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发布时间:2015-01-23 来源:人大经济论坛
模具专业论文范文 目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 第1章 绪论1 1.1 选题的依据和意义1 1.2 本课题的国内外研究现状1 1.3 课题研究的主要内容和拟采取的方法2 1.4 课题难点及解决方法和发展前景2 1.5 本章小结3 第2章 设计方案论证与分析4 2.1 设计任务4 2.2 塑件分析4 2.2.1 塑件的外形分析4 2.2.2 塑件的结构分析5 2.2.3 塑件的材料性能5 2.3 注射机的选择6 2.3.1注射机类型的选择6 2.3.2注射机型号的确定6 2.3.3 校核所选注射机的部分参数6 2.4 本章小结8 第3章 注塑模具总体结构设计9 3.1 成型部分及其零部件设计9 3.1.1分型面的确定9 3.1.2型腔数的确定9 3.1.3凹模的结构设计10 3.1.4凸模的结构设计10 3.1.5型腔壁厚的计算11 3.2 浇注系统设计17 3.2.1主流道设计17 3.2.2分流道设计18 3.2.3 浇口设计19 3.2.4 冷料穴设计20 3.3 排溢、引气系统设计21 3.4 脱模机构设计21 3.4.1定模侧向抽芯机构设计22 3.4.2脱出机构设计24 3.4.3取出方式28 3.5 温度调节系统设计28 3.5.1冷却系统的设计要点28 3.5.2冷却装置的理论计算29 3.5.3冷却回路的布置31 3.5.4冷却系统的其它零部件32 3. 5. 5 本章小结32 结 论33 参考文献34 致 谢35 摘 要 随着模具的发展,塑料注塑模已经成为塑料制品的主要成型方法之一。 针对赛豹车组合仪表罩注塑模的设计,本文首先介绍了课题选择的依据和意义、课题的国内外研究现状、课题的主要内容及拟采取的方法、设计的难点与解决方法和注塑模的发展前景的简述。接着介绍了注塑模的整个设计流程,分析塑件、选取注射机并作出部分参数的校核,然后是注塑模的整体设计,包括成型塑件几何形状和尺寸的成型部分及其零部件设计、输送熔融塑料的浇注系统设计、排出影响塑件精度气体的排溢与引气系统设计、这里只进行冷却系统设计的温度调节系统设计、分离并取出成型塑件的脱模机构设计以及模架设计。本文利用CAD绘图软件完成成型部分及其零部件的设计,另外利用斜导柱和活动型芯完成塑件上侧向凹孔的抽芯动作,凹孔耳座的脱出由组合斜滑块完成。论文最后阐述了此次设计的心得体会。 关键词:注塑模;冷却系统;浇注系统;侧向抽芯机构;斜滑块 Abstract With the development of the plastic industry, the plastic injection mould has already been become one of main methods of manufacturing plastic products. By designing Sai Bao automobile combinative instrument cover, this paper firstly introduces the choosing basis and significance of the subject, its home and abroad studying station and main studying contents with its adopting methods, design’s difficulties and solutions, briefly expounding its development prospects. Next, the whole design process of injection mould is introduced, that is, analysis plastic part, choose injection machine with some of its parameters being checked so as to satisfy design demands, then the injection mould overall design is introduced, such as the forming parts and components design forming plastic part’s geometry and dimension, the pouring systems design transporting melt plastics, the overflow and bleed system design discharging air which affects plastic part’s precision, the temperature adjusted system design only designing the cooling system here, demould mechanism design isolating and retrieving already molding part, and mould-frame design. UG drawing software is utilized to accomplish the forming parts and components design, in addition helix-pillar and moving-core are used to form and extract the side-hole, helix-slider is used to extract the pock-hole’s block ears. Experiences are expounded in the end of the paper. Keywords:Injection mould;Cooling system;Pouring system Side-extracting core mechanism;Helix-slider
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