按钮34 5.2 计算方法分析34 5.2.1 理论人数系数计算35 5.2.2 理论教学工作量计算36 5.2.3 实践/实验人数系数计算38 5.2.4 实践/实验教学工作量计算40 5.2.5 课程总工作量计算42 5.2.6 个人总工作量计算44 6 结论48 致谢49 参考文献50
计算机专业论文范文 摘要 随着社会的进步,一些传统的宣传途径如:电视、报纸、杂志由于其费用高,不能及时更新信息,覆盖面不广等弊端已经越来越不能满足群众和企业的需求。而互联网的飞速发展,使得越来越多的企业为了抢占网络商机,提升公司形象,扩大市场都开始拥有自己的产品展示平台以便客户更便捷得了解到最新产品。 本系统是一个企业的产品发布平台,它能更加迅速高效地更新信息,如职位招聘信息、公司新闻信息、产品信息等。客户可以在第一时间内得知公司所发布的任何信息。 本系统采用Dreamweaver作为开发工具。利用它可以轻而易举地制作出跨越平台限制和跨越浏览器限制的充满动感的网页。它可以更加迅速高效地创建出非常优秀的网页,使制作设计网页的过程更加简单、更加快速、更加灵活。又利用ASP作为开发平台,创建和运行动态网页或Web应用程序。 本文是根据现今的产品发布平台的需求进行设计和实现的,不仅阐述了该系统的需求分析,还阐述了实现该系统主要设计思路。 关键词 ASP,产品发布平台,Dreamweaver Abstract With the development of the society, some traditional means of publicity, such as television, newspaper, magazines, increasingly fall short of the ability to meet the needs of the public and enterprises, because of their high expenses, the inability to timely get updated and the unsatisfactory narrow coverage. By comparison, the internet, with its overwhelming momentum of development, has enabled more and more enterprises to seize online business opportunities, promote their public images as well as expand the market. As a result, the internet successfully serves as a platform for enterprises to display their products and meanwhile for customers to gain information of the latest products. This system is an enterprise platform for product launches,it can more quickly and efficiently update information。Such as recruitment information, company news and information, product information, etc. Customers in the first time that the company released any information. With Dreamweaver as an instrument, this system can easily produce dynamic websites which break the restrictions imposed by the platform and browser. What’s more, it can create excellent websites in a faster and more efficient way, and the process of creation is simpler, faster and more flexible. Besides, the system makes use of ASP as the platform of development, creating and running dynamic websites or web application programs. The design discussed here is mainly based on the current need for product release platform. This paper not only analyses the practical significance of this system, but also expound its designing idea. Keyword: ASP、Product release platform、Dreamweaver 目录 摘要I AbstractII 1 绪论 1 1.1系统研究的背景.1 1.2 系统研究意义1 1.3 开发目的及任务2 2 系统的开发技术3 2.1 系统的开发环境.3 2.1.1 IIS介绍3 2.1.2 IIS的安装及配置3 2.2 产品发布平台的开发工具6 2.3 产品发布平台的开发主要应用的技术6 2.3.1 ASP技术6 2.3.2 ASP工作原理6 2.3.3 ACCESS数据库管理系统7 3 系统整体框架及数据库设计8 3.1 系统结构设计8 3.2 系统功能说明8 3.3 数据库设计9 3.4 数据库中的表设计9 3.4.1 cp表的设计9 3.4.2 intro表的设计10 3.4.3 job表的设计10 3.4.4 new表设计11 3.4.5 admin表的设计11 4 管理员程序介绍12 4.1 管理员模块12 4.1.1 管理员模块程序12 4.1.2 管理员登陆界面17 4.2 企业网站管理系统模块17 4.2.1 企业网站管理模块程序17 4.2.2 系统管理界面22 5 客户页面详细设计23 5.1 主页23 5.2 产品展示页面24 5.3 招聘信息页面25 5.4 其他页面25 6 系统测试26 6.1 测试目的26 6.1 测试项目26 6.3 测试分析27 7 总结28 致谢29 参考文献30
