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Yang’s departure could be a turning point for Yahoo

By Richard Waters

Three years ago, when he stepped aside as chief executive of the internet group with which his name is intimately connected, Jerry Yang had a message for the Yahoo faithful: “I will always bleed purple.”

Mr Yang could hardly have come up with a more graphic way to express his love for the company he founded, along with fellow graduate student David Filo, on an idea for an index of websites that the two cooked up together in 1994.

Despite giving up the top job, however, Mr Yang remained on Yahoo’s board and had a powerful behind-the-scenes influence. Carol Bartz, who was forced out as chief executive last September, came to believe that Mr Yang was undermining some of her own efforts to turn round the company, according to people who know her. And when it came time to consider new strategic options after she had left, Mr Yang was the one who was sent out to talk to private equity firms about taking a stake in the company, though people close to the Yahoo board have insisted that he only did so under strict supervision from his fellow directors.

Whether you consider this meddling by a founder who cannot bear to hand over the reins or constructive intervention by a director who knows Yahoo better than anyone depends a lot on where you sit.

If it happens to be in Silicon Valley, where founder mystique is a powerful force, then you are likely to feel that not only did Mr Yang have a right to interfere, he probably had a better sense of what was needed at Yahoo than most of the others on the board. That could make his resignation from the board this week a turning point in the company’s history.

Silicon Valley venture capitalists like Michael Moritz of Sequoia Capital, an early backer of Messrs Yang and Filo, as well as Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page argue that it is hard to overstate the value to a tech company of a founder.

It is partly a matter of vision. However much a company grows, according to this view, there is still an original idea and core set of values on which it was founded. At times of stress, tapping back into these is often a route to salvation.

But it also comes down to passion. No professional manager can ever match the sense of purpose felt by a founder. Supporters of this view will note that Mr Yang was still fighting for the company he created long after professional managers (and former chief executives) Terry Semel and Ms Bartz had departed.

When does this passion become too much of a good thing? That is a question that has come to assume outsized importance, given how the latest crop of internet entrepreneurs has taken to formally enshrining their founder control.

Google started the trend, coming up with a dual-class voting structure ahead of its 2004 stock market listing that will keep control firmly in the hands of Messrs Brin and Page. The search company’s highly profitable business and unconventional approach to life made it hard for outside investors to resist the idea. But what began as Google exceptionalism has now come to be seen by many entrepreneurs as a birthright. The likes of LinkedIn, Zynga and Groupon came up with lopsided voting arrangements ahead of their 2011 initial public offerings to give their founders protection against outside influence, whatever happens.

For now, as they race to cash in on business ideas that are producing growth rates that would once have seemed unimaginable, this hardly seems a pressing issue. Yet internet fortunes can turn remarkably quickly. Also, founders such as Andrew Mason at Groupon and Mark Pincus at Zynga have already attracted controversy – Mr Mason for his bullish touting of his company’s IPO and Mr Pincus for a tough management style. Should their boards ever decide that these founders have not grown into the well-rounded chief executives they had hoped for, what could they do to re-exert control?

The tech industry’s prevailing belief in founder control is also set to be tested by a handful of prominent cases where founders have retaken control of their companies in moments of crisis, or at least, of growing competitive pressure.

Mr Yang was a case in point, having stepped up to try to revive Yahoo after it lost the search wars to Google. Michael Dell’s return to the company that bears his name has also been slow to produce results. The latest to step forward was Larry Page at Google, who took the reins from Eric Schmidt last year, a situation that partly echoes that of Mr Yang, who had taken a back seat to more experienced managers before being deemed to have “grown up” enough to take the top job.

With Steve Jobs’ death, the generation of founders that came of age with the rise of the PC industry has largely passed. It is time for a new crop to prove that the fate of their businesses is best left firmly in their own hands. If they stumble, it would deal a long-lasting blow to the idea that Silicon Valley’s founder-led approach is still the best way to build world-beating companies.

Richard Waters is the FT’s West Coast editor.


