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发布时间:2015-04-06 来源:人大经济论坛
印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目 录III 1 课题的研究背景与意义1 2 测控条在印刷质量控制中的作用2 2.1 印刷品质量控制要素2 2.2 印刷测控条2 2.3 测控条的分类3 2.4 测控条的原理及使用目的4 2.5 常见的测控条4 3 测控条的制作12 3.1 渐变条检测段12 3.2 单色及多色叠印实地段12 3.3 灰平衡检测段13 3.4 重影检测段14 3.5 对比度检测段14 3.6 滑动变形检测段15 3.7 分辨率检测段15 4 结论16 致谢17 参考文献18 摘要:随着社会和科学技术的发展,现今的印刷品越来越精致,人们对印刷质量的要求也越来越高。印刷质量的检测与控制可以分为基于密度测量的检测与控制和基于色度测量的检测与控制。传统的印刷质量检测与控制是建立在密度测量基础上的。测控条为控制印刷质量提供了直观、简便的方法。 针对企业对于印刷质量的要求,本次实验使用Coredraw图文制作软件进行制作,参考现有的测控条,根据实际的需求,设计了本次实验。该测控条由渐变条检测段、单色及多色叠印实地段、灰平衡检测段、重影检测段等七个检测段组成。结果表明:自己设计测控条可以有效地控制印刷质量,且非常的方便、实用。 . 关键词:测控条;印刷质量;套准 Abstract:With the social and scientific and technological development, more and more sophisticated now in print, people are printing more and more high quality requirements. Print quality measurement and control can be divided into detection-based density measurement and control and color measurement based on the detection and control. Traditional print quality inspection and control is established on the basis of density measurement. Control strip for the control of print quality provides an intuitive, easy way. For enterprise requirements for print quality, this experiment made use of Coredraw graphics production software, refer to the existing control strip, according to the actual needs, the design of the control strip. Article by the gradual change of the control strip test section, monochrome and multicolor overprint on the ground segment, gray balance test section, test section of ghosting in seven test blocks. The results showed that: Control Strip own design, can effectively control the print quality, and very cheap to use. Keywords: Measurement and Control Article ; Printing Quality; Registering
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