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应workhard等读者要求,何泺生教授耗费数周,克服输入中文困难,专门给我们写医疗改革文章 [推广有奖]

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 香港经济学会会长、香港岭南大学公共政策研究中心主任Prof Lok Sang Ho(何泺生)是位成果卓越、爱好广泛、在国际上享有盛誉的经济学家,本次荣幸地收集了他的有关World Currency Unit学术研究成果,欢迎点击以下链接下载。




 次为高级学术交流,希望论坛各位专家、老师和朋友各抒己见、畅所欲言,也请自由邀请国内外学者参与,与Prof Lok Sang Ho(何泺生教授)展友好的在线学术交流。如果注册、发帖、加入高级会员等有任何问题,请联系Anny Peng(peng773#hotmail.com)

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何泺生教授简介: https://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-108816-1-1.html&page=1

何泺生教授: 谢谢各位的厚爱,我希望跟大家多一点真诚交流。最近我跟黄有光教授合编的一本书出版了,是关于快乐和公共政策,有机会希望跟大家讨论。目前我最渴望的是,把我的WCU的建议推广开去,要是大家有意见,请随便电邮给我。


何泺生教授: The simple answer to both questions is that I am very positive both on the macroeconomic outlook of the Mainland economy and the exchange between HK and Mainlanders. We have had dialogues with Mainland economists that had proved to be quite useful, and we share similar interests.

As to the Mainland economy, I am fairly satisfied with the way macro policy has been conducted so far. But over the longer term, I think we need to resolve the RMB reform, and my proposal for linking the RMB with the WCU at some appropriate level consistent with full employment will, I think, go a long way removing ncertainty and ensuring sustainable growth.

Question: I haven't got time to read. May I ask the following questions in advance? The forerunner of the euro, European Currency Unit, was established in 1979 and was single currency among different countries. Is WCU different from EURO? Will WCU simplify world monetary system? Will other currency disappear?

何泺生教授: A quick reply: I have to rush to evening class today. The ECU is a basket of European currencies, and its purchasing power is not stable. The WCU is a unit of account that is designed to command a fixed unit of real purchasing power. The WCU is NOT a currency; it is only a unit of account. Separate currencies can tie to the WCU as currencies had been tied to gold or to silver. I do not expect a single currency to prevail in the world and do not see that as necessarily desirable. But I think it will be nice if the smaller economies of the world with shallow financial markets tie their currencies to the WCU.

why: What the World Currency Unit is

It is an indexed unit of account that represents real purchasing power against a basket of global output. It can be expressed in any currency; and in terms of the US dollar, for example, its nominal value will rise if there is inflation or if the US dollar depreciates against other major currencies.(questions:wcu与黄金有何区别呢?Isn't the gold a good index?)

何涤生教授:黄金的价值随供求的变化改变,所以需要找其他东西. 但是在大自然界根本就没有一种东西拥有稳定价值的特性,所以要设计一种新产品,这就是WCU 的由来.

brickbat: 泼点冷水吧。我个人认为这个世界货币单位的前途不会好过世界语。可能更差,语言政治上必竞还没那么敏感。货币这个东西代表主权,你搞世界货币,那个要征服世界的头一个就不答应。以前世界银行搞过一个,那还是美国主导呢,都推不开。现在那东西还有,叫特别提款权,已经无足轻重了。

何泺生教授: 朋友, 我同意设想全球实行一种货币并不实际,因此我的WCU也只不过是一个会计单位而已。从设计上它代表一个固定的购买力单位,就是这特点使它可以发挥货币单位的作用。

我从没梦想WCU 可以变成全球通用的货币,但它可以成为货币用以挂钩的对象,也可以成为债卷算价的单位。


何泺生教授: I have anticipated the question and in my "primer", I provided the answer under Q7. Pershaps I should write in Chinese? SDR 是一个会计单位,但它代表了一篮子货币的价值. 由于他只是代表该篮子货币的名义价值,它完全没有反映物价的变动,因此它也不能代表一个固定的购买力单位。

WCU 的构成很简单, 它就是一篮子的世界主要市场经济的总产值. 在基年就按当年的汇价和名义GDP产值算。选定了基年, 篮子定了下来, 往后的时间, 就要随物价和汇价的变动重估它的名义价值。 WCU不关ppp, 因为ppp的目的是量度某地区居民的生活水平。 而WCU 的目的是量度"地球人"要买一篮子的世界生产需要动用多少货币, 不管是以美元,欧元,日元,等等算。






何泺生教授:I attended a meeting in May this year on currency reform, and was told by the Bank of International Settlement representative that bonds issued in SDRs are actually quite significant issues. So to think that SDR is going nowhere is inaccurate.