计算机专业论文范文 摘 要 本文简述了构建一个B2C模式的网上投保系统,其主要功能是用户注册,登录,用户在线投保到付费的实现,本系统还附带一个个人网络通讯录。并对所使用的开发工具:JSP/Servlet/Eclipse + MYSQL进行初步的介绍。 随着Internet技术和通讯技术的日益发展,互联网正以它高效性、丰富性、安全性得到越来越多人的喜爱,电子商务应运而生。随着电子商务的不断发展,网上购物已经越来越普遍,越来越多的商家都建立了自己的网上店铺,人们可以通过电子购物系统轻松地购买自己所需要的商品。网上购买保险已经逐渐成为了Internet上一道亮丽的风景。 关键词:B2C JSP MYSQL Eclipse 电子商务 The Online System of Outdoor Insurance Abstract This paper briefly aims to discuss about the online insurance system which is a B2C model.The main function is about the user registration,user login,and the payment of the online insurance .The personal network address book is also one of the functions of the System.The paper will also introduce the development tool such as JSP + servlet/Eclipse + MYSQL. With the increasing development of the Internet technology and the communication technology,the internet had became more and more people's favorite because of its efficiency, rich and security.So the E-commerce came into being.With the continuous development of the e-commerce,the Online Shopping has become increasingly common.More and more businessmen have set up their own online stores,and more and more people can buy their needed goods easier through the e-shopping system .The online insurance has gradually become a beautiful landscape on the Internet. Keywords: B2C JSP MYSQL Eclipse e-commerce 目 录 摘要·Ⅰ AbstractⅡ 目 录· Ⅲ 前 言·1 1开发环境介绍2 1.1 开发环境的介绍·2 1.2 JSP介绍·2 1.3 Eclipse的介绍·3 1.4 MYSQL 数据库简介5 1.4.1 MySQL的特性·5 1.4.2 MySQL的应用·6 1.5 TOMCAT的介绍·6 1.6 JDBC概述7 2概述9 2.1系统说明9 2.2系统特点9 2.3系统功能简介·9 3系统的详细开发·11 3.1 系统开发的背景·11 3.2 需求分析·11 3.3 系统设计·11 3.3.1 系统功能模块分析11 3.3.2 数据源的配置和数据库的设计·12 3.3.3 页面的详细设计·15 4 总结·23 致 谢24 参考文献·25
计算机专业论文范文 摘 要 企业门禁管理系统为企业管理节省了大量的人力、物力、财力和时间等,是人事管理中不可或缺的一部分,是现代企业管理中重要组成部分。系统主要完成考勤以及考勤管理,统计查询等功能. 系统采用了Visual C++作为前台开发工具,利用SQL Server数据库作为系统数据库。论文首先介绍了门禁系统的发展历史和作用,其次是介绍了系统的开发环境和机构分析,并对系统功能模块进行了详解。 系统可以完成对所有企业员工信息的浏览、查询、添加、删除、修改等基本功能。在充分了解系统的需求的基础上,作了系统体系结构设计及对系统的功能进行了阐述。其功能可以概括为以下几点:员工基本信息管理(包括节假日、部门等信息),考勤信息管理,统计查询管理等强大功能。本文还对数据库结构进行了细致的分析与合理的设计,给出了部分数据库表的定义,并对这些功能模块进行设计与开发。 关键词:管理信息 系统 模块 数据库 Enterprise Door Management system Abstract The enterprise door management system can save massive manpower, physical resource, financial resource, time and so on. Therefore, it is an indispensable part of human resource management and modern enterprise management .This system mainly includes the functions such as the attendance, the checking attendance management and the statistical inquiry. The system adopts Visual C++ as onstage development kit and uses SQL database Server as system database. Firstly, this paper introduces the history and functions of the Door Management system. Then, it shows the development circumstance and technical support of this system. The system can complete to browse, inquire, add, delete and revise all the staff information. Based on a full understanding about the system demand, we design the structure of the system and elaborate on its functions. Its functions can be summarized as following points: staff basic information management (including holiday, department information and so on), attendance information management, the statistical inquiry management and so on. This paper contains detailed analysis and reasonable design. Meanwhile, it provides definition of parts of the database tables and then develops the function modules of the system. Keywords:Management Information System; Module; Data 目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 目 录III 前 言1 第一章 系统开发环境与分析2 1.1 系统开发环境2 1.1.1 VC++简介[2]2 1.1.2 SQL SERVER 2000简介2 1.1.3 选择ADO 数据访问的原因[4]3 1.2 系统功能需求3 1.3 系统功能模块设计3 第二章 工程框架设计9 2.1设置主界面对话框9 2.2 为表创建类10 第三章 系统功能模块介绍12 3.1 用户登陆模块12 3.2 基本信息设置模块13 3.2.1 节假日日期设定模块13 3.2.2 部门管理模块14 3.2.3 员工管理模块14 3.3 考勤管理模块16 3.3.1 出勤管理模块16 3.3.2 加班管理模块17 3.3.3 请假管理模块17 3.3.4 出差管理模块17 3.4 统计查询模块17 3.4.1 日考勤统计表模块17 3.4.2 月考勤统计表模块18 3.4.3 当日缺勤人员列表模块18 3.5 用户信息设置模块19 结 论20 致 谢21 参考文献22
