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发布时间:2015-01-06 来源:人大经济论坛
王学清 博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师 电话:010-82801584, 电子信箱:wangxq@bjmu.edu.cn 1989.9-1993.7 北京医科大学药学专业学习,获学士学位。2001.9-2003.7年于北京大学药剂学专业在职学习,获硕士学位。2005.9-2008.7年于中国科学院生物物理研究所在职学习,获博士学位。2011年于奥地利因斯布鲁克大学进修学习三个月。1993.8留校后进入北京医科大学药学院药剂教研室从事教学和科研工作,主要承担本科生、研究生的药剂学、生物药剂学与药物动力学的理论课程与实验课程的教学工作。1998年聘为讲师,2009年聘为副教授。参与多项国家课题和新药制剂开发工作,如NSF重点资助项目基于分子靶向给药的肿瘤联合治疗(在研)、973计划资助项目纳米技术改善难溶性药物功效的应用基础研究 (在研)、科技部重大新药创制新制剂与新释药系统技术平台建设项目(在研)、863计划资助项目环孢素A纳米粒口服剂型的研究(已结题)、NSF重点资助项目载体给药系统的分子药剂学 (已结题)、蚯蚓纤连蛋白酶在乙型肝炎治疗中的基础研究、一类新药RS-27 输液剂的研制等。 主要研究方向 纳米技术增加难溶性药物及多肽蛋白类药物的口服吸收,肿瘤靶向纳米药物输送系统研究。   代表性论文 1. Xue-qing Wang, Jie-ming Fan, Ya-ou Liu, Bo Zhao, Zeng-rong Jia, Qiang Zhang*. Bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of sorafenib suspension, nanoparticles and nanomatrix for oral administration to rat. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2011, 419: 339-346. 2. Ya-Ou Liu, Jie-Ming Fan, Xue-Qing Wang*, Qiang Zhang. Preparation of sorafenib selfmicroemulsifying drug delivery system and its relative bioavailability in rats. Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2011, 20:164-170. 3. Wang Xueqing, Zhang Yuan, Pan Rong, He Rongqiao, Distribution of earthworm fibrinolytic enzyme in rat gastrointestinal tract after oral administration. Chinese Journal of New Drugs. 2010, 19: 1360-1364. 4. Xue-Qing Wang, Lan Chen, Rong Pan, Jing Zhao, Ying Liu, Rong-Qiao He, An earthworm protease cleaving serum fibronectin and decreasing HBeAg in HepG2.2.15 cells. BMC biochemistry. 2008, 9:30 doi:10.1186/1471-2091-9-30 5. Xue-Qing Wang, Jun-Dong Dai, Hua Zhang, Xuan Zhang,Jian-Cheng Wang, Qiang Zhang*. Absorption mechanism of cyclosporine A loaded pH-sensitive nanoparticles in rats. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2008, 8:2422-2431. 6. Xue-qing Wang, Jia Huang, Jun-dong Dai, Tao Zhang, Wan-liang Lu,Hua Zhang, Xuan Zhang, Jian-cheng Wang, Qiang Zhang*. Long-term studies on the stability and oral bioavailability of cyclosporine A nanoparticle colloid. International Journal of Pharmaceutics,2006,322:146 -153. 7. Xue-qing Wang, Jun-dong Dai, Zhen Chen, Tao Zhang, Gui-min Xia, Qiang Zhang*. Bioavailability and Pharmacokinetics of Cyclosporine A loaded pH-sensitive nanoparticles for oral administration. Journal of Controlled Release, 2004, 97: 421-429. 8. Jun-dong Dai, Tsuneji Nagai, Xue-qing Wang, Tao Zhang, Meng Meng, Qiang Zhang*. pH-sensitive nanoparticles for improving the oral bioavailability of Cyclosporine A. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2004,280: 229 -240. 9.Yuan Zhang, Xueqing Wang, Jiancheng Wang, Xuan Zhang, Qiang Zhang*. Octreotide-Modified Polymeric Micelles as Potential Carriers for Targeted Docetaxel Delivery to Somatostatin Receptor Overexpressing Tumor Cells. Pharm Res. 2011, 28: 1167-1178. 10. Yu Xiang, Liang Liang, Xueqing Wang, Jiancheng Wang, Xuan Zhang, Qiang Zhang*. Chloride channel-mediated brain glioma targeting of chlorotoxin-modified doxorubicine-loaded liposomes. Journal of Controlled Release. 2011,152: 402-410. 11. Zengrong Jia, Ping Lin, Yu Xiang, Xueqing Wang, Jiancheng Wang, Xuan Zhang, Qiang Zhang*. A novel nanomatrix system consisted of colloidal silica and pH-sensitive polymethylacrylate improves the oral bioavailability of fenofibrate. European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics . 2011, 79: 126-134. 12. Junlin Zhang, Wu Jin, Xueqing Wang, Jiancheng Wang, Xuan Zhang and Qiang Zhang*. A Novel Octreotide Modified Lipid Vesicle Improved the Anticancer Efficacy of Doxorubicin in Somatostatin Receptor 2 Positive Tumor Models. Mol Pharm. 2010, 7:1159-68。 13.  Wu CS, Wang XQ, Meng M, Li MG, Zhang H, Zhang X, Wang JC, Wu T, Nie WH, Zhang Q*. Effects of pH-sensitive nanoparticles prepared with different polymers on the distribution, adhesion and transition of Rhodamine 6G in the gut of rats. J Microencapsul. 2010, 27:205-217. 14. Wenbing Dai, Tingyuan Yang, Xueqing Wang, Jiancheng Wang, Xuan Zhang, Qiang Zhang*. PHSCNK-Modified and doxorubicin-loaded liposomes as a dual targeting system to integrin-overexpressing tumor neovasculature and tumor cells. Journal of Drug Targeting. 2009 (doi:10.3109/ 10611860903353354)。
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