我今年五月参加了一个关于货币改革的会议. 当时与会的一位国际结算银行代表指出, 以SDR 结算的发债总量一点也不少, 因此说SDR 没多大意义并不大对
. 此外, 即如我一直指出, WCU 并不是一种货币, 而只是一个会计单位而已.

Question:What do you think helped China spared damages of the AFC other than maintaining tight grip over capital flows?
Prof Ho: Hot speculative money was largely absent prior to the AFC. When the AFC occurred, there was therefore no speculative money that wants to leave. The fact that speculative capital was largely absent prior to the AFC was due to the capital controls.

Question:How can WCU, an indexed unit of account, become available as reserve assets?
Prof Ho: WCU is not a reserve asset. Only when governments and corporations find it attractive to issue WCU denominated bonds, because they realize that they pay less interest, and because the risk of their servicing cost is actually lower than single currency denominated bonds, will we have WCU-related reserve assets. Governments will need to "make" such markets and stir the interest. I am confident that with promotion there will be savers who are willing to buy WCU denominated bonds even at very moderate yields.

Question:Who will make sure the good standard which WCU links with is identical among different countries?
Prof Ho: Each country can decide for itself at what rate it links with the WCU, ie., the initial real exchange rates for their currencies. Exchange rates between different currencies are determined endogenously after different countries have separately linked their currencies to the WCU.
The initial real exchange rate and real interest rates should be compatible with full employment.
As explained, countries can repeg with the WCU if they have evidence that a structural change has rendered the prevailing real exchange rates out of line with fundamentals. Then mutual exchange rates will adjust.

Question:Note-issuing commercial banks deposit US$1 for every HK$7.8 that they issue in the form of banknotes. What should Monetary Authority do when adopting WCU?
Prof Ho: The note issuing banks will promise to redeem the issued currency for the amount of US dollars (or any other currency) that is equal to the nominal value of the fraction of the WCU to which each unit of the local currency is worth. That means note issuing banks will have variable obligations in nominal terms but fixed obligations in real terms.


amw: 搞“世界货币”这个问题还有代考虑?????????

fengling9860: 虽然不是很清楚WCU的真正价值所在,但就其字面意思而言好象是一个不可能的事情,何教授一直在强调把其作为一种会计单位进行计算,可是现在每一个国家的会计制度和准则均不同,如何统一会计制度准则之间的差别才是最主要的,至于全世界共用一种货币单位好象就是一件不可能的事情.一点浅薄之见,不怕贻笑别人!



何泺生教授:对,中国经济的稳定可持续发展是最关键的问题。我构想的WCU 基本上把外汇市场变化引起的实质汇率变动中和,如果人民币与WCU 挂了钩,它的名义汇率便会自动调整,长期保持人民币的实质购买力不变,因此也不会影响到本国出口的竞争力。

李登盛: 货币之类的,象个六一样.时代是要用来推动的,而差异永远是不可避免的.而利益是一切的趋势.所以有利益就有镐头.

何泺生教授:当中国经济出现结构性的变化,人民币的实质汇率便可能需要变,那个时候人民币与WCU 的联系就需要作一定的调整。

zhousea 世界货币单位的统一实施起来相当困难,就象英语也不可能全球流通,货币代表一个国家的主权,世界货币到底怎样权重,主导力量也很难确定.现在是美国一家独大,他并不希望自己的美元霸权地位被世界货币所削弱.总之,世界货币方案实施前景渺茫


何泺生教授: 我不相信统一世界货币的构想有任何前途。起码在本世纪内,这个构想没有实际意义。


何泺生教授:谢谢您这个很有意思的问题。我认为每个国家可以因应自己的情况与WCU 挂钩,兑换率看本国的实际情况。这样每个国家都可以保存本国的货币,也可以按情况再有需要的时候调整挂钩的兑换率。








4.你说“WCU 的目的是量度"地球人"要买一篮子的世界生产需要动用多少货币, 不管是以美元,欧元,日元,等等算”,又说“每个国家可以因应自己的情况与WCU 挂钩,兑换率看本国的实际情况。这样每个国家都可以保存本国的货币,也可以按情况再有需要的时候调整挂钩的兑换率”—

暂且不说这连起码的统计基础都没有。按照你的意思,是不是最后就是,买一篮子的世界生产需求要动用NWCUWCU=A美圆=B欧元=C日圆=.... 这不是多此一举么?

