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20180620【充实计划】第744期   [推广有奖]

ktl8818 发表于 2018-6-20 09:55:26 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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sunyzhu 发表于 2018-6-20 10:11:05 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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jeffyangsir 发表于 2018-6-20 10:15:23 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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xiaoyaoyou1 发表于 2018-6-20 10:36:10 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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贝玉丰 发表于 2018-6-20 10:44:23 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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pdwno1 发表于 2018-6-20 10:44:43 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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EdDiDi 学生认证  发表于 2018-6-20 11:02:36 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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zllz1996 发表于 2018-6-20 11:05:34 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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jiuhtsair 在职认证  发表于 2018-6-20 11:06:09 来自手机 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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myJGw 发表于 2018-6-20 11:34:37 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

1. 今天阅读到的有价值的全文内容链接:
EMEA Congress Special Episode - The Demands of Digitization
https://www.pmi.org/learning/tra ... rojectified-podcast

2. 今天阅读到的有价值的内容段落摘录:
In this conversation, recorded at EMEA Congress 2018, John Daly and Henk van Huyssteen discuss how digitization is changing the way projects are run — and the skills project and program managers need to stay one step ahead.

The future of project management is changing fast. On Projectified with PMI we’ll help you stay on top of the trends and see what’s really ahead for the profession—and your career.

Tegan Jones
In your experience, what digital trends are really making the biggest impact on how project teams work together.
John Daly
Yeah. So when I look at that, right, when you look at the impact of digitization and kind of project manager or project teams, there's really two main things. One is the customer demands are changing, right? So as the customer demands are changing, we're requiring outcomes as opposed to deliverables; experience over necessarily price.
What we're delivering to the customer has to evolve and change, and that requires a different focus for PMs. And then on top of that when you look at digitization, it impacts the technology and solutions that we as project managers will use, right? So more immersive, collaborative solutions. We're seeing a trend where you have a lot more global teams working together as opposed to teams that have to be co-located in the same area, which leads to a lot of positive and negatives. The positives can be a lot more diversity, but you know, there's some negatives there with having teams that necessarily aren't co-located in the same area, but we're seeing a lot of trends in those two spaces from digitization from my perspective.
Henk van Huyssteen
Yes, I agree, particularly on the last point. I mean, in the past perhaps working with teams that aren't co-located-—so virtual teams, offshore work—is often driven simply by price differentiators, getting projects in turn at a level cost, but now increasingly, it's simply about skills.
I mean, the technology is moving so fast that the likelihood of all the people with the right skills living in your town is pretty low. So it's become critical to be able to work productively and effectively with teams all across the world. The irony is that while many of these teams are perhaps expert indeed in implementing some of these new technologies despite having fantastic collaboration tools out there, it's often quite difficult still to use, not because of the tools themselves, but because the organizations in which we deliver, particularly large organizations with established structures may put blockers on. There could be boundaries on actually using those tools across the fence, so to speak. So you could have pockets that use these tools well, but the ability for full teams to integrate across the globe is often quite challenged because of security and other concerns. So that will need to shift as well.
Tegan Jones
How does digitization or technology, how is that helping or changing the way that decisions are made, especially in an environment where they need to be made faster?
John Daly
So yeah. It's a good question, right? And I think when you look at it, there's really a couple facets. Number one, decision-making's faster because digitization is a catalyst toward requiring you to make decisions faster because if you or your organization aren't agile or you're not making decisions at a faster rate, a competitor will come along that will, and they'll dominate your industry. And we're seeing that all over, right? And this is a bigger challenge, I think, in larger companies where startups are popping up and being able to be a lot more agile and make quicker decisions and respond to customer demands. So one thing is I think digitization's a catalyst to that, but I also believe that there are solutions from a digitization perspective that enable teams to collaborate faster to make those quicker decisions, but again, I think the stronger point is the fact that it's a catalyst to you have to respond quicker, otherwise you're going to be disrupted.
Henk van Huyssteen
Yes. And I think certainly within teams, the use of tools and technology to make decisions faster in order to get the work done, I mean, that's something, I think, we've become quite familiar with. And this does not necessarily have to be sophisticated like these cutting edge collaboration tools. I mean, a good old WhatsApp group on our phones has probably had more impact on our teams rapidly move through their day than anything else I have seen to—if one is honest. At an organization level, you know, when you speak about the type of drivers for fast decisions that John spoke about, which is that you almost really have no choice. The customers demand that you have to respond. I think they will have bigger challenges because in the first place, the organization that has to make these fast decisions-—as fast potentially or close to the way startups can do it—will have to understand that the risk of not making a decision is in fact bigger than making an okay decision in itself sometimes. And that cultural shift is going to be key, and that has nothing to do with technology, of course. That is a different way of thinking about the world.
Tegan Jones
So what about problem-solving? Is digitization helping teams identify problems faster? Is it helping them solve them faster or in a more innovative way?
John Daly
Yeah. I would say when you look at what digitization's going to bring in terms of automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, predictive analytics, what you're going to see are a couple things. One, you'll see proactive problems identified. And potentially even solutions proposed before we even, as humans, identify them, right? That's kind of the beauty and the benefit to having automation and AI. So I think you're going to see—absolutely see—acceleration in that space in terms of not only identifying, hey, here's a problem that's coming, but also here's a potential solution that can solve that.
Henk van Huyssteen
Yes. And I think there's, that's something that I look forward to quite a bit. I think a huge amount of energy is still spent on projects and programs to understand where we are in any given time of the delivery. So a lot of effort in tracking, measuring and in doing estimations. And none of that always that accurate. So the ability to actually process project data better, interpret it faster and smarter, and actually to leave that to machine learning to do, I think, would take a big burden off project teams, allowing the teams to focus on the real problems, the real creative stuff that they need to do.
Tegan Jones
And what are some of the skills that people need to be able to develop in order to take advantage of this new technology on their projects?
Henk van Huyssteen
Well, I think in the first place you—everything we just discussed is good and well, but you would need to be able to set that up appropriately, right? So if we want these problems to be solved in a particular way, if we want our project data, really, whether it's performance, tracking, the upwards we do, velocity, things like that, if we want that to be analyzed smarter and displayed visually better so that we can make better decisions, we would actually need to—it's not going to do that on its own. We would need to do the upfront investment to set that up right. So I think one skill that we will need in programs is the skill to do that smartly upfront, creating the right foundation for a program.
John Daly
Yeah. One of the other things I'd say, Henk made a good point earlier, right, he says as we automate, we're going to be focused more and more of our time on solving problems or interacting with the customer, creativity, things like that. So what that means is what we as PMs need to look at our role and say, "What are we really needing to do in the future if some of our job is going to be automated?" And this is where, like, leadership capabilities and skills are going to be so important and so critical because we're, again, we're driving to an outcome. We're not—it's not about a deliverable. It's about meaningful change to the customer and making sure the team is continually focused on that and understanding our customer strategy, how the project relates to that, and overall leading our team to that destination is really going to be the focus of project managers. So we at Cisco, we're focused very heavily on leadership skills and soft skills because we know that's what's going to be prevalent and required as we go through this transformation.