计算机专业论文范文 摘 要 本文将介绍利用网络技术建设一个网络教学网站,首先从前言与系统分析开始,然后介绍系统设计。本系统使用ASP技术搭建,原因是ASP技术在如今来说已经是非常成熟的一门技术,对于建设一个教学网站将是非常方便。本系统具有学习功能、教学功能和管理员管理功能。 本系统的学习功能该部分主要针对学生设计,学生选择各科课程的电子教案进行学习,了解其学习方面的通知,习题作业通知,教师的答疑情况。开设电子公告板BBS,组织热点讨论,引导学生进行网上交流,引导学生对有关问题进行思考判断,进而能引导学生主动参与学校的网站建设,使网络成为教学的另一个战场。 本系统的教学功能为各科教师提供一个平台,使得课件或电子教案的发布更为简单,并为教师提供网上答疑版块,便于教师与学生交流,也为今后各学科教师自行制作相关专题子网站提供方便。 本系统的管理员管理功能包括学生管理、教师管理、管理员管理、课程管理、班级管理、学院管理、专业管理、课程开课信息管理、讨论区管理。 这些功能是系统运行的所需要的一些初始管理。在教与学中,本系统的学习公告和作业公告是学生了解教学通知的窗口。课程答疑和讨论交流能够促进老师和学生之间的交流,课件上传和下载给学生补充课下学习资料。 关键词:教学,网站,网络学习 Abstract This article will introduce the use of network technology to build a web site teaching, beginning with the systematic analysis of the beginning of the preamble, and then introduced the system design. The system uses ASP technology to build because the ASP is in now is a very mature technology, a teaching site for the building will be very convenient. The system has learning function, the teaching function and administrator management functions. Function of the system of learning for students in the design of some of the major, students choose various courses of e-learning lesson plans, understand their learning to inform, notify operation exercises, Q & A situation of teachers. Electronic bulletin board set up BBS, hot discussions organized to guide students in online exchanges, to lead students to think of the issues to determine, and can guide the students to actively participate in the school's Web site-building to enable the network to become the next battleground teaching. The teaching function of the system as a platform for teachers of all subjects, making software or electronic release of more simple lesson plans and provide teachers with online Q & A section, to facilitate the exchange of teachers and students, but also for the future teachers of various subjects related to the production of thematic facilitate sub-sites. Administrator of the system management functions, including student management, teacher management, and administrator management, curriculum management, class management, college management, professional management, information management courses to discuss the management. These functions are required for systems running some of the initial management. In teaching and learning, the learning of the system and operating Notice Notice is to inform the students to understand the teaching of the window. Q & A and discussion programs to promote exchanges between teachers and students exchange, uploading and downloading software to add classes to the students learn the information. Keywords: teaching, website, internet learning 目 录 摘要 IV 1 前言......1 2深入了解教学网站. ..2 2.1教学网站发展概况2 2.2 教学网站建设现状3 2.3 教学网站发展中出现的问题及原因3 2.4 教学网站的发展趋势...3. 2.5 本论文的组织结构.3 3 教学网站系统分析与实现. 4 3.1 系统分析. 4 3.2 系统建设目标4 3.3 网站的功能需求....4 3.4 系统用户类和特性6 3.4 系统运行环境6 3.6 用户界面需求....6 3.7 系统输入与输出数据9 3.8 性能需求10 3.9 安全性需求10 4 系统实现12 4.1 系统数据流图114.2 系统框架设计....13 4.3 系统子系统划分以及子系统设计14 4.4 系统数据库设计14 4.5 系统业务流程图...14 4.6 系统编程环境...15 4.7 系统程序设计..........17 5 系统程序测试. . ...18 5.1 系统核心界面最终效果18 6 结论.21 6.1 本论文的主要工作内容21 6.2 系统待改进之处...21 参考文献..22 7 总结35 致谢35