何泺生教授:美元的购买力在过去三十年间都在下降, 而黄金的实质购买力同样都不停有变动, 因此有必要创造一个新的计算单位, WCU 就是应这个需要设计出来的构想.

我已经按2000年作为基础年算出了WCU 打从70年代初期到2004年的美元价, 大家可以参考. 从图上的资料看, 2004年120美元的购买力就跟班1973年的25 美元差不多.document.body.clientWidth*0.5) {this.resized=true;this.width=document.body.clientWidth*0.5;this.style.cursor='pointer';} else {this.onclick=null}" alt="" />

Smallfishcn: I am sorry. Last time, I did not read your paper completely, and asked some silly questions. After reading your paper, I think it is a very interesting paper, raising an important issue that is how to find a reference to measure and to compare the changes of real value after inflation under the diversified world monetary system. It seems to be an impossible task as Professor Ho said. However, we, scholars should have some big dreams.

Here, I have a question to ask after reading your paper. That is how to deal with the technical innovations, which also change purchase power and value, resulting in "deflation" if money supply is constant, contrast to the inflation of monetary policies. However, it is not mentioned in your paper.

The speed of technical innovations for different sectors, different countries and regions may be different.Of course, the speed may vary over time.Different from monetary policies, the paces of technical innovations are not predictable, therefore are not controllable.

Then how to incorporate the technical innovation into your models to measure the purchase power??

By the way,you said "我已经按2000年作为基础年算出了WCU 打从70年代初期到2004年的美元价."

It seems that discounted dollar can act as the roles as WCU....then do we need another WCU?

Prof Ho:Prices are affected by many factors, both on the supply side and on the demand side. Among other things, technological innovations represent a factor on the supply side, population growth and population dynamics affect prices on the demand side. But this is alright. As long as price changes can be tracked down, it is possible to measure how much in US dollars (or in any other currency) one needs to buy the same basket of goods and services. The WCU provides a precise way to tell us how the US dollar should be “discounted”.

In the literature there has been discussions about the “compensated dollar”. This is quite similar to the idea that I have discussed. The only difference is that I have spelled out how this adjustment should be made.

There is indeed a problem relating to innovations that lead to new products and the obsolescence of old products. Thus I argue that the base year basket of goods and services probably should be updated every 10 years, if not every 5 years. This should pose no problem. The basket to construct the consumer price index in HK is revised every 5 years based on a new household expenditure survey. So every 10 years we can have a new basket of outputs(GDPs) for compiling a new WCU series. We can splice one series onto another series just as we do for the CPI.

Thanks for your comments.







Ccggqq至何泺生教授: 由于没有看到原文,所以只能以主帖中的信息为基础来谈谈个人看法。

一、如果“WCU 就是一篮子的世界主要市场经济的总产值.”,那么你理论一开始就是同义重复,因为总产值就是价格总量(各商品价格乘其商品量,再和积),价格总量分别除以各商品数量再平均就是物价水平。除非你能有不依靠价格而求算总产值的理论方法(实际可不可行,暂可以不管)。显然汇率、物价总水平始终与总产值密切相关,如何求算逐年总产值?









从这个规律可以看出,同一方式生产的商品在不同的地区和国家是不一样的,这样无论我们选择怎样的一篮子商品(或你说的WCU),它都不会具备我们所希望的代表性和稳定性,它本身的大小必须随不同时间、不同地区、不同国家而不同(阁下可以任选几组标准WCU进行统计分析)。这其中原因在于各商品的价格(包括工资)之间是互动的。那怕是商品自己的生产情况不变(在供求平衡时),但是由于其它商品的生产情况变了,该商品的价格也得变。阁下的那个图就很不具备代表性,阁下说“从图上的资料看, 2004120美元的购买力就跟班1973年的25 美元差不多.”,我看如果你的WCU主要由电子产品组成,那么情况将会反过来,变成“从图上的资料看, 1973120美元的购买力就跟2004年的25 美元差不多”。