3. 今天阅读的自我思考点评感想
Here are the key valuable points of the reading:
what digital trends are making big impacts?
1). changes in customer demands  2).the technology and solutions → global teams (virtual teams, virtual teams, offshore work, driven simply by price differentiators) rather than co-located in the same area → both positive: more diversity, and negative: productivity and efficiency problem, not because of tools, but of integration across the globe due to the challenges in security and other concerns.

How could digitalization help on decision making, especially for a fast one?
1). catalyst  2). The use of tools and technology makes decisions faster, though cultural shift is going to be key, which has nothing to do with technology.

So what about problem-solving? What is role of digitalization?
1). see proactive problems identified, thanks to automation and AI
2). acceleration in that space in terms of not only identifying, but also potential solution
3). offer accuracy in tracking, measuring and in doing estimations for understanding where we are in any given time of the delivery.
4). “the ability to actually process project data better, interpret it faster and smarter, and actually to leave that to machine learning to do” would take a big burden off project teams, allowing the teams to focus on the real problems, the real creative stuff that they need to do.

What are some of the skills to take advantages of digitalization?
1). be able to set that up appropriately, so one skill that we will need in programs is the skill to do that smartly upfront, creating the right foundation for a program.
2). as Pms, need to look at our role. it's not about a deliverable. It's about meaningful change to the customer and making sure the team is continually focused on that and understanding our customer strategy, how the project relates to that, and overall leading our team to that destination is really going to be the focus of project managers.

Timeline? How quickly do people need to develop these new types of skills?
1). It is habitual: making sure that you not only have the information and you're continually reading how to develop these skills.
2). These aren't things that you can learn from a textbook or read. These are habits that you have to instill and very much the right mindset that have to be brought to the table. As a project manager in this age, you have to be comfortable with leading initiatives despite the fact that there is so much uncertainty in them, despite the fact that there's technical complexity.

What is one of the first things if immediately start?
1).  To understand this future world. Look at it that way and make that mindset shift, establish the practices around that, the right structures, we will still be successful and project managers will continue to be relevant.
2). The best way to learn that I’ve found is once you learn something, train others about it. Help others grow. You become an expert in that area just by helping others, and you strengthen your overall team.
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