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发布时间:2015-01-12 来源:人大经济论坛
市场营销论文范文  目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 第1章 绪 论1 1.1本文研究背景和研究意义1 1.1.1本文的研究背景1 1.1.2本文的研究意义2 1.2联想移动的发展历程2 1.3本文研究主要内容3 第2章 国内手机市场的发展和现状4 2.1国内手机市场发展历程4 2.2国内手机市场现状4 第3章 联想移动的环境分析7 3.1联想移动的外部环境分析7 3.2联想移动的内部环境分析10 3.3联想移动的SWOT分析11 3.3.4联想移动面临的威胁14 第4章 联想移动的4P理论分析15 4.1联想移动的产品分析15 4.2联想移动的价格分析17 4.3联想移动的渠道分析18 4.4联想移动的促销分析18 4.5联想移动营销策略中存在的其他问题18 第5章 联想手机营销策略设计19 5.1实施全面质量营销19 5.2完善售后服务体系20 5.3做好营销渠道的整合21 5.4采取灵活的价格策略22 5.5做好产品促销22 第6章 实施新营销策略效果分析24 第7章 结 论25 参考文献27 致 谢29 摘 要 2009年国内手机市场将继续面临国际金融危机等因素的影响,但随着运营商重组尘埃落定和3G时代的来临,无论洋品牌还是国产品牌的手机厂商们都看到了希望。当前我国手机市场面临三大发展动力:第一是3G时代三大运营商的集中采购;第二个是手机存量用户的大规模升级换代;第三则是“家电下乡”带来的机会,2009年将是中国手机业转型并扩张的一年。 在我国手机制造业中,最具实力是外资品牌企业。我国手机制造业能否抓住机遇?在未来的发展中应如何应对外资品牌的挑战?这些问题都是非常值得研究的问题。因此,本文主要研究的内容是:通过对联想手机所处市场环境的分析,得出联想移动在行业中所处的现状;通过对联想SWOT分析,找出联想移动在手机行业的优势、劣势、机会和威胁;研究分析联想移动的市场营销战略现状,通过宏观微观的市场营销环境分析,来研究联想移动的发展现状;研究分析联想移动的市场营销战略发展方向。 本文的研究意义主要有:第一,分析联想手机的市场营销战略的实施情况,通过论文的研究可以对联想手机对营销战略的运用情况有所掌握。第二,为联想手机的市场营销战略提供参考意见,通过研究及发现问题,可以针对其具体情况提出自己的意见和建议。第三,研究联想手机的市场营销战略发展新方向,研究手机行业的发展趋势,制订其具体的发展战略,使联想手机得到更好的发展。 关键词:国产手机 ;营销策略;联想;SWOT Abstract Domestic mobile phone market in 2009 will continue to face international financial crisis and other factors, but as the dust settles from restructuring operators and 3G era, whether foreign or domestic brand mobile phone brand manufacturers have seen hope. Mobile phone market in China faces three major driving force for development: The first is the era of the three major 3G operator's centralized purchasing; second one is the stock of mobile phone users upgrading of large-scale; the third is the "home appliances to the countryside," the opportunities offered by 2009 will be China's mobile phone industry and the expansion of the one-year transition. Phone manufacturing in China, the most powerful foreign brands. China's mobile phone manufacturing industry can seize the opportunity? Development in the future should be how to deal with the challenges of foreign brands? These issues are worthy of study. Therefore, this paper studies are: the adoption of Lenovo mobile phone market environment in which analysis of Lenovo Mobile in the industry in which the status quo; SWOT analysis of Lenovo, Lenovo Mobile mobile phones to identify industry strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; research and analysis Lenovo marketing strategy moving the status quo, through macro-micro environment of marketing analysis, to study the development of Lenovo Mobile; research and analysis of Lenovo mobile marketing strategy development. The main significance of this study are as follows: First, analyze the marketing Lenovo mobile phone implementation of the strategy, through the research papers on mobile phones Lenovo marketing strategy for the use of talking about. Second, the market for Lenovo mobile phones to provide advice on marketing strategy, through the research and found the problem, his or her specific circumstances can make their own comments and suggestions. Third, the study of Lenovo mobile phone market direction to develop new marketing strategies to study the development trend of mobile phone industry, the development of their specific development strategies to better associate the development of mobile phones. Keywords: China mobile phone; marketing strategy; Lenovo; SWOT
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