tag 标签: robust经管大学堂:名校名师名课


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如何得出robust standard error? SAS专版 lgwwin 2008-11-13 4 15015 jgzjqsw 2020-9-11 11:06:19
稳健统计(Robust Statistics)崔恒建 attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 fpse23 2007-8-15 19 13709 jjxm20060807 2019-1-13 16:18:40
[下载]Robust Statistics Theory and Methods(S-PLUS) attachment digest R语言论坛 davidhaitaopan 2008-12-13 83 24017 jgchen1966 2015-8-12 15:14:28
[分享] Robust Regression attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 spoonshen 2007-11-12 9 6116 18310668722 2015-4-21 20:10:01
[求助]reg加robust是什么回归方法 Stata专版 amy_yu 2009-1-6 12 52973 小象刺猬 2014-1-2 21:39:19
[求助]什么是方差的robust 调整? 计量经济学与统计软件 tinysnail 2007-1-10 1 10682 我爱阿娣 2013-5-11 20:12:45
[免费但非无条件的分享]Robust Sequential Methods attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 xuqtl 2005-12-12 9 3269 剑客之山 2013-3-13 11:35:29
[下载]Wiley - Robust statistics Yohai attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 毒谷123 2007-4-12 5 3587 keweitang79 2011-11-20 17:41:42
Robust Statistics attachment R语言论坛 七带犰狳 2009-3-16 9 3192 tamtam701013 2011-10-8 01:38:42
robust manifold learning(鲁棒流形学习) 计量经济学与统计软件 prestige 2008-1-27 4 6217 banana88 2010-7-10 18:51:54
wiley出品计量经典教材:robust statistics yohai 计量经济学与统计软件 meansgong 2009-6-20 5 2422 SatanNight 2010-4-20 12:16:04
请问xtscc 和 xtreg, robust的估计有什么不同吗 Stata专版 dragonson 2009-6-25 1 4502 yuromeo 2010-4-7 00:51:19
[下载]Handbook of Statistics Vol 15(Robust Inference ) attachment 计量经济学与统计软件 li8512420 2008-8-31 3 4205 chenchuanfa 2010-2-3 20:45:35
求书:robust portfolio optimization and management 文献求助专区 War_Fm_Lei 2008-8-30 4 1644 phdcs_2008 2009-7-22 10:16:53
10000金币求Fabozzi写的Robust Portfolio Optimization and Management attachment 金融学(理论版) bigox343 2008-5-2 18 5879 eeyao 2009-7-10 13:26:16
[下载]Robust Portfolio Optimization and Management attachment 金融学(理论版) martinnyj 2009-4-21 0 2508 martinnyj 2009-4-21 17:25:00
[求助]Panel Robust Hausman Statistic Stata专版 teresayou 2009-1-29 0 3227 teresayou 2009-1-29 01:31:00
[下载] 原创Robust Portfolio Optimization and Management attachment 金融学(理论版) armanijerd 2008-6-15 1 3463 wokeyide111 2008-6-15 15:27:00
请问什么是强估计 即robust estimation EViews专版 风之王 2007-8-1 2 5343 noodleisme 2007-8-6 20:11:00
[求助]robust回归 Stata专版 nash 2007-3-19 3 3910 sophiama 2007-3-25 10:13:00



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