博客006:各位老师、前辈: 对于以上大家所谈论的一切!我认为现在搞所谓的“世界货币统一”很难啊?也许这时多时少牵扯些政治等相关因素,但主要还是各国的经济体制不同,中国虽然一再坚持走可持续平稳发展经济道路,想让世界货币统一,我想很难,需要走很长一短路,现在走这条路好比登天而且有点不现实化!

liuqixia56: 世界货币单位的统一实施起来相当困难,就象英语也不可能全球流通,货币代表一个国家的主权,世界货币到底怎样权重,主导力量也很难确定.现在是美国一家独大,他并不希望自己的美元霸权地位被世界货币所削弱.总之,世界货币方案实施前景渺茫。


TafumanBased on two papers written by Professor Ho, to some extent (I haven't totally understood his detailed analysis and modeling on stabilized WCU modeling yet) I do agree with his insightful discussion on the possibility of establishing WCU as the accumulative and measurable reference to anaylize the overall path of global monetary flows. This research is vitally important to explain certain questions concerning the diversified currencies and their possible nature of accountability, instead, as far as I understood, establishing the literal WCU to replace the existing currencies. I think Professor Ho's paper raised an important question or hypothesis for us all: instead of concerning the diversified currencies in the world, the framework of measurable reference can bring us a new look on the divergence and convergence of monetary flows among countries, currencies exchanges cross borders, the evaluation of domestic real purchasing power, nominal value or real GDP for PPC, real exchange rates etc. In all, enlightened by his distinguishable proposal on the accountability of monetary referencing framework, future studies have the opportunities to torch the light on dynamic factors driven global monetary system's integration, no matter they are theoretically correct or dedicated to pragmatic manner.

Some people's comments are trying too hard to throw their immediate understanding or impressions about the "revolutionary" topic, which sound quite naive or without the spirit of criticism. "counter-revolution" of theoretical hypothesis are crucial to academic studies, it is also the very enlightenment all of us needed in our life-long journey of pursuing knowledge and truth.

I would like to discuss my thoughts as the following five:

1. Dynamic modeling of the overall framework. The accumulative model Professor Ho provided as based on the statistical surveys (which are relative short-term) to indicate the trends and nature of current monetary overall value (as Hong Kong and mainland), hence the sustainability and feasibility of predication and duplication of long-term inflation or devaluation could be a foreseeable matter remain challenged by other equivalent theories or testified by following years data. The time vector function could elaborate within the existing model, and, the establishment of cross-time variables is the very merit of the overall stability of this research.

2. The Stability of Value system - Political Economy Dominion. The institutional arrangements of exchange rates as well as value redistribution analysis in 4th part concerned "what constitute the Right exchange Rate", I believe this part is the most important issue to deal with uneven value of gross production for both regions. Path Dependency is successive monetary studies indicated that the interactions among currencies are not simply among the consumption power or real exchange rates by targeted currency (US dollars for instance, many developing countries used to have the tagged monetary system to against "Gold Standard" or US exchange rates). Actually, HOW TO indicate currency exchange flows by cross-time string vector is instable or lack of studied (maybe there are abundant researches on this topic, I haven't read much about them), hence, I think it is extremely difficult to establish a well recognized and unified interactive model on ideal monetary unification models. On the other hand, many great economists have thrown some lights on deriving factors of monetary analysis; I need read more works to reach my conclusion.

3. Limitations of Growth. As previously discussed, Professor and his commentators had the crossfire on the general base of production value, which as I understood, could be a very difficult dilemma to continue. As the past 50 years global economic growth, the gross production value literally has increased dramatically within NICs, BRICs, OCEDs, even the undeveloped countries listed by United Nations during the new millennium. Hence, successive literature on the global economic growth and gross value production increase has indicated the general trends of growth while the edge/limitations of growth are still unclear. Especially neoclassical endogenous growth model advocated by Romer and other economists stressed the uncertainty of technical innovation which are theoretically existing while hard to measure in real applications. Suppose the general basin or basket of gross value in A domestic region is settled or timely static, the exchange rates are much easier to simulate by current monetary models. The problem is involving two factors: (1) the statistic reliability of the "basket of gross value" (2) the dynamic factors driven economy growth. Information economy advocated by Stigliz and others had proven that information as well as technology innovation has great impact of endogenous economic growth; on the other hand, there are great disputes on the existence of ONE unified measurable model on above hypothesis, which also happened to institutional analysis.

