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 Robust Statistics: Theory and Methods Ricardo A. Maronna, R. Douglas Martin and V´ıctor J. Yohai
C  2006 John Wiley &
Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-470-01092-4

Robust Statistics
Theory and Methods
Ricardo A. Maronna
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
R. Douglas Martin
University of Washington, Seattle, USA
V´ıctor J. Yohai
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Preface xv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Classical and robust approaches to statistics 1
1.2 Mean and standard deviation 2
1.3 The “three-sigma edit” rule 5
1.4 Linear regression 7
1.4.1 Straight-line regression 7
1.4.2 Multiple linear regression 9
1.5 Correlation coefficients 11
1.6 Other parametric models 13
1.7 Problems 15
2 Location and Scale 17
2.1 The location model 17
2.2 M-estimates of location 22
2.2.1 Generalizing maximum likelihood 22
2.2.2 The distribution of M-estimates 25
2.2.3 An intuitive view of M-estimates 27
2.2.4 Redescending M-estimates 29
2.3 Trimmed means 31
2.4 Dispersion estimates 32
2.5 M-estimates of scale 34
2.6 M-estimates of location with unknown dispersion 36
2.6.1 Previous estimation of dispersion 37
2.6.2 Simultaneous M-estimates of location and dispersion 37
2.7 Numerical computation of M-estimates 39
2.7.1 Location with previously computed dispersion estimation 39
2.7.2 Scale estimates 40
2.7.3 Simultaneous estimation of location and dispersion 41
2.8 Robust confidence intervals and tests 41
2.8.1 Confidence intervals 41
2.8.2 Tests 43
2.9 Appendix: proofs and complements 44
2.9.1 Mixtures 44
2.9.2 Asymptotic normality of M-estimates 45
2.9.3 Slutsky’s lemma 46
2.9.4 Quantiles 46
2.9.5 Alternative algorithms for M-estimates 46
2.10 Problems 48
3 Measuring Robustness 51
3.1 The influence function 55
3.1.1 *The convergence of the SC to the IF 57
3.2 The breakdown point 58
3.2.1 Location M-estimates 58
3.2.2 Scale and dispersion estimates 59
3.2.3 Location with previously computed dispersion estimate 60
3.2.4 Simultaneous estimation 60
3.2.5 Finite-sample breakdown point 61
3.3 Maximum asymptotic bias 62
3.4 Balancing robustness and efficiency 64
3.5 *“Optimal” robustness 65
3.5.1 Bias and variance optimality of location estimates 66
3.5.2 Bias optimality of scale and dispersion estimates 66
3.5.3 The infinitesimal approach 67
3.5.4 The Hampel approach 68
3.5.5 Balancing bias and variance: the general problem 70
3.6 Multidimensional parameters 70
3.7 *Estimates as functionals 71
3.8 Appendix: proofs of results 75
3.8.1 IF of general M-estimates 75
3.8.2 Maximum BP of location estimates 76
3.8.3 BP of location M-estimates 76
3.8.4 Maximum bias of location M-estimates 78
3.8.5 The minimax bias property of the median 79
3.8.6 Minimizing the GES 80
3.8.7 Hampel optimality 82
3.9 Problems 84
4 Linear Regression 1 87
4.1 Introduction 87
4.2 Review of the LS method 91
4.3 Classical methods for outlier detection 94
4.4 Regression M-estimates 98
4.4.1 M-estimates with known scale 99
4.4.2 M-estimates with preliminary scale 100
4.4.3 Simultaneous estimation of regression and scale 103
4.5 Numerical computation of monotone M-estimates 103
4.5.1 The L1 estimate 103
4.5.2 M-estimates with smooth ψ-function 104
4.6 Breakdown point of monotone regression estimates 105
4.7 Robust tests for linear hypothesis 107
4.7.1 Review of the classical theory 107
4.7.2 Robust tests using M-estimates 108
4.8 *Regression quantiles 110
4.9 Appendix: proofs and complements 110
4.9.1 Why equivariance? 110
4.9.2 Consistency of estimated slopes under asymmetric errors 111
4.9.3 Maximum FBP of equivariant estimates 112
4.9.4 The FBP of monotone M-estimates 113
4.10 Problems 114
5 Linear Regression 2 115
5.1 Introduction 115
5.2 The linear model with random predictors 118
5.3 M-estimates with a bounded ρ-function 119
5.4 Properties of M-estimates with a bounded ρ-function 120
5.4.1 Breakdown point 122
5.4.2 Influence function 123
5.4.3 Asymptotic normality 123
5.5 MM-estimates 124
5.6 Estimates based on a robust residual scale 126
5.6.1 S-estimates 129
