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发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛

【题目】International Oil Shocksand Household Consumption in China
【时间】2013年12月12日,星期四, 12:00—13:00


We investigate the impactsthat oil price shocks have upon residential consumption in China. While it iswell understood that oil prices affect consumption in a multitude of ways, thetiming and directness of these effects upon specific consumption categories isnot. We demonstrate that the most immediate and direct effect passes throughtransport consumption, as might be expected, but also that significant effectspass through other sectors with less immediacy, including ‘food and clothes’,‘medicine’, ‘education and entertainment’ and general ‘living expenditure’.

曹红,西南财经大学经济与管理研究院金融学专业在读博士,研究方向为能源金融、能源与环境经济学、金融市场和宏观经济学。曹红博士曾任2012年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目主研。2011-2013年,他参与的学术会议包括 “中国家庭金融研究论坛”、“经济增长方式转变与金融发展论坛暨2012年度教育部(经济类)人文社科重点研究基地联谊会、“第二届《金融研究》论坛”和European Trade Study Group2013等等。目前,曹洪博士已在国内外期刊发表多篇论文,包括“David Broadstock, Hong Cao and Dayong Zhang: OilShocks and their Impact on Energy Related Stocks in China”“Dayong Zhang, Hong Cao: Sectoral Responses of theChinese Stock Market to International Oil Shocks.”等等。
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