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悬赏 Multifactor leadership questionnaire: manual and sampler set - [悬赏 1 个论坛币] 文献求助专区 美妮笨笨 2013-3-22 11 4696 Lyndon-he 2023-7-25 17:33:01
用答案集编程实现因果解释的一种形式 翻译 外文文献专区 mingdashike22 2022-3-8 0 183 mingdashike22 2022-3-8 16:06:20
局部识别下的反事实分析 鲁棒精化 外文文献专区 能者818 2022-3-8 0 293 能者818 2022-3-8 14:31:40
求SAS BASE 70题 第35题 详细解答 数据分析与数据科学 lcaamtb 2013-3-17 6 7290 N次方1997 2017-8-3 16:33:39
UNSW ACCT5930 Practice set attachment 会计与财务管理 楼兰雨 2013-4-6 5 5402 contrail123 2017-4-28 21:59:53
SAS 事件分析法?急!!!! SAS专版 小家碧玉emily 2013-4-28 2 2635 michaeljija 2016-12-9 01:21:48
(level 1) 请教大家两个关于international trade (Economics)中的问题 CFA、CVA、FRM等金融考证论坛 thesame2 2013-4-21 2 1877 konglq05 2013-11-28 11:33:02
Soyuz to the Launch Pad (Soyuz 到发射台) attach_img 休闲灌水 fwu19 2013-5-27 0 1002 fwu19 2013-5-27 23:11:45
SAS set 语句 SAS专版 厌学ing 2013-5-8 2 3431 厌学ing 2013-5-12 00:07:15
悬赏 如何选择DEA最适合的input and output变量数目? - [悬赏 20 个论坛币] attach_img 悬赏大厅 Toyotomi 2013-4-30 0 2154 Toyotomi 2013-4-30 19:37:36
关于boostrap 统计软件培训班VIP答疑区 vonthrall 2013-4-1 3 2968 arlionn 2013-4-18 10:27:54
SAS编程与数据挖掘商业案例 划分与转换 数据分析与数据挖掘 cuhklake 2013-4-15 0 1424 cuhklake 2013-4-15 09:56:05
悬赏 求解一个宏问题,应该不难,但是找不到问题 - [!reward_solved!] SAS专版 Tigflanker 2013-3-24 10 1730 Tigflanker 2013-3-25 12:27:31
求解:the premium for the policy is set at 100 over the expected total claim amt 金融类 Caroline.just 2013-3-9 2 1960 Caroline.just 2013-3-22 23:15:34
Six microcomputer programs for population projection: an evaluation. 文献求助专区 suzzon 2013-3-18 0 1525 suzzon 2013-3-18 00:06:57
dofile : set more off 统计软件培训班VIP答疑区 peyzf 2013-3-7 2 3548 peyzf 2013-3-8 01:34:34
使用Array后,程序运行不能停止,也不报错 SAS专版 jy1st 2013-2-23 2 1312 jy1st 2013-2-24 04:20:09
耶鲁:How to Negotiate Salary with Your Employers 怎样和雇主谈判薪金待遇? - [阅读权限 5] 爱问频道 reduce_fat 2013-2-8 2 179 reduce_fat 2013-2-9 10:28:03
PDV中output的问题 SAS专版 chenys625 2013-1-27 5 2083 chenys625 2013-1-27 13:25:54


分享 End of Data step 6.6 of 220
yukai08008 2013-3-16 17:11
a. The automatic variables _N_ and _ERROR_ are incremented by one. b. The DATA step stops execution. c. The descriptor portion of the data set is written .(compilation phase) d. The values of variables created in programming statements are re-set to missing in the program data vector. Answer: By default, at the end of the DATA step, the values in the program data vector are written to the data set as an observation , the value of the automatic variable _N_ is incremented by one, control returns to the top of the DATA step, and the values of variables created in programming statements are set to missing. The automatic variable _ERROR_ retains its value.
个人分类: 学习笔记|0 个评论
分享 69 of 70 用like寻找匹配词
yukai08008 2013-3-13 23:37
用like的缺点是 按字精确匹配 scan则是要清楚所选词出现的具体位置 proc import dbms=excel out=ser datafile='F:\raw material\_69 of 70.xls' replace; run; data res; set ser; where job like '%manager%';/*严格按字匹配*/ run; data res2; set ser; where upcase(scan(job,2))='MANAGER';/*需要制定具体的位置,如第二个词*/ run; data res3; set ser; if upcase(substr(job,)) proc print data=res2; run;
个人分类: 学习笔记|1 次阅读|0 个评论

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