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[其他] 西安交通大学金禾研究中心博士发表 [推广有奖]

HELLIO 发表于 2016-1-1 14:33:27 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


alfredgump 学生认证  发表于 2016-1-2 09:03:40 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


freeflyboy123 发表于 2022-4-6 16:27:29 来自手机 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
HELLIO 发表于 2015-10-16 00:10
1) (SSCI) A panel unit root test with smooth breaks and cross-sectional dependence. Oxford Bulletin  ...
  (13)  Lixiong Yang.  High Dimensional Threshold Model With a Time-Varying Threshold Based on Fourier Approximation. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2022, accepted.
   (12)  Lixiong Yang.  Threshold Mixed Data Sampling Models with a Covariate-Dependent Threshold. Appllied Economics Letters (SSCI, ABS Grade 1), 2022, accepted.<br><br>
(11) Lixiong Yang. Time-varying threshold cointegration with an application to the Fisher hypothesis. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2021, accepted.<br><br>
   (10) Lixiong Yang. Threshold Mixed Data Sampling (TMIDAS) Regression  Models with an Application to GDP Forecast Errors. Empirical Economics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2021, accepted.<br><br>
    (9) Yang L, Zhang C, Lee C, Chen I-P. Panel kink threshold regression with a covariate-dependent threshold [J]. Econometrics Journal(SSCI, ABS Grade 3),  2020, forthcoming(https://doi.org/10.1093/ectj/utaa035).

  (8) Yang L, Lee C, Chen I-P. Threshold model with a time-varying threshold based on Fourier approximation [J]. Journal of Time Series Analysis, (SCI, ABS Grade 3), 2020, forthcoming. (https://doi.org/10.1111/jtsa.12574)<br>
(7)Lixiong Yang. State-dependent biases and the quality of China\'s preliminary GDP announcements[J]. Empirical Economics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2020, 59: pages2663–2687.
(6)Lixiong Yang. Regression discontinuity designs with state-dependent unknown discontinuity points: Estimation and testing[J].Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2019, 23(2):1-18.<br>
(5)Lixiong Yang, Jen-Je Su. Debt and growth: Is there a constant tipping point?[J]. Journal of International Money and Finance(SSCI, ABS Grade 3), 2018, 87:133-143.<br>
(4)Lixiong Yang, Chingnun Lee and Jen-Je Su. Behavior of the Standard Dickey-Fuller Test When There is a Fourier-Form Break Under the Null Hypothesis[J]. Economics Letters (SSCI, ABS Grade 3), 2017, (forthcoming).<br>
(3)Lixiong Yang. An Assessment on the quality of China\'s Preliminary Data of Quarterly GDP Announcements [J]. Applied Economics (SSCI, ABS Grade 2), 2017, 49:5558-5569.<br>
(2)Chingnun Lee, J-L Wu and Lixiong Yang. A Simple Panel Unit-Root Test with Smooth Breaks in the Presence of a Multifactor Error Structure[J].Oxford Bulletin Economics and Statistics(SSCI, ABS Grade 3),2016, 3(78): 365-393.<br>
(1) Lixiong Yang, Chingnun Lee and Fushun Shie. How close a relationship does a capital market have with other such capital markets? A reexamination based on the equal variance test[J].Pacific-Basin Finance Journal(SSCI, ABS Grade 2),2014 (26):198-226.


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