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[其他] 区域经济学与城市经济学经典文献与教材   [推广有奖]

lihaogermany 发表于 2006-12-23 16:09:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


1000000 发表于 2007-1-5 12:13:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群



aduwa 发表于 2007-2-7 11:01:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Let's work hard together!


蜻蜓点水 发表于 2007-2-14 07:30:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


Arthur O'Sullivan’s Urban Economics (5th edition)

Edwin Mills and Bruce Hamilton’s Urban Economics (5th edition)

Class 1: Introduction.

Neugeboren, Robert with Mireille Jacobson. 2005. Chapter 1: Writing Economically, and

Chapter 4: The Term Paper, in Writing Economics. The President and Fellows of Harvard


Harvey, Gordon. 1998. Chapter 2: Citing Sources, in Writing with Sources: A Guide for Harvard

Students. Cambridge, MA: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc.

Economist. “The end of urban man? Care to bet?” 12/31/99 Millenium Special Edition, Vol. 353

Issue 8151, p25-26.

Economist. “They can yet be resurrected.” 01/10/98, Vol. 346 Issue 8050, p17-19.

Class 2: Why Cities?

Ades, Alberto and Edward Glaeser. 1994. “Trade and Circuses: Explaining Urban Giants,”

NBER Working Paper No. 4715.

Glaeser, Edward. 1998. “Are Cities Dying?” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 12, 2, pp. 139-


Economist. “The brown revolution.” 5/11/2002, Vol. 363 Issue 8272, p73-74.

Economist. “Aren't city centres great?” 08/14/99, Vol. 352 Issue 8132, p23-26.

Economist. “The dark side.” 7/29/95, Vol. 336 Issue 7925, Cities p10-14.

Class 3: Urban Structure.

Capozza, Dennis R. and Robert W. Helsley. 1989. “The Fundamentals of Land Prices and Urban

Growth.” Journal of Urban Economics 26: 295-306.

Glaeser, Edward. 2003. “Cities, Regions and the Decline of Transport Costs,” NBER Working

Paper No. 9886.

Glaeser, Edward. 2001. “Decentralized Employment and the Transform of the American City,”

NBER Working Paper No. 8117.

Economist. “Growing pains.” 7/8/2006, Vol. 380 Issue 8485, p33.

Economist. “Market forces.” 04/21/2001, Vol. 359 Issue 8218, p51.

Economist. “The Canaletto effect.” 04/07/2001, Vol. 359 Issue 8216, p61.

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Version: 1/15/2007 Page 4 of 7

Class 4: Local Governance.

Charles Tiebout. 1956. A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures. Journal of Political Economy 64:


Heikkila, Eric. 1996. “Are municipalities Tieboutian clubs?” Regional Science and Urban

Economics, vol. 26, issue 2, pages 203-226.

Economist. “The angels who want to defect.” 02/26/2000, Vol. 354 Issue 8159, p40-42.

Economist. “Empty coffers.” 2/9/2002, Vol. 362 Issue 8259, p45.

Economist. “Passing the buck.” 11/20/93, Vol. 329 Issue 7838, p28-33.

Class 5: Employment and Businesses.

Stoll, Michael. 2006. “Job sprawl, Spatial Mismatch, and Black Employment Disadvantage,”

Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 25(4):827-854.

Timothy, Darien, W. Wheaton. “Intraurban Wage Variation, Employment Location and

Commuting Times.” Journal of Urban Economics, 50, 2 (Sept. 2001), pp 338-366.

Economist. “Move over, Mickey.” 3/9/96, Vol. 338 Issue 7956, p28-29.

Economist. “Facing Destiny.” 5/6/2006, Vol. 379 Issue 8476, p34-35.

Economist. “Dicing with vice.” 4/23/2005, Vol. 375 Issue 8423, p43.

Class 6: Crime.

Scott Freeman, J. Grogger, and Jon Sonstelie. “The Spatial Concentration of Crime,” Journal of

Urban Economics, 40,2 (1996), pp 216-231.

Robert Helsley and William Strange, “Gated Communities and the Economic Geography of

Crime,” Journal of Urban Economics, 46,1 (1999), pp 80-105.

Economist. “Time bandits.” 5/8/2004, Vol. 371 Issue 8374, p76-78.

Economist. “Reclaiming the night.” 08/12/2000, Vol. 356 Issue 8183, p49-50.

Economist. “Lights out.” 09/18/99, Vol. 352 Issue 8137, p30-31.

Class 7: Education.

Hoxby, Caroline, “Does Competition among Public Schools benefit Students and Taxpayers?”

American Economic Review, 90, 5, (2000), pp. 1209-1239.

Childress, Stacey, Richard Elmore, and Allen Grossman. 2006. “How to Manage Urban School

Districts?” Harvard Business Review, November: 55-68.

Economist. “The virtue of being dull.” 3/4/2006, Vol. 378 Issue 8467, p31.

Economist. “We're the teechers round hear.” 11/22/2003, Vol. 369 Issue 8351, p32.

Class 8: Environment.

Kahn, Matthew E. "Environmