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发布时间:2014-10-29 来源:人大经济论坛
博客营销研究_市场营销论文范文  目 录 1引言1 1.1 博客的概念1 1.2 博客的网络营销价值2 2 博客营销4 2.1 博客营销的概念4 2.2 博客营销的优势及表现形式5 2.3 博客营销的特色6 2.4 基于网络营销的博客营销6 3 企业博客在网络营销中的作用7 3.1 企业博客的概念7 3.2 企业利用博客的价值8 4 企业博客营销存在的问题及解决方案10 4.1 企业博客营销存在的问题10 4.2 企业博客营销问题的解决方案10 结 论12 致 谢13 参考文献14 摘 要 “博客营销”简单来说,就是利用博客这种网络应用形式开展网络营销。博客是一种个性化的互动型网络存在形式,它有着不断发展的各种功能以及符合网络发展规律的各种特点。准确地说,“博客”真正的历史可以从90年代中后期开始计算,从出现至今已经有十几年的历史了,大体上它“悠久”的历史分为三个阶段:萌芽阶段,或者称为启蒙期;初级阶段,或者称为崛起期;成长阶段,或者称为发展期。 显然,以上主要是对全球(美国为中心)博客发展阶段的简单划分。在中国,与所有的网络革命一样,继续保持着一定的“滞后度”。在博客方面也不例外,中国的发展阶段基本上差了一个阶段。也就是说,现在中国的博客发展仅仅进入启蒙期,萌芽期,可能需要2-3年,才能进入真正的初级阶段,也就是崛起期。博客具有知识性、自主性、共享性等基本特征和特色,正是博客这种性质决定了博客营销是一种基于个人知识资源(包括思想、体验等表现形式)以及营销价值和优势。 关键词:博客营销/博客/网络营销/营销价值 Blog marketing research Abstract "Blog marketing" In simple terms, is the use of application forms to carry out such a network blog online marketing. A blog is a personalized interactive network in a form, it has a continuous development of the various functions and in compliance with the laws of the various characteristics of network development. Precisely, "blog" the real history from the mid to late 90s onwards, from there it has been more than ten years old, and in general it "long" history is divided into three stages: embryonic stage, or that for the period of enlightenment; the initial stage, or the period known as the rise; growth stage, or known as the development period. Clearly, these are mainly on the global (U.S. Center) blog development stage of a simple division. In China, with all of the Internet revolution, continue to maintain a certain degree of "hysteresis degree." China's stage of development is basically a phase difference. the development of China's current blog entry is only enlightenment period, infancy, it may take 2-3 years to enter the initial stage of the real, that is, the rise of a view. Blog with a knowledge-based, autonomous, and shared the basic features and characteristics, Is the blog of this nature, the blog marketing is based on personal knowledge resources (including ideas, experience and other forms), and the marketing value and advantages. KEYWORDS Blog marketing ,blog ,network marketing, marketing value
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