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宏观经济学 控制货币量的问题

发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛
The quantity of deposits that banks can create is limited by three factors:
1。The monetary base:
The size of the monetary base limits the total quantity of money that the banking system can create because
①Banks have desired reserves
②Households and firms have desired currency holdings
And both of these desired holdings of monetary base depend on the quantity of money.
2。 Desired reserves略
3。 Desired currency holding
We hold money in the form of currency and bank deposits and some fraction of their money as currency.
So when the total quantity of money increases, so does the quantity of currency that people want to hold.
Because desired currency holding increases when deposits increase, currency leaves the banks when they make loans and increase deposits.
This leakage of currency is called the currency drain.
The ratio of currency to deposits is called the currency drain ratio.
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