计算机专业论文范文 摘 要 建设局项目管理系统是针对建设局的大量建设工程项目而开发的管理软件,是典型的管理信息系统,实现对项目及其相关任务等信息实现全面、动态、及时的管理。本文系统地分析了软件开发的背景以及过程;首先介绍了软件的开发环境,其次介绍了本软件的详细设计过程:数据库的设计、各个模块的设计和实现,以及具体界面的设计和功能。 关键词:管理信息系统 项目管理 数据库 ASP.NET The Construction Bureau Project Management System Based on. NET Abstract The Construction Bureau Project Management System is a management software delevoped for Construction Bureau of the large number of construction projects. It is a typical management information system.It realizes to the information of the project and its related tasks comprehensively, dynamic, the prompt management.This article analysis the background and process of software's development systematically; First introduced the software development environment, next introduced this software detailed design process: Database design, each module design and realization, as well as detailed surface design and function. Key words: Management Information System; Project Management; Database; ASP.NET 目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 第一章 概述- 1 - 1.1 选题的目的与意义- 1 - 1.2 选题的背景- 1 - 1.3 系统整体功能介绍- 1 - 第二章 系统设计相关技术概述- 3 - 2.1 ASP.NET简介- 3 - 2.2 C#语言简介- 3 - 2.3 SQL Server2000数据库简介- 3 - 2.4 ADO.NET技术简介- 3 - 第三章 系统需求分析- 5 - 3.1 用户业务需求- 5 - 3.2 用户工作流程- 5 - 第四章 系统设计与实现- 7 - 4.1 设计思想- 7 - 4.2 设计原则- 7 - 4.3 运行需求- 7 - 4.4 系统功能结构图- 8 - 4.5 系统功能设计- 8 - 4.6 系统数据表E-R图- 9 - 4.7 系统数据库设计- 10 - 4.8 文件及文件夹模块设计- 14 - 4.9 公共类设计- 15 - 4.10 界面框架设计- 16 - 4.11 模块功能设计- 16 - 4.11.1 登录模块- 16 - 4.11.2 项目管理模块- 18 - 4.11.3 任务管理模块- 21 - 4.11.4 任务模板模块- 23 - 4.11.5 资源管理模块- 25 - 4.11.6 日志管理模块- 27 - 第五章 系统测试运行- 30 - 5.1 模块测试- 30 - 5.2 整体测试- 30 - 第六章 设计总结- 31 - 致谢辞- 32 - 参考文献- 33 - 附录- 34 - 权限一览表- 34 -
计算机专业论文范文 摘 要 随着计算机技术的飞速发展,利用计算机实现企业人事管理势在必行。对于企业来说,利用计算机支持企业高效率完成企业人事管理的日常事务,是推动企业人事管理走向科学化、规范化的必要条件,也是增强企业综合实力和市场竞争力的有效方法。 从现代企业管理中的人事管理现状出发,针对人事管理的复杂程序,经过系统调查,开发出了一个操作简单而且方便实用的人事管理系统。系统对企业员工的基本信息、考勤信息、工作评价、培训信息、工资信息等进行了有效管理,有利于企业管理者对人才资源的利用更加合理、发挥人才资源的最大效用。 本文介绍了使用VB.NET对企业人事管理系统进行开发的过程,首先介绍了开发所涉及的技术,然后对系统的总体设计进行了阐述,包括需求分析,数据库设计等。最后测试完成的程序,分析和总结。 关键词: 人事管理 VB.NET 数据库设计 The enterprise personnel management system's design and realization Abstract With the swift development of computer technology,it is imperative to realizes the enterprise personnel management using the computer. For a enterprise,using the computer to support it to complete the daily business of personnel management efficiently,is a necessary condition to promote the enterprise personnel management to be more scientific and standardized,and also an effective way to enhance its comprehensive strength and competitiveness to the market. According to current situation of the personnel management in the modern business management, contrary to personnel management's complex procedure,through systematic investigation,I developed a personnel management system simple to operate and