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发布时间:2015-01-16 来源:人大经济论坛
计算机专业论文范文 摘 要 本文将介绍利用网络技术建设一个网络教学网站,首先从前言与系统分析开始,然后介绍系统设计。本系统使用ASP技术搭建,原因是ASP技术在如今来说已经是非常成熟的一门技术,对于建设一个教学网站将是非常方便。本系统具有学习功能、教学功能和管理员管理功能。 本系统的学习功能该部分主要针对学生设计,学生选择各科课程的电子教案进行学习,了解其学习方面的通知,习题作业通知,教师的答疑情况。开设电子公告板BBS,组织热点讨论,引导学生进行网上交流,引导学生对有关问题进行思考判断,进而能引导学生主动参与学校的网站建设,使网络成为教学的另一个战场。 本系统的教学功能为各科教师提供一个平台,使得课件或电子教案的发布更为简单,并为教师提供网上答疑版块,便于教师与学生交流,也为今后各学科教师自行制作相关专题子网站提供方便。 本系统的管理员管理功能包括学生管理、教师管理、管理员管理、课程管理、班级管理、学院管理、专业管理、课程开课信息管理、讨论区管理。 这些功能是系统运行的所需要的一些初始管理。在教与学中,本系统的学习公告和作业公告是学生了解教学通知的窗口。课程答疑和讨论交流能够促进老师和学生之间的交流,课件上传和下载给学生补充课下学习资料。 关键词:教学,网站,网络学习 Abstract This article will introduce the use of network technology to build a web site teaching, beginning with the systematic analysis of the beginning of the preamble, and then introduced the system design. The system uses ASP technology to build because the ASP is in now is a very mature technology, a teaching site for the building will be very convenient. The system has learning function, the teaching function and administrator management functions. Function of the system of learning for students in the design of some of the major, students choose various courses of e-learning lesson plans, understand their learning to inform, notify operation exercises, Q & A situation of teachers. Electronic bulletin board set up BBS, hot discussions organized to guide students in online exchanges, to lead students to think of the issues to determine, and can guide the students to actively participate in the school's Web site-building to enable the network to become the next battleground teaching. The teaching function of the system as a platform for teachers of all subjects, making software or electronic release of more simple lesson plans and provide teachers with online Q & A section, to facilitate the exchange of teachers and students, but also for the future teachers of various subjects related to the production of thematic facilitate sub-sites. Administrator of the system management functions, including student management, teacher management, and administrator management, curriculum management, class management, college management, professional management, information management courses to discuss the management. These functions are required for systems running some of the initial management. In teaching and learning, the learning of the system and operating Notice Notice is to inform the students to understand the teaching of the window. Q & A and discussion programs to promote exchanges between teachers and students exchange, uploading and downloading software to add classes to the students learn the information. Keywords: teaching, website, internet learning 目 录 摘要 IV 1 前言......1 2深入了解教学网站. ..2 2.1教学网站发展概况2 2.2 教学网站建设现状3 2.3 教学网站发展中出现的问题及原因3 2.4 教学网站的发展趋势...3. 2.5 本论文的组织结构.3 3 教学网站系统分析与实现. 4 3.1 系统分析. 4 3.2 系统建设目标4 3.3 网站的功能需求....4 3.4 系统用户类和特性6 3.4 系统运行环境6 3.6 用户界面需求....6 3.7 系统输入与输出数据9 3.8 性能需求10 3.9 安全性需求10 4 系统实现12 4.1 系统数据流图114.2 系统框架设计....13 4.3 系统子系统划分以及子系统设计14 4.4 系统数据库设计14 4.5 系统业务流程图...14 4.6 系统编程环境...15 4.7 系统程序设计..........17 5 系统程序测试. . ...18 5.1 系统核心界面最终效果18 6 结论.21 6.1 本论文的主要工作内容21 6.2 系统待改进之处...21 参考文献..22 7 总结35 致谢35
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