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Course Outline

0 Perspectives of Modern Economics and Frontiers of Applied Economics

1 Review of the classical regressions and some extensions

1.1 Assumptions of OLS

(Gauss –Markov)

1.2 Hypothesis tests (t-test ,F-test and Chow Test)

1.3 Frisch-Waugh Theorem

1.4 Partially Linear Model 

(Application to Environmental Kuznets Curve and Industrial Organization)

1.5 Production Functions

(Cobb-Douglas, Translog and CES, )

1.6 Stochastic Frontier Function

(Technical Efficiency Measure and Productivity Economics)

1.7 Demand Analysis

(Log linear, LES, AIDS)

 References: Greene, Chapter 2,3,4,6,

2 MLE and Tests

2.1 The Likelihood Function and Identification of the Parameters

2.2 Efficient Estimation

2.3 Properties of MLE

2.4 MLE of Linear Regression Model

2.5 Three Asymptotically Equivalent Tests

References: Greene, Chapter 17

3 Techniques of Model Adjustment

3.1 Multicolliearity

3.2 Missing Observations

3.3 Measuring Errors and Instrumental-Variable Estimation

3.4 Omitting Variables and Presence of Irrelevant Variables

3.5 Nonlinearity

3.6 Ramsay Reset

References: Greene, Chapter 4; Pindyck & Rubinfeld Chapter 4, 7.

4 GLS and Panel Data

4.1 GLS

4.2 Panel Data: Fixed Effects

4.3 Random Effects and Hausman Tests

4.4 Variable-coefficient models

References: Greene, Chapter 10, 11, 13, 14

5 Simultaneous Equations

5.1 Endogeneity and Identification

5.2 Indirect Least Squares

5.3 Instrumental-Variable Regression and 2SLS

5.4 Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) and 3SLS

References: Greene, Chapter 15

6 Discrete Choice Models and Limited Dependent Models

6.1 Binary Choice Model

6.2 Multivariate Choice Model

6.3 Censored and truncated Model

6.4 Tobit and Heckman 2-step estimation

6.5 Duration and Count Data

References: Greene, Chapter 21, 22

7 Introduction to Time Series

7.1 Serial Correlation, AR(p), MA(q), and ARIMA

7.2 Time series Regression, Exogeneity and Granger Causality

7.3 Random Walk and Cointegration

7.4 VAR Model and VECM

7.5 ARCH and GARCH

References: Greene, Chapter 12, 19, 20

Note: The schedule may be modified during the course process.

Text Books:

1, Greene William H., Econometric Analysis (5th Edition), Prentice Hall.2003.

2, Pindyck Robert and Danial Rubinfeld, Econometric Models and Economic Prediction (4th edition), McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 1998.

3, Sadoulet Elisabeth and Janvry Alain de, Quantitative Development Policy Analysis, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1995.

4, Wooldridge, J., Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, MIT Press, 1995.

5, 赵国庆 《计量经济学(第二版) 中国人民大学出版社, 2006。

Internet Resources:

1Professor Guido Imbens, UC Berkeley


2 Professor Herman Bierens (Penn State),


3 Professor Bruce Hansen (Wisconsin)


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