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发布时间:2015-01-18 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 600MW火电机组回热系统分析模型研究 摘要 我国是一个能源丰富但是节能水平还迫切需要提高的国家,发电企业是我国能源消耗的大户,他们节能水平的高低直接影响着全国的能源形势,关系着全国的环境质量,也是我国发电企业进行可持续发展的重要环节。随着时代的发展,火力发电机组采用大容量和超临界技术是提高发电机组热经济性的有效途径。我国也将超临界机组作为今后一个时期火电机组建设的重点之一,而600MW火电机组又是超临界火电机组中的主力机组。针对600MW火电机组中重要组成部分——回热系统,进行分析对于提高热效率节约能源和系统的稳定工作都起到了重要作用。本文介绍了600MW火电机组的特点及主要生产过程。对于整个火电机组热力系统作了较为详尽的描述并且重点介绍了回热系统。对于火电厂热经济性指标分析的几种方法作了详细的介绍,并建立了回热系统热经济性计算模型和小指标分析模型。最终通过实例证明了该模型准确性。为火电机组回热系统热效率提供了评价方法。 关键词:600MW火电机组 热经济性 回热系统分析模型 600MW Thermal Power Unit Heat recovery systems analysis model Abstract China is an energy-rich but energy level is also an urgent need to improve the country. power generation business is the major energy consumption. The level of their energy level direct impact on the country's energy situation. Relations with the country's environmental quality,also generating enterprises for sustainable development an important link. With the development of the times, thermal power generation uses large capacity and supercritical technology, which is an effective way to improve the economic units. China also makes supercritical unit as one of the key points to the construction of thermal power units in a period of the future. 600 MW thermal power units is the main part of supercritical thermal power units, for an important part of 600 MW thermal power units-- heat recovery system, the analysis of heat recovery system plays an important role of improving the thermal efficiency, saving energy and the stability of the system. This paper introduces the characteristic and main process of production for 600 MW thermal power units. The entire thermal system of thermal power units is described exhaustively and the paper focuses on the regenerative system. Several methods for the hot efficient target analysis of thermoelectric power station are described in detail. And the establishment of a heat recovery system of calculation model of economic indicators and analysis of small indicators. Finally, examples prove the veracity and reliability of heat recovery systems analysis model of thermal power units, which has already been established. Power Unit for the thermal system to provide thermal efficiency of the eva luation method. Keywords: 600MW Thermal Power Unit ,Heat economy,Heat recovery systems analysis model 目录 摘要I AbstractII 第一章 引言1 1.1 中国能源现状概述1 1.2 火电机组的发展历史、现况及发展方向3 1.3 火电发电在我国电力行业中的地位4 1.4 火电厂节能的意义5 第二章 600MW火电机组热力系统介绍7 2.1 600MW火电机组概述7 2.2 600MW火电机组的工作过程7 2.3 600MW火电机组热力设备介绍7 2.3.10 给水泵汽轮机的热力系统10 2.4 600MW火电机组回热系统介绍10 2.5 600MW火电机组回热加热器的分类及特点11 第三章 600MW火电机组回热系统分析模型13 3.1 热力系统经济性分析方法13 3.2 热力系统汽水分布矩阵方程的确定14 3.3 功率方程及吸热量方程18 3.4 水和水蒸汽热物性参数计算模型19 3.5 排汽焓计算19 3.6 600MW火电机组耗差分析20 第四章 小指标分析22 4.1 抽汽压损22 4.2 加热器端差22 4.3 各参数应达值的确定23 4.4 总能损确定24 4.5 热经济性计算示例25 第四章 总结30 参考文献31 致谢33
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