06 版ZigBee技术协议栈的研究_通信工程专业论文范文
摘 要I
1 ZigBee技术及协议的概述2
1.1 ZigBee技术2
1.1.1 ZigBee技术概述2
1.1.2 ZigBee技术的应用前景2
1.2 ZigBee协议的概述2
1.2.1 ZigBee协议栈体系结构2
1.2.2 ZigBee协议栈层次结构3
1.2.3 ZigBee协议栈各层帧结构之间的关系4
2 物理层(PHY)规范5
2.1 物理层概述5
2.2 数据的发送与接收5
2.2.1 数据发送5
2.2.2 数据接收6
2.3 物理层数据服务功能实现6
2.4 物理层管理服务功能实现6
2.4.1 请求清除信道评估(CCA)6
2.4.2 能量检测(ED)7
2.4.3 属性获取、设置原语操作7
2.4.4 设置收发机工作状态7
2.5 物理层协议数据单元(PPDU)格式7
3 MAC层规范8
3.1 MAC层服务概述8
3.2 MAC层数据服务功能的实现8
3.2.1 MCPS-DATA.request原语8
3.2.2 MCPS-PURGE.request原语8
3.2.3 MAC层数据服务信息流程8
3.3 MAC层管理服务功能的实现9
3.3.1 MAC层关联操作9
3.3.2 MAC层解关联操作10
3.3.3 MAC层孤儿操作原语11
3.3.4 MAC层信道扫描11
3.3.5 请求协调器数据12
3.4 物理层数据指示原语的处理13
4 网络层(NWK)规范14
4.1 ZigBee网络层服务概述14
4.2 网络层管理服务功能实现14
4.2.1 建立一个新网络15
4.2.2 允许设备加入网络15
4.2.3 设备加入网络16
4.2.4 设备离开网络20
4.3 网络层数据服务功能实现21
4.4 路由算法21
4.4.1 沿树路由21
4.4.2 广播通信23
4.4.3 路由选择24
4.5 网络层帧结构28
4.5.1 帧结构的一般形式28
4.5.2 数据帧格式28
4.5.3 命令帧格式29
5 应用层(APL)规范30
5.1 应用层概述30
5.1.1 应用支撑子层(APS)30
5.1.2 应用层框架30
5.1.3 应用Profiles30
5.1.4 ZigBee设备对象30
5.2 ZigBee应用支撑子层31
5.2.1 APS数据服务31
5.2.2 APS管理服务32
5.2.3 帧格式34
5.3 ZigBee应用程序框架37
5.3.1 建立一个ZigBee剖面37
5.3.2 ZigBee描述符37
5.3.3 AF帧格式37
5.3.4 功能描述38
5.4 ZigBee设备对象38
5.4.1 范围38
5.4.2 设备对象描述39
5.4.3 层接口描述39
5.4.4 对象定义和行为39
ZigBee 技术标准基于IEEE802.15.4低速率无线个人局域网,支持介质访问控制层和物理层标准,并在此之上包含网络层、安全层和应用层。由于ZigBee技术具有低功耗、低延迟、较长电池寿命等特点,它在低速率无线传感器网络中扮演着非常重要的角色。2006年,ZigBee工业市场值达到上亿,其市场前景十分广阔。目前,国外很多大公司纷纷向用户推出ZigBee应用解决方案。
关键字: ZigBee协议标准、ZigBee技术、Z-Stack协议栈2006、CC2430
In recent years, along with the social informatization, family intelligent and industrial automation etc for wireless data transmission and the increasing demand, the ZigBee agreement based on the wireless network IEEE 802.15.4 standard as a new standard of wireless sensor network technology came into being, and showed the rapid development of the good momentum, widely applied to military unattended and smart communication network, industrial automatic control, large and medium-sized cities, the air quality monitoring surveillance, highway hospital medical residents, automatic capture expends associated automatic, consumer electronics equipment of wireless connection, etc.
ZigBee technical standards based on IEEE802.15.4 low speed wireless LAN, and personal support media access control and phy standards, and on top of this include network layer, security layer and application layer. Because ZigBee technology has characteristics such as low power consumption, low latency, longer battery life and so on, it plays an extremely important role in low rate of wireless sensor network. In 2006, ZigBee industrial market, its market value reached to hundreds of millions of very broad prospects. At present, many big companies abroad have introduced to users ZigBee application solutions.
There are many universities and research institutes in the field of research, the research content covers the design of wireless sensor node hardware, operating system, network routing technology, energy-saving technology, control technology, etc, but also no one enterprise and research organizations with independent intellectual copyright ZigBee protocol stack and hardware modules, mostly based on foreign RF chip and protocol stack for application development.
This topic in the study of foreign material, or IEEE802.15.4 standards and ZigBee agreement on the basis of the standard, use the ZigBee CC2430 chip based on TI and the development kit that the chengdu wireless dragon company provided to study Z-Stack protocol stack 2006.
Keywords: ZigBee protocol standards, ZigBee technology, Z-Stack protocol stack 2006, CC2430