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cglee 发表于 2011-6-12 10:56:45 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
转帖一篇相关文章:Lagarde leads IMF race, competition from Mexico  2011-05-23

PARIS/MEXICO CITY, May 22 - French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde's candidacy for IMF chief gained momentum in Europe on Sunday while Mexico put forward its own candidate, ensuring competition for the top job.
The Mexican Finance Ministry said it would nominate central bank chief Agustin Carstens, placing a prominent emerging market name into the race to lead the global lender.
The International Monetary Fund has promised a merit-based process to replace former leader Dominique Strauss-Kahn of France, who is under house arrest in New York on charges he attempted to rape a hotel maid.
Europeans have held the top IMF job since its creation in 1945 and Lagarde is widely considered the front-runner.
French Interior Minister Claude Gueant, a top advisor to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, said on Sunday Lagarde would make an excellent head of the Washington-based lender.
"And besides, many countries support her," he told Europe 1 radio, becoming the first member of France's cabinet to openly tout her credentials.
Germany and Britain also have signaled they would line up behind Lagarde, who has experience managing the euro-zone debt crisis the IMF is now focused on.A senior EU official said there was virtual consensus on Lagarde in the 27-nation European Union after telephone consultations among the leaders. Her candidacy is expected to win US backing, which would tip the votes in her favor at the IMF board.
Strauss-Kahn, a leading contender for the French presidency until his May 15 detention on sexual assault charges, spent his second day out on bail under electronic monitoring and armed guard at a temporary apartment in lower Manhattan. He has vowed to fight the charges.

His resignation has started a tug of war between Europe and emerging economies, which argue it is time to end 65 years of European domination of the IMF post.
In Mexico, the Finance Ministry said Carstens "has the abilities and qualifications needed to lead an institution of the relevance of the International Monetary Fund."
He was a deputy IMF managing director before joining Mexican President Felipe Calderon's administration in 2006 and headed the central bank from January 2010.
The finance ministers of Australia and South Africa also said on Sunday that the tradition of the IMF leadership going to Europe was out of date, calling on G-20 nations to honor a pledge they made two years ago for an open selection.
Oxfam spokeswoman Sarah Wynn-Williams said the IMF will undermine its legitimacy if it fails to have a selection process that better reflects the weight of countries in the global economy.
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bengdi1986 + 1 + 1 鼓励分享

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eaglestar 在职认证  发表于 2011-6-12 11:07:49 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
To select an IMF leader is always a tricky question. Lagarde said she will support China in many ways if she were selected. There is no reason to believe that  we didn't have a preference for the two candidates if they have showed their interest in CHina's growth. We get what we can get if legarde was selected. She went to India, Brazia  and China, the three most important emerging markets. Tough none of them has shown a clear attitude towards her campaingn, we have the reason to believe she has a better chance to secure the election for what she has been done thei in past decade.
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bengdi1986 + 1 + 1 well

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chuan861016 发表于 2011-6-12 11:18:12 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Economic interest is put ahead of everything from foriegn policy to individual life in China.
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bengdi1986 + 1 good

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julius333 发表于 2011-6-12 11:46:29 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
A lack of trust and national economic interests being the first makes China support for Lagarde. But during Lagarde’s visit to China, it is clear that she seeks China's support for top IMF job. Lagarde said she supported the decision to increase China's voting rights at the IMF from about 4 percent to nearly 6.4 percent. Meanwhile,Lagarde said that she agreed with Chinese officials in two core areas - the selection process and reform of the IMF. She stressed the importance of reform and that it must "be continued and developed, both in relation to the governance of the fund, and to the appropriate representation of its members". China was one of the countries underrepresented, she suggested. Finally, Lagarde was asked if Zhu Min, a special adviser to the IMF's managing director, would become deputy managing director if she got China's support. Lagarde praised Zhu as "fully appropriate" for playing a bigger role in the fund. So from what she has promised and done, we can see that she is really an excellent conciliator. Anyway I believe there stands a great possibility that Lagarde can laugh till the end. OK
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bengdi1986 + 1 + 1 + 1 pertinent conclusion

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guoyongyi68 发表于 2011-6-12 13:12:18 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
33 33
boast 自夸
ostensibly 表面上地
tangible 确凿的
boil down 归结
exaggerate 夸大
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bengdi1986 + 1 鼓励,boil down ,当时就没有理解,谢谢哈

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Accountingfang 发表于 2011-6-12 13:32:43 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
nowly, in my view, for Chinese,  it is no choice but to support her.


944425730 发表于 2011-6-12 13:51:34 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Ms. Lagarde adopted a conspicuously conciliatory tone on China’s sensitive currency issue, saying that one shouldn’t expect a revolutionary breakthrough on the reform of the yuan exchange rate,  
She also hinted strongly that she would support Zhu Min, a former deputy central banker in China and current special adviser to the IMF’s managing director, playing a key role in the organization’s future top management.

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bengdi1986 + 1 AS inspiration

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starskyjing 发表于 2011-6-12 15:13:43 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
she told Beijing exactly what it wanted to hear from a would-be leader of the IMF. she is an able women.
i expect the result of china's choice.
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bengdi1986 + 1 鼓励积极讨论

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cinbasky 发表于 2011-6-12 15:46:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
32   29   
This article leads us to a interesting discussion on the relationships between developing countries and developed countries. The lack of trust is the hardest barrier between two emerging economies and it extends to every part of the bilateral policies and our lives. As far as China and we Chinese citizens, we may not trust the technology, education, medication and workers from any of the countries that are backward than ours. However, as the author said in the text," the trademark pragmatism has dominated Chinese foreign and economic policy over the past 30 years", we have been studying the US and the EU for over half century, their technologies, trademarks and even the living styles are deeply rooted in our minds, as we send our young to pursue further advanced studies in  America, Britain and Canada but not in India or Mexico, so it is reasonable that we may more prefer to work with the advanced peers rather than another emerging economy.

This situation is caused by the profit, which is exaggerated in the diplomacy. We seek for profit from the rich countries by vote them or their candidates when we are weak, however when our country is much stronger, we always unite the third world countries by offering them little help such as the free loan to obtain greater profit. This is not just for China, it is appropriated for all the countries.

Thus support French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde can be China's second best choice, because she would consider picking Zhu Min, who is now an economic adviser to the IMF’s managing director, as her deputy, which will reinforce China's position in IMF and that won't be achieved if we support the Mexican central banker Agustin Carstens.
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bengdi1986 + 1 + 1 + 1 perfect analysis

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zhang533744 发表于 2011-6-12 16:33:35 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


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