5.6.2 L-estimates of scale and the LTS estimate 131
5.6.3 Improving efficiency with one-step reweighting 132
5.6.4 A fully efficient one-step procedure 133
5.7 Numerical computation of estimates based on robust scales 134
5.7.1 Finding local minima 136
5.7.2 The subsampling algorithm 136
5.7.3 A strategy for fast iterative estimates 138
5.8 Robust confidence intervals and tests for M-estimates 139
5.8.1 Bootstrap robust confidence intervals and tests 141
5.9 Balancing robustness and efficiency 141
5.9.1 “Optimal” redescending M-estimates 144
5.10 The exact fit property 146
5.11 Generalized M-estimates 147
5.12 Selection of variables 150
5.13 Heteroskedastic errors 153
5.13.1 Improving the efficiency of M-estimates 153
5.13.2 Estimating the asymptotic covariance matrix under
heteroskedastic errors 154
5.14 *Other estimates 156
5.14.1 τ -estimates 156
5.14.2 Projection estimates 157
5.14.3 Constrained M-estimates 158
5.14.4 Maximum depth estimates 158
5.15 Models with numeric and categorical predictors 159
5.16 *Appendix: proofs and complements 162
5.16.1 The BP of monotone M-estimates with random X 162
5.16.2 Heavy-tailed x 162
5.16.3 Proof of the exact fit property 163
5.16.4 The BP of S-estimates 163
5.16.5 Asymptotic bias of M-estimates 166
5.16.6 Hampel optimality for GM-estimates 167
5.16.7 Justification of RFPE* 168
5.16.8 A robust multiple correlation coefficient 170
5.17 Problems 171
6 Multivariate Analysis 175
6.1 Introduction 175
6.2 Breakdown and efficiency of multivariate estimates 180
6.2.1 Breakdown point 180
6.2.2 The multivariate exact fit property 181
6.2.3 Efficiency 181
6.3 M-estimates 182
6.3.1 Collinearity 184
6.3.2 Size and shape 185
6.3.3 Breakdown point 186
6.4 Estimates based on a robust scale 187
6.4.1 The minimum volume ellipsoid estimate 187
6.4.2 S-estimates 188
6.4.3 The minimum covariance determinant estimate 189
6.4.4 S-estimates for high dimension 190
6.4.5 One-step reweighting 193
6.5 The Stahel–Donoho estimate 193
6.6 Asymptotic bias 195
6.7 Numerical computation of multivariate estimates 197
6.7.1 Monotone M-estimates 197
6.7.2 Local solutions for S-estimates 197
6.7.3 Subsampling for estimates based on a robust scale 198
6.7.4 The MVE 199
6.7.5 Computation of S-estimates 199
6.7.6 The MCD 200
6.7.7 The Stahel–Donoho estimate 200
6.8 Comparing estimates 200
6.9 Faster robust dispersion matrix estimates 204
6.9.1 Using pairwise robust covariances 204
6.9.2 Using kurtosis 208
6.10 Robust principal components 209
6.10.1 Robust PCA based on a robust scale 211
6.10.2 Spherical principal components 212
6.11 *Other estimates of location and dispersion 214
6.11.1 Projection estimates 214
6.11.2 Constrained M-estimates 215
6.11.3 Multivariate MM- and τ -estimates 216
6.11.4 Multivariate depth 216
6.12 Appendix: proofs and complements 216
6.12.1 Why affine equivariance? 216
6.12.2 Consistency of equivariant estimates 217
6.12.3 The estimating equations of the MLE 217
6.12.4 Asymptotic BP of monotone M-estimates 218
6.12.5 The estimating equations for S-estimates 220
6.12.6 Behavior of S-estimates for high p 221
6.12.7 Calculating the asymptotic covariance matrix of
location M-estimates 222
6.12.8 The exact fit property 224
6.12.9 Elliptical distributions 224
6.12.10 Consistency of Gnanadesikan–Kettenring correlations 225
6.12.11 Spherical principal components 226
6.13 Problems 227
7 Generalized Linear Models 229
7.1 Logistic regression 229
7.2 Robust estimates for the logistic model 233
7.2.1 Weighted MLEs 233
7.2.2 Redescending M-estimates 234
7.3 Generalized linear models 239
7.3.1 Conditionally unbiased bounded influence estimates 242
7.3.2 Other estimates for GLMs 243
7.4 Problems 244
8 Time Series 247
8.1 Time series outliers and their impact 247
8.1.1 Simple examples of outliers’ influence 250
8.1.2 Probability models for time series outliers 252
8.1.3 Bias impact of AOs 256
8.2 Classical estimates for AR models 257
8.2.1 The Durbin–Levinson algorithm 260
8.2.2 Asymptotic distribution of classical estimates 262
8.3 Classical estimates for ARMA models 264
8.4 M-estimates of ARMA models 266
8.4.1 M-estimates and their asymptotic distribution 266