4. Non-equilibrium Analysis and Pareto-optimal distribution of value/price/currency. As previously discussed, the domestic clearing price and value are accordingly varied in regions. The mainland economic structure as well as regional disparities could be reasoned by many excuses. Hysteresis on economic circles and development, surplus labor market, Nonperforming banking loans, inefficient banking system, lack of national financial alerting system, inefficient governance in different levels of government, dependent SOEs and heavy industries characterized in northeast and northwest China, lack of modern management training for most indigenous entrepreneur who have little knowledge upon currency index and the information beneath those figures. Back to the equilibrium analysis, accumulative equilibrium analysis recently has been applied in most economists' research are based on the statistic yearbook which there are already successive dispute on the credibility and reliability of statisitical accountability. Since Friedman (2002) argued that China's statistic data (since 1996-2002) indicated surprising malfunction with natural resources and energy consumption, the overall GDP growth rate as well as the equilibrium price for the nominal or real value of purchasing index are highly doubtful. Suppose the optimal resource allocation is theoretically correct in Hong Kong, while the Pareto efficiency could not explicitly implemented or testified in mainland. Institutional arrangements aruged the fact that socialism market economy has a paradoxical market function nothing but neoclassical doctrines. Hereby, allow me to quote Professor Ho's words:"From the equilibrium condition GDP = C + I + G + X- M, we can write Yd +T-B (disposable income plus net taxes minus government interest payment) = C + I + G + X- M. This transposes to T-G-B = I-S-(M-X). Thus the intersection of GS(T-G-B, public sector savings) with PD (I-S-(M-X) , private sector savings deficiency) determines equilibrium aggregate demand." Hence, Professor Ho drew the geometrical aberration advocating that aggregation of demand curve could be achieved at the full employment output simultaneously achieving fiscal budget balance. To prove above, Professor continued his modeling analysis by enforcing the full employment dynamic factor with deductive functions, which are convincing and impressive. This is the very merit to me, actually I do love this part, allow me to quote "A currency regime, in order to be sustainable(Bulir and Smidkova, 2004) and thus credible, needs to be adaptable and be compatible with full employment. If the currency regime produces an exchange rate that is not compatible with full employment and has no effective mechanism to adapt towards such a rate it cannot be sustainable and thus cannot be credible. In contrast, the system herein proposed, by allowing a to change as needed, is compatible with full employment and is therefore sustainable and credible." Professor Ho deliberately delivered the corellatin between currency regime and full employment, which is a simpler form of equilibrium price for other researchers to refer to, personally I think this is very important.

5. Safenet or Firewall for currency crisis? Who has a final say? Refer to previously discussed note 1 and 2, floating interesting rates among governments are varied according to domestic consumption power, foreign currency reservation as well as international trade volume, etc. People's Bank of China as the central bank, applied a "basket" combination for trade credit, bank credit, government, consumer, lease and international credit to leverage the overall discount rate on RMB's credit against US dollars. Especially in recent years, China government and central bank encountered great pressure from G7 or G8 on the government-led RMB devaluation, which the preferential interest rate favor to domestic industries and banks are prohibited by global open market indoctrination. The entry of WTO as well as other multilateral financial organizations enforced China financial system integrated to global "basket" gradually regardless China central government's will, hence, Professor Ho's ideal proposal is positive and optimistic in the coming decades. Unlike the promising global political economic environment, the final say eventually goes to the central government of mainland and, even to certain extent, regardless the will of Hong Kong. Observing from previous Asian financial crisis, governments and market have always some agreements or institutional interest arrangements on the distribution of value among countries and regions. Some, inevitably will be experiencing lose one way, and in another way, they gain their compensation or payoff politically or domestically supports by "black box" agreements. No political adjustments come from thin air, while, in most cases, the game theory also applies within their equilibrial resolutions.

Please allow my naive notes...actually, I am not professional to your sphere at all...

All friends, if you have any critism, please feel free to contact me: neotaoism@yahoo.com.cn

I have to confess that I didn't read enough papers of Professor Ho's works, hence, I do owe an apology to Professor Ho and my rush comments. The more I red about his papers, the more I realized that my words previously commentated were groundlessly rooted on personal construction of ideological perceptions with economics. A fair and intellectual comment is deserved here, I will try.

