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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目 录 1.绪论1 1.1 课题研究意义1 1.2国内外发展现状1 1.3 课题研究内容2 2 Struts应用框架简介3 2.1 MVC设计模式与Struts应用框架3 2.1.1 MVC设计模式概述3 2.1.2 Struts框架概述3 2.2 Struts框架的核心组件4 2.2.1 模型组件4 2.2.2 视图组件5 2.2.3 控制器组件5 3 ITSM系统概述7 3.1系统完成的主要目标7 3.2 预期达成的系统性能需求7 3.3 系统功能简介8 3.3.1系统管理8 3.3.2自主服务台工作台8 3.3.3知识库管理8 3.3.4 工作台9 4 ITSM的事件模块的设计及实现10 4.1模块功能描述10 4.2模块界面10 4.2.1事件管理界面10 4.2.2事件新建界面11 4.2.3事件编辑界面13 4.2.4事件提交界面16 4.2.5事件查询界面18 4.2.6事件查看界面20 4.3模块内函数定义23 4.3.1新建事件23 4.3.2查询事件24 4.3.3编辑事件26 4.3.4提交事件27 4.3.5查看事件29 结论31 致谢33 参考文献32 摘 要 随着Internet技术的迅速发展,开发Web应用的技术日趋多样化和成熟化。框架为Web应用提供了预备的软件架构和相关的软件包,它大大提高了开发Web应用的速度和效率。Struts是在JSP Model2的基础上实现MVC模式的应用框架。利用控制器来分离模型和视图,达到一种层间松散耦合的效果,提高系统灵活性、复用性和可维护性。Struts框架的核心是一个弹性的控制层,基于如Java Servlets,JavaBeans,Resource Bundles与XML(Extensible Markup Language)等标准技术,以及Jakarta Commons的一些类库。Struts将MVC模式“分离显示逻辑和业务逻辑”的能力发挥得淋漓尽致,它能提高应用的可重用性和可扩展性,从而提高开发大型复杂软件系统的效率。 本文主要围绕如何采用框架快速、高效的开发易维护的IT服务管理系统,以及如何提供完善的各个流程管理以保障每个流程各个步骤记录完整这两个问题展开论述。 本文首先通过对IT服务管理系统需求的分析,并根据需求确定了系统的功能、结构以及其业务流程。接着以系统中一个功能模块为例阐述了作者是如何根据需求分析对系统做了详细设计的。最后根据Struts框架的技术对系统如何实现做了详细说明。 关键词:MVC,Struts,IT服务管理系统(ITSM),XML,JSP Application of Struts in ITSM Abstract With the fasted envelopment of Internet technology. The technologies of developing web applications become diversiform and mature. Frameworks provide web applications with prepared software frames and relative software packages. Which improve the speed and efficiency of developing web applications? Struts, which utilizes controllers to separate models from views with the purpose of layers incompact coupling and enhancing systems flexibility, reusability and maintainability. Realizes Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm based on JSP Model 2.The core of Struts framework is a stretchable controller based on some standard technologies like Java Servlets.Java Beans, Resource Bundles and XML (Extensible Markup Language) and some class libraries like Jakarta Commons and so on. The Struts framework performs the ability separating presentation logic from business logic of MVC design paradigm incisively and vividly. The Struts improves applications reusability and extensibility. So it can improve the development efficiency for large-scale complex software system. This paper mainly writes about two questions. One is how to develop an effective Decision IT Service Management System (ITSM) by using application frameworks fast and efficiently. The other is how to guarantee the flow. First of all, this paper analyses ITSM requirements, and confirms the system functions, structure and business flow based on the requirement. Then it takes a function module for example to focuses on the design of the system in detail according to requirement analysis. Finally, this paper elaborates on how to realize the ITSM with the technology of Struts. Keywords: MVC, Struts, ITSM, JSP, XML
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