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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目 录 引言 1 1 《电路与电子学》多媒体课件 1 1.1 课程的性质与任务 1 1.2 为何制作《电路与电子学》多媒体课件 1 2 《电路与电子学》多媒体课件功能简介 2 3 《电路与电子学》多媒体课件设计 2 3.1《电路与电子学》多媒体课件设计的重要性 2 3.2《电路与电子学》多媒体课件的总体设计 2 3.2.1什么是多媒体课件 3 3.2.2设计的构思 4 3.2.3每个步骤分析 5 4 《电路与电子学》多媒体课件的制作 11 4.1 选择开发工具 11 4.2 模块的制作 12 4.3 各模块详细程序制作 15 4.3.1“学习内容”模块制作 15 4.3.2“难点重点”模块制作 21 5 后期处理 21 5.1 课件调试 21 5.2 课件测试 21 5.2.1错误测试 22 5.2.2功能测试 22 5.2.3效果测试 22 5.3 课件打包、发布 22 5.4 软件维护 22 6 总结 22 6.1 关键技术总结 22 6.1.1控制背景音乐循环播放的关键技术 22 6.1.2程序发布时的注意事项 23 6.1.3模块之间的整合 23 6.2经验总结 23 6.2.1 开发多媒体课件的注意事项 23 6.2.2程序调试 24 谢辞 26 参考文献 27 附录 28 摘 要 目前,世界上正进行着一场以信息科学技术发展为主流的科学技术革命,人类社会正在由工业社会转入信息时代。步入21世纪后,多媒体随着Internet的发展日趋成熟,计算机辅助教学CAI的兴起是教育领域中最富成效的信息革命,媒体技术对CAI的应用起到了巨大的推动作用。多媒体CAI以及其交互性、集成性、形象性和自适应等显著特点越来越受到人们的重视。多媒体技术不仅会在信息市场上扮演一个举足轻重的角色,而且也将对大众传播媒体、人类的学习环境产生巨大影响。 本文采用了Authorware多媒体创作工具制作了《电路与电子学》多媒体课件。利用多媒体技术开发了具有动画效果的信号分析图,使课件变得更生动形象。运用以前学过的《软件工程》和《C程序设计》的思想作为设计的总体指导思想;用Authorware制作了“学习内容”模块和“难点重点”模块。“学习内容”模块是专门适用于辅助教师高效的完成教学任务的模块,其特点是内容精髓,突出重点,界面丰富却不凌乱,具有较强的交互性,使用简单;“难点重点”模块针对本课程中的难点知识进行了动态的模拟,动态的效果能更接近人们的思维,使学生能更好的理解和掌握它们。 关键词:多媒体;设计;制作;模块;电路与电子技术 Abstract At present, the world is undergoing a revolution of science and technology in which the development of the science and technology of information is the mainstream. The society of human beings is now transferring the era of Industry into the era of Information. After entering the 21st century, the multimedia has been developed better and better along with the development of the Internet. The rise of Computer-aided instruction (CAI) is the most fruitful revolution of information in the educational circle, the media technology have promoted the application of the CAI greatly. People are attaching importance more and more to the multimedia CAI and its prominent characteristics such as its mutuality, its integration, its visualize and its self-adaptation. Multimedia will not only play an important part in the information market, but also has a great influence on the mass media and the learning environment for human beings. This article made a multimedia courseware of circuit and electronics by using the multimedia creation tool-Author ware. And it developed a signal analyzing chart which has animation effect by using the multimedia technology and thus made the courseware become more vivid and visual. It takes the ideas of software engineering and C programmer which were learned before as its overall guidelines for designing. It also made the “studying content” module and the “difficulty and keystone” module. The “studying content” module is especially used for assisting teachers to accomplish the teaching task efficiently. And its characteristics are the followings: it has quintessential content and its key points are popped out; its interface is rich but not disorderly and has strong mutuality; it is easy to use it. The “difficulty and keystone” module conducted a dynamic simulation which is aimed at the difficult points of this course. The dynamic effects are more close to people's thought and enable student have better understanding and mastery of them than ever. Key words: Multimedia;Design;Execution;Module;Circuit and electronic technology
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