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发布时间:2014-10-14 来源:人大经济论坛
目录 摘要I ABSTRACTII 第1章 引言1 1.1 背景1 1.2研究内容2 第2章 设计原理3 2.1 m序列原理3 2.2 m序列的性质4 2.3 白噪声发生器的总体设计框图6 第3章 白噪声发生器软件设计7 3.1 总体设计7 3.2 m序列的产生7 3.2.1 VHDL语言介绍7 3.2.2 m序列源程序8 3.3 系统仿真及分析10 3.3.1 MAX+PLUS II介绍10 3.3.2仿真波形及分析13 第4章 白噪声发生器的硬件设计15 4.1芯片简介15 4.2 原理图设计19 4.3 焊接与调试22 第5章 结论27 致谢28 参考文献29 附录 源程序30 摘要 白噪声是指功率谱密度在整个频域内均匀分布的噪声,是一种在现实通信系统中普遍存在的噪声信号。为了对通信系统的性能进行准确的测试和分析,技术人员需要一种能够在实验室条件下模拟真实通信环境的装置。白噪声发生器正是应此而生。 本文通过对白噪声产生原理的分析,提出了一种基于可编程逻辑器件实现伪随机序列的方法,给出了硬件设计电路图,VHDL的程序和m序列仿真波形。此实现方法具有硬件设计简单、成本低等优点。同时由于CPLD有可重复编程的特点,可以对它进行在线修改,便于设备的调试和运行。 关键词: 白噪声,m序列,CPLD,VHDL语言 ABSTRACT The white noise, which is refers to the power spectral density in the entire frequency range the uniform distribution noise, is a kind of the universal existence noise signal in the reality communications system. To carry on the accurate test and the analysis to communications system's performance,the technical personnel need to be able to simulate the real environment of communication under the laboratory condition. White noise generator is to be born here. This article through the analysis of white noise principle Proposes to realize the pseudo-random sequence method based on the programmable logical component,which has given the hardware circuit diagram, VHDL language and m sequence simulation waveform. This method has the hardware design to achieve a simple and low cost.Because CPLD has the characteristic which can be Repeat programming and the online revision , is advantageous for equipment's debug and runing. Keywords: white noise, m sequence ,CPLD, VHDL language
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