convenient and practical.The system manages the basic information on employees,attendance information,job eva luation,training information and wage information,helping managers take the use of human resource reasonably and decelop the biggest effectiveness of human resource. This article describes the process of the personnel management system development using VB.NET.It firstly introduced the technology involved in the development,and secondly explained the overall design of the system,including requirement analysis,database design and so on.In the end,the completed system was tested,analysed and summarized. Keywords:personnel management; VB.NET;the database design 目 录 中文摘要i 英文摘要ii 目录iii 第一章 绪论1 1.1 研究动机与目的1 1.2 研究背景1 1.3 研究方法与系统描述2 1.4 论文内容概述2 第二章 技术框架介绍4 2.1 关于.NET的介绍4 2.1.1 微软的.NET战略4 2.1.2 Visual Basic.NET4 2.1.3 .NET框架4 2.1.4 VB与其他语言4 2.2 后台数据库Oracle简介5 2.2.1 Oracle简介5 2.2.2 VB访问数据库的方法5 第三章 系统分析与设计7 3.1 需求分析7 3.2 数据库设计8 3.3 系统设计8 第四章 详细设计与具体实现9 4.1 系统模块设计9 4.2 数据库设计与实现10 4.2.1 数据库概念设计10 4.2.2 数据库总体设计11 4.3 界面设计与实现12 系统测试与分析18 5.1 登录测试18 5.2 查询测试18 5.3 账户管理测试19 5.4 其他测试及小结19 第六章 结束语20 致谢21 参考文献22
计算机专业论文范文 摘 要 互联网从诞生以来,就开始影响着地球的每一个角落,给予了人类一种全新的生活方式,随着互联网技术的不断发展,新兴的技术也层出不穷,即时通信系统就是这么一种以聊天形式为主的广受欢迎的互联网技术。现在即时通讯系统服务的内部拓扑中大部分采用客户/服务器模型,客户/服务器/客户模型和客户/客户模型,并且市场上应用的很多即时通信软件比如QQ和MSN都采用的是客户/服务器/客户模型,由于它们都需要由位于中心的服务器来协调,这对一些想拥有自己内部即时通信软件的小企业和家庭的局域网用户来说,服务器的成本实在是太大,于是我便有了编写本软件的构想。本软件功能成功摆脱了中心服务器的束缚,它的基本功能就是让用户能够在局域网上通过采用TCP/IP协议进行点对点交流。本软件通过Visual C++软件创建的是对话框应用程序,连接后服务器可以充当客户机,客户机也可以充当服务器。它们可以同一台计算机上,也可以把应用程序复制到另一台计算机上,这样没有中间服务器存在,在两个独立的计算机上分别运行应用程序,从而通过网络传递消息。 关键词:P2P、TCP/IP、Visual C++、通信 Abstract Internet since its birth, begin to affect every corner of our planet, giving a whole new way of life mankind, with the continuous development of Internet technology, emerging technologies are emerging, real-time communication system is such a kind of chat formpopular Internet-based technology.Now an internal instant messaging system service topology is mostly client/server model, client/server/ client model and the customer/client model, and the market in many instant messagi- -ng software applications such as QQ and MSN are using the client/server /client model, because they need from the server is located in the center to coordinate, which some want to have their own internal instant messaging software for small businesses and home LAN users, the server cost is too great, so I have a prepared the software concept.The software features a central server successfully get rid of the shackles of its basic function is to enable users to the LAN through the use of TCP/IP protocol for point to point communication.This software by Visual C ++ software application to create the dialog box, connected to the server can act as a client, the client can also act as a server.They can be the same computer, the application could also be copied to another computer, so there is no intermediate servers, in two separate computer running the application, respectively, to pass messages through the network. Keywords:P2P、TCP/IP、 Visual C++、Communicate 目 录 摘要………………………………………………………………………………………….