8.4.2 The behavior of M-estimates in AR processes with AOs 267
8.4.3 The behavior of LS and M-estimates for ARMA
processes with infinite innovations variance 268
8.5 Generalized M-estimates 270
8.6 Robust AR estimation using robust filters 271
8.6.1 Naive minimum robust scale AR estimates 272
8.6.2 The robust filter algorithm 272
8.6.3 Minimum robust scale estimates based on robust filtering 275
8.6.4 A robust Durbin–Levinson algorithm 275
8.6.5 Choice of scale for the robust Durbin–Levinson procedure 276
8.6.6 Robust identification of AR order 277
8.7 Robust model identification 278
8.7.1 Robust autocorrelation estimates 278
8.7.2 Robust partial autocorrelation estimates 284
8.8 Robust ARMA model estimation using robust filters 287
8.8.1 τ -estimates of ARMA models 287
8.8.2 Robust filters for ARMA models 288
8.8.3 Robustly filtered τ -estimates 290
8.9 ARIMA and SARIMA models 291
8.10 Detecting time series outliers and level shifts 294
8.10.1 Classical detection of time series outliers and level shifts 295
8.10.2 Robust detection of outliers and level shifts for
ARIMA models 297
8.10.3 REGARIMA models: estimation and outlier detection 300
8.11 Robustness measures for time series 301
8.11.1 Influence function 301
8.11.2 Maximum bias 303
8.11.3 Breakdown point 304
8.11.4 Maximum bias curves for the AR(1) model 305
8.12 Other approaches for ARMA models 306
8.12.1 Estimates based on robust autocovariances 306
8.12.2 Estimates based on memory-m prediction residuals 308
8.13 High-efficiency robust location estimates 308
8.14 Robust spectral density estimation 309
8.14.1 Definition of the spectral density 309
8.14.2 AR spectral density 310
8.14.3 Classic spectral density estimation methods 311
8.14.4 Prewhitening 312
8.14.5 Influence of outliers on spectral density estimates 312
8.14.6 Robust spectral density estimation 314
8.14.7 Robust time-average spectral density estimate 316
8.15 Appendix A: heuristic derivation of the asymptotic distribution
of M-estimates for ARMA models 317
8.16 Appendix B: robust filter covariance recursions 320
8.17 Appendix C: ARMA model state-space representation 322
8.18 Problems 323
9 Numerical Algorithms 325
9.1 Regression M-estimates 325
9.2 Regression S-estimates 328
9.3 The LTS-estimate 328
9.4 Scale M-estimates 328
9.4.1 Convergence of the fixed point algorithm 328
9.4.2 Algorithms for the nonconcave case 330
9.5 Multivariate M-estimates 330
9.6 Multivariate S-estimates 331
9.6.1 S-estimates with monotone weights 331
9.6.2 The MCD 332
9.6.3 S-estimates with nonmonotone weights 333
9.6.4 *Proof of (9.25) 334
10 Asymptotic Theory of M-estimates 335
10.1 Existence and uniqueness of solutions 336
10.2 Consistency 337
10.3 Asymptotic normality 339
10.4 Convergence of the SC to the IF 342
10.5 M-estimates of several parameters 343
10.6 Location M-estimates with preliminary scale 346
10.7 Trimmed means 348
10.8 Optimality of the MLE 348
10.9 Regression M-estimates 350
10.9.1 Existence and uniqueness 350
10.9.2 Asymptotic normality: fixed X 351
10.9.3 Asymptotic normality: random X 355
10.10 Nonexistence of moments of the sample median 355
10.11 Problems 356
11 Robust Methods in S-Plus 357
11.1 Location M-estimates: function Mestimate 357
11.2 Robust regression 358
11.2.1 A general function for robust regression: lmRob 358
11.2.2 Categorical variables: functions as.factor and contrasts 361
11.2.3 Testing linear assumptions: function rob.linear.test 363
11.2.4 Stepwise variable selection: function step 364
11.3 Robust dispersion matrices 365
11.3.1 A general function for computing robust
location–dispersion estimates: covRob 365
11.3.2 The SR-α estimate: function cov.SRocke 366
11.3.3 The bisquare S-estimate: function cov.Sbic 366
11.4 Principal components 366
11.4.1 Spherical principal components: function prin.comp.rob 367
11.4.2 Principal components based on a robust dispersion
matrix: function princomp.cov 367
11.5 Generalized linear models 368
11.5.1 M-estimate for logistic models: function BYlogreg 368
11.5.2 Weighted M-estimate: function WBYlogreg 369
11.5.3 A general function for generalized linear models: glmRob 370
11.6 Time series 371
