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发布时间:2015-01-18 来源:人大经济论坛
计算机专业论文范文 摘 要 中小企业在我国经济发展中具有重要地位,但其信息化程度不高。中小企业无法承受巨额投资和太长的投资回报周期,市场需要高效的、性价比合理的中小企业ERP解决方案。 中小企业基本进销存业务以进、销、存为核心,通过对现有中小企业业务需求的分析,运用ASP设计了适合传统中小企业的进销存管理系统。围绕采购、库存、销售等具体物流业务,阐述了一个进销存管理系统中业务模块的分析设计过程,以实现低成本、高效率的业务管理控制系统。 在需求分析、以及后阶段的设计工作中,学习借鉴了ERP软件过程,运用了ASP来进行设计。本平台采用B/S架构,使用VBScript编写,运行于WINDOWS XP平台,可实现采购管理(入库管理)、库存管理,销售管理(出库管理)和系统设置等功能。 关键词:ERP;进销存;管理系统 The Design and Implementation of Enterprise Stock-sell-storage Management System Abstract Most SMEs play an important part in our economical development, but the development of their IT is not high. SMEs can't support the substantial investment and long cycle of investment return. Market needs on efficient, cost-effective and reasonable ERP solution for SMEs. The kernel of SMEs’s business is stock, sell and storage. Based on the analysis of existing SME business’s needs, an ASP application is designed for traditional SMEs in inventory management. Around purchasing, inventory, sales and other specific logistics, details the process of analysis and the sign of business module in inventory management system, achieves a low cost, high efficiency management system. During the demand analysis and the design in the later phase of work, learning from the process of ERP, ASP is used to conduct design. B / S structure is adopted here, and VBScript is used. This system runs on the Windows XP operation system. It implements purchase management (storage management), inventory management, sales management (out storage management ) and system setting function and so on. Key words: ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning); Stock-sell-storage; Management system 目 录 1引言1 1.1研发的背景1 1.2进销存管理系统的目标2 1.3系统长远目标-实现ERP系统2 2系统实现工具简介3 2.1ASP简介3 2.2Dreamweaver 简介7 2.3VBScript简介8 2.4Microsoft Access 简介9 3系统需求分析9 3.1提出问题9 3.2分析问题10 3.3软件需求分析10 3.4主要流程11 4系统设计与关键功能实现11 4.1系统总体设计方案11 4.1.1进销存系统开发设计思想11 4.1.2进销存系统功能设计11 4.1.3系统界面设计12 4.1.4数据库设计13 4.2关键功能实现16 4.2.1MD5算法16 4.2.2普通员工及管理员登陆模块17 4.2.3产品入库模块18 4.2.4产品销售模块24 4.2.5员工权限设置26 4.2.6进货统计27 5测试结果28 5.1系统测试方式28 5.2系统测试环境29 5.3系统测试结果29 5.4测试工具29 结 论29 参考文献29 致 谢30 声 明31
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