Ⅱ 1 绪论………………………………………………………………………………………….1 1.1 课题的背景………………………………………………………………………1 1.2 即时通信系统应用现状……………………………………………………….2 1.3 软件开发设计思想和系统功能 ……………………………………………5 1.3.1 开发设计思想………………………………………………………….5 1.3.2 系统功能………………………………………………………………5 1.3.3 系统功能模块设计………………………………………………5 2 即时通信系统的技术背景……………………………………………………….6 2.1 即时通信系统结构模型………………………………………………………….6 2.1.1 即时通信系统结构模型的选择…………………………………………….6 2.1.2 P2P技术的特点……………………………………………………………….6 2.1.3 P2P网络模式……………………………………………………………….7 2.1.4 P2P网络中的地址定位…………………………………………………….8 2.1.5 P2P技术面临的问题…………………………………………………9 2.2 即时通信系统通信协议选择……………………………………………………10 2.2.1 TCP/IP协议…………………………………………………10 2.2.2 TCP协议…………………………………………………………………12 2.2.3 UDP协议……………………………………………….12 2.2.4 总结…………………………………………….12 3 Visual C++的网络编程…………………………………………………………13 3.1 Windows Socket 简介……………………………………………………………13 3.2 Socket( 套接字)简介……………………………………………………………13 3.3 基于TCP(面向连接)的Socket编程……………………………………….14 3.4 MFC对Socket的支持………………………………………16 3.4.1 MFC简介…………………………………………………16 3.4.2 总结…………………………………………………………………19 4 即时通讯系统的设计和实现20 4.1 即时通讯系统主要实现的功能和不足……………………………………….20 4.1.1 添加好友功能…………………………………………20 4.1.2 聊天功能…………………………………………20 4.1.3 清除记录和保存记录功能…………………………………20 4.1.4 窗口特效功能……………………………………21 4.1.5 总结…………………………………………21 4.2 即时通信系统具体实现……………………………………………………………21 4.2.1 主界面设计…………………………………………21 4.2.2 添加好友界面设计………………………………25 4.2.3 聊天界面设计…………………………………30 4.2.4 特效功能实现设计………………………………38 4.3 系统的编译……………………………………44 4.4 总结……………………………………45 5 总结………………………………………………46 致谢……………………………………………47 参考文献…………………………………………48
计算机专业论文范文 摘要 数字图像处理将图像信号转换成数字信号并利用计算机对其进行处理 ,起源于 20 世纪 20年代 ,目前已广泛地应用于科学研究、工农业生产、生物医学工程、航空航天、军事、工业检测、机器人视觉、公安司法、军事制导、文化艺术等 ,已成为一门引人注目、前景远大的新型学科 ,发挥着越来越大的作用。 本文介绍了基于VC++的数字图像处理平台的设计以及VC++在图像处理中的应用。在本设计中,利用VC++实现了图像的灰度变换、几何变换、中值滤波以及梯度锐化和Robert边缘提取。另外实现了BMP图像显示的特效操作。 关键词:数字图像处理、VC++ Abstract Digital Image Processing image signals into digital signals and processed by computer, originated in the 20th century, 20 years, is now widely used in scientific research. industrial and agricultural production, bio-medical engineering, aerospace, military, industrial inspection, robot vision, public security administration of justice, military guidance, arts and culture, has become an eye-catching, long-term prospects for the new subjects, to play an increasingly important role. In this paper, based on VC + + of digital image processing platform design. And introduced theVC + + in image processing applications, in the design, use of VC + + to achieve the image ofgray-scale transformation, geometric transformation, median filter, as well as Robert gradient sharpening and edge detection. In addition to achieve the effects of BMP image display operation. Keywords:Digital image processing、VC + + 目 录 摘要. I 1 绪论.1 1.1数字图像处理的总体概述1 1.2数字图像处理的背景1 1.3数字图像处理技术的主要特点、优点及处理过程2 1.3.1数字图像处理的主要特点 2 1.3.2数字图像处理的优点2 1.3.3数字图像处理过程3 2 Visual C++在图像处理中的应用4 2.1 为什么使用VC++来进行图像处理4 2.2 VC++工程及其文件构成.4 2.3 MFC类库5 2.4 BMP文件. 5 2.4.1图像的分类5 2.4.2 BMP文件结构6 2.4.3颜色表7 2.4.4位图数据.8 2.5 JEPG图像文件8 3 基于VC++的图像处理平台开发9 3.1图像处理9 3.1.1图像的灰度变换.10 3.1.2 图像的几何变换.11 3.1.3图像的中值滤波13 3.1.4图像的梯度锐化18 3.1.5 Robert边缘提取21 3.2 BMP图像显示的特效操作23 3.2.1图像的分块显示和清除24 3.2.2百页窗效果26 3.2.3栅条显示特效26 3.2.4马赛克效果27 3.2.5图像的淡入淡出效果29 3.3图像处理界面设计31 3.3.1编辑菜单资源31 3.3.2编辑对话框资源32 3.3.3图像处理平台界面.33 4 总结34 致谢35 参考文献.36