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whachel1976 发表于 2012-1-24 01:35:24 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
三年前,当他从与他名字紧紧相连的网络集团的首席执行官职位上退位时,杨致远(Jerry Yang)向雅虎(Yahoo)的忠诚者发信说:“我的血将永远是紫色的(雅虎企业标志色——译者注)。”

对于这家他所创立的公司,再也没有比这更能形象地表达杨致远的热爱的了。他与校友大卫•费罗(David Filo)在1994年产生了创建一个网页索引的想法,并据此创立了雅虎。

不过,尽管放弃了最高职务,杨致远那时仍然担任雅虎董事,并发挥着巨大的幕后影响力。据知情人士称,去年9月被迫离开的前首席执行官卡罗尔•巴茨(Carol Bartz),后来相信杨致远破坏了她试图扭转雅虎局面的一些努力。在她离开后,在考虑新战略选择时,是杨致远被派去与私人股本公司就入股一事举行谈判,尽管与雅虎董事会关系密切的人坚称,杨致远只是在其他董事的严格监督下这么做。



红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)的迈克尔•莫里茨(Michael Moritz)这样的硅谷风险资本家,以及谷歌(Google)创始人塞吉•布林(Sergey Brin)和拉里•佩奇(Larry Page)认为,无论怎么评价创始人对一家科技公司的价值都不过分。莫里茨是杨致远和费罗创业初期的后台。


但这也是一个激情的问题。职业经理人永远无法效仿创始人所具有的使命感。支持这一观点的人会指出,在职业经理人(前首席执行官)特里•塞梅尔(Terry Semel)和巴茨离开之后很久,杨致远仍在为自己创立的公司打拼。



就目前而言,在这些创始人竞相变现自己的商业构想之际(这些构想正带来曾被视为不可想象的增长率),这似乎不是一个紧迫的问题。但互联网行业瞬息万变。并且,Groupon的安德鲁•梅森(Andrew Mason)和Zynga的马克•平卡斯(Mark Pincus)等创始人,已经引起了争议——梅森是因为大肆吹嘘Groupon的IPO,平卡斯是因为铁腕的管理风格。如果他们的董事会发现,这些创始人没有成长为董事会所期盼的成熟的首席执行官,董事会又能做些什么来重掌控制权呢?


杨致远就是一个很好的例子,雅虎在搜索之战中败给谷歌之后,他曾挺身而出,试图复活雅虎。迈克尔•戴尔(Michael Dell)重返以他名字命名的公司,也迟迟没有显出成效。最近走向前台的人物是谷歌的拉里•佩奇,他去年从埃里克•施密特(Eric Schmidt)手中接过权力,这有点像杨致远的翻版。杨致远在被认为“成熟”到能够担任最高职务之前,曾退居后座,让更有经验的经理人当家。

随着史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的去世,与个人电脑行业同时代兴起的一代创始人已经基本成为过去式。现在新一代创始人需要证明:他们的企业牢牢掌握在自己手中才是最好的。如果他们失败,就会对这样一个构想产生长久的打击:硅谷以创始人为主导的模式,仍是建立世界级公司的最佳道路。

理查德•沃特斯(Richard Waters)是英国《金融时报》西海岸执行主编



whachel1976 发表于 2012-1-24 01:53:49 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
There are many ways for the founders to give up shares in the company once he owned.
In China, many companies went public for capital, and later, the founders would gradually sell the shares they owned. But most of them still control a considerable number of shares and therefore have impact on the company's operation decision.
In the internet industry, everything changes so fast that one may be forced to leave. I don't know the exact reason of Mr. Yang's departure, but in some degree, I believe it's not up to him.
Sometimes we all envy those successful ones, but we seldom know the hard work and bitter feelings behind them.
I'm thankful to my ordinary position in the society, as I can choose what I want freely and happily.
Hope everyone lead a happy life in the future!
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applemenuz 发表于 2012-1-24 13:11:40 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
the founder of the company is not just the shareholder,but treated the company as his or her kids
they may devote more and selfless efforts on the development of the company.
Then the company also has  very strong character or style for strategy or operation of the founder himself.
the culture of the enterprise is a key point and it is not giganic objects but formed by people.
The board and exeuctive levels will exert more responsibilities for YAHOO that will be no doubt.
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whachel1976 + 1 + 1 + 1 观点有启发

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jxbwznedzq 发表于 2012-1-24 13:16:59 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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whachel1976 + 1 新年快乐!

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2401 发表于 2012-1-24 13:55:29 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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whachel1976 + 1 新年快乐!

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頔晨 发表于 2012-1-24 18:06:18 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

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whachel1976 + 1 新年快乐!

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lxmuoi 发表于 2012-1-24 19:46:39 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
wait and see
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whachel1976 + 1 新年快乐!

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happylife87 发表于 2012-1-24 20:53:33 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
I love using Yahoo mail, and it brought a lot to many. I hope Yahoo can get its status again!
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purplehairs 发表于 2012-1-24 20:55:18 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Follow Me: 256, 219
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