Actually, I think the above five notes are, literally the very thoughts I derived or stimulated from Professor Ho's first two papers, and then, gradually inspired me to continue my endless words by reading others papers of his. Thank you.










Workhard: 其实,教授研究的领域我不是很熟悉,不过我希望这些香港的知名学者们也能关注一下大陆的热点经济问题,毕竟他们与这些问题没有太直接的利益关系,能够以旁观者的身份给出好的建议,就象郎咸平先生那样.

        中港医疗制度同须改革 21/11/2006











其实医疗改革中的经济原理是非常复杂的。要建立一个持续,公平和效率的体系,或许在Mechanism Design上是不可能的。

因为这样的制度必须考虑,政府,大众和医院三者之间的信息不对称(Information Asymmetricity )和权利不对称关系(Power Asymmetricity )。又要防止医院和病人的合谋(Collusion),防止病人的搭便车(Free Rider),医院的权利滥用(Power Abuse)。。。。。。Keith Crocker在2003年的RAND Journal of Economics发表了一篇非常好的关于医疗改革的论文。(其实那是一个关于医疗改革的专集,相当经典)。这是一个效率问题。






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关键词:workhard 医疗改革 Hard Work 何泺生 中文 教授 医疗 何泺生 workhard

why 发表于 2006-9-20 22:39:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群





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workhard 发表于 2006-9-23 22:14:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群




mylpony 发表于 2006-9-24 08:19:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

在交大特思论坛上对Prof Lok Sang Ho世界货币单位中文概要下载作了次宣传,刚从那边考过来,那边呢称pony(密码:321123),这边呢称mylpony,能加现金么版主?^_^ 谢过!




[此贴子已经被cymbidium于2006-9-28 8:32:48编辑过]


why 发表于 2006-9-24 19:34:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

我不是学金融专业的,加上自己英语又不太好,所以不能很好的理解何会长文章的真实含义,但是自己有一个小问题。如下:1. What the World Currency Unit is

It is an indexed unit of account that represents real purchasing power against a basket of global output. It can be expressed in any currency; and in terms of the US dollar, for example, its nominal value will rise if there is inflation or if the US dollar depreciates against other major currencies.

(questions:wcu与黄金有何区别呢?Isn't the gold a good index?)



brickbat 发表于 2006-9-25 02:20:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


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towww 发表于 2006-9-26 17:43:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群




[此贴子已经被cymbidium于2006-9-27 17:49:04编辑过]



brickbat 发表于 2006-9-26 17:58:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


----- Original Message -----
From: < lsho@ln.edu.hk >
To: < brickbat@21cn.com >
Cc: "Anny Peng" < peng773@hotmail.com >
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: WCU



我从没梦想WCU 可以变成全球通用的货币,但它可以成为货币用以挂钩的对象,也可以成为债卷算价的单位。



wanguangcai 发表于 2006-9-28 01:22:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
以下是引用brickbat在2006-9-26 17:58:00的发言:

----- Original Message -----
From: < lsho@ln.edu.hk >
To: < brickbat@21cn.com >
Cc: "Anny Peng" < peng773@hotmail.com >
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: WCU



我从没梦想WCU 可以变成全球通用的货币,但它可以成为货币用以挂钩的对象,也可以成为债卷算价的单位。








cymbidium 发表于 2006-9-28 12:10:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
以下是引?lt;I>wanguangcai在2006-9-28 1:22:00的发言:





 人大经济论坛有很多国内外专家、学者参与,使用“鼓吹”、“稍微懂点脑子”、“哗众取宠,为了吸人眼球”等言辞是不是对读者有些不尊重?本次为高级学术交流,我们主张学术平等,欢迎大家各抒己见,但一定要在理解、起码是看过何教授原文的基础上。我个人认为发表高见时,不妨参考下帖的精彩问答, 这才是读者期待的学术交流: https://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-109067-1-1.html&page=1


  何教授:“I am not bothered by this comment.I attended a meeting in May this year on currency reform, and was told by the Bank of International Settlement representative that bonds issued in SDRs are actually quite significant issues. So to think that SDR is going nowhere is inaccurate.

  我今年五月参加了一个关于货币改革的会议. 当时与会的一为国际结算银行代表指出, 以SDR 结算的发债总量一点也不少, 因此说SDR 没多大意义并不大对.此外, 即如我一直指出, WCU 并不是一种货币, 而只是一个会计单位而已.” 



[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-3 7:15:43编辑过]



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