11.6.1 GM-estimates for AR models: function ar.gm 371
11.6.2 Fτ -estimates and outlier detection for ARIMA and
REGARIMA models: function arima.rob 372
11.7 Public-domain software for robust methods 374
12 Description of Data Sets 377
Bibliography 383
Index 397


Why robust statistics are needed
All statistical methods rely explicitly or implicitly on a number of assumptions. These
assumptions generally aim at formalizing what the statistician knows or conjectures
about the data analysis or statistical modeling problem he or she is faced with, and
at the same time aim at making the resulting model manageable from the theoretical
and computational points of view. However, it is generally understood that the
resulting formal models are simplifications of reality and that their validity is at
best approximate. The most widely used model formalization is the assumption that
the observed data have a normal (Gaussian) distribution. This assumption has been
present in statistics for two centuries, and has been the framework for all the classical
methods in regression, analysis of variance and multivariate analysis. There have
been attempts to justify the assumption of normality with theoretical arguments, such
as the central limit theorem. These attempts, however, are easily proven wrong. The
main justification for assuming a normal distribution is that it gives an approximate
representation to many real data sets, and at the same time is theoretically quite
convenient because it allows one to derive explicit formulas for optimal statistical
methods such as maximum likelihood and likelihood ratio tests, as well as the sampling
distribution of inference quantities such as t-statistics.We refer to such methods
as classical statistical methods, and note that they rely on the assumption that normality
holds exactly.The classical statistics are by modern computing standards quite
easy to compute. Unfortunately theoretical and computational convenience does not
always deliver an adequate tool for the practice of statistics and data analysis, as we
shall see throughout this book.
It often happens in practice that an assumed normal distribution model (e.g., a
location model or a linear regression model with normal errors) holds approximately
in that it describes the majority of observations, but some observations follow a
different pattern or no pattern at all. In the case when the randomness in the model is
assigned to observational errors—as in astronomy, which was the first instance of the
use of the least-squares method—the reality is that while the behavior of many sets of
data appeared rather normal, this held only approximately, with the main discrepancy
being that a small proportion of observations were quite atypical by virtue of being far
from the bulk of the data. Behavior of this type is common across the entire spectrum
of data analysis and statistical modeling applications. Such atypical data are called
outliers, and even a single outlier can have a large distorting influence on a classical
statistical method that is optimal under the assumption of normality or linearity. The
kind of “approximately” normal distribution that gives rise to outliers is one that has a
normal shape in the central region, but has tails that are heavier or “fatter” than those
of a normal distribution.
One might naively expect that if such approximate normality holds, then the
results of using a normal distribution theory would also hold approximately. This
is unfortunately not the case. If the data are assumed to be normally distributed
but their actual distribution has heavy tails, then estimates based on the maximum
likelihood principle not only cease to be “best” but may have unacceptably low
statistical efficiency (unnecessarily large variance) if the tails are symmetric and may
have very large bias if the tails are asymmetric. Furthermore, for the classical tests
their level may be quite unreliable and their power quite low, and for the classical
confidence intervals their confidence level may be quite unreliable and their expected
confidence interval length may be quite large.
The robust approach to statistical modeling and data analysis aims at deriving
methods that produce reliable parameter estimates and associated tests and confidence
intervals, not only when the data follow a given distribution exactly, but also when
this happens only approximately in the sense just described. While the emphasis
of this book is on approximately normal distributions, the approach works as well
for other distributions that are close to a nominal model, e.g., approximate gamma
distributions for asymmetric data. A more informal data-oriented characterization of
robust methods is that they fit the bulk of the data well: if the data contain no outliers
the robust method gives approximately the same results as the classical method, while
if a small proportion of outliers are present the robust method gives approximately the
same results as the classical method applied to the “typical” data. As a consequence
of fitting the bulk of the data well, robust methods provide a very reliable method of
detecting outliers, even in high-dimensional multivariate situations.
We note that one approach to dealing with outliers is the diagnostic approach.
Diagnostics are statistics generally based on classical estimates that aim at giving
numerical or graphical clues for the detection of data departures from the assumed
model. There is a considerable literature on outlier diagnostics, and a good outlier
diagnostic is clearly better than doing nothing. However, these methods present two
drawbacks. One is that they are in general not as reliable for detecting outliers as
examining departures from a robust fit to the data. The other is that, once suspicious
observations have been flagged, the actions to be taken with them remain the analyst’s
personal decision, and thus there is no objective way to establish the properties of the
result of the overall procedure.
Robust methods have a long history that can be traced back at least to the end of
the nineteenth century with Simon Newcomb (see Stigler, 1973). But the first great
steps forward occurred in the 1960s, and the early 1970s with the fundamentalwork of
John Tukey (1960, 1962), Peter Huber (1964, 1967) and Frank Hampel (1971, 1974).
The applicability of the new robust methods proposed by these researchers was made
possible by the increased speed and accessibility of computers. In the last four decades
the field of robust statistics has experienced substantial growth as a research area, as
evidenced by a large number of published articles. Influential books have been written
by Huber (1981), Hampel, Ronchetti, Rousseeuw and Stahel (1986), Rousseeuw and
Leroy (1987) and Staudte and Sheather (1990). The research efforts of the current
book’s authors, many of which are reflected in the various chapters, were stimulated
by the early foundation results, as well as work by many other contributors to the
field, and the emerging computational opportunities for delivering robust methods to
The above body of work has begun to have some impact outside the domain of
robustness specialists, and there appears to be a generally increased awareness of
the dangers posed by atypical data values and of the unreliability of exact model assumptions.
Outlier detection methods are nowadays discussed in many textbooks on
classical statistical methods, and implemented in several software packages. Furthermore,
several commercial statistical software packages currently offer some robust
methods, with that of the robust library in S-PLUS being the currently most complete
and user friendly. In spite of the increased awareness of the impact outliers can have
on classical statistical methods and the availability of some commercial software,
robust methods remain largely unused and even unknown by most communities of
applied statisticians, data analysts, and scientists that might benefit from their use. It
is our hope that this book will help to rectify this unfortunate situation.
Purpose of the book
This book was written to stimulate the routine use of robust methods as a powerful
tool to increase the reliability and accuracy of statistical modeling and data analysis.
To quote John Tukey (1975a), who used the terms robust and resistant somewhat
It is perfectly proper to use both classical and robust/resistant methods routinely, and
only worry when they differ enough to matter. But when they differ, you should think
For each statistical model such as location, scale, linear regression, etc., there exist
several if not many robust methods, and each method has several variants which an
applied statistician, scientist or data analyst must choose from. To select the most
appropriate method for each model it is important to understand how the robust
methods work, and their pros and cons. The book aims at enabling the reader to select
and use the most adequate robust method for each model, and at the same time to
understand the theory behind the method: that is, not only the “how” but also the
“why”. Thus for each of the models treated in this book we provide:
 Conceptual and statistical theory explanations of the main issues
 The leading methods proposed to date and their motivations
 A comparison of the properties of the methods
 Computational algorithms, and S-PLUS implementations of the different approaches
 Recommendations of preferred robust methods, based on what we take to be reasonable
trade-offs between estimator theoretical justification and performance, transparency
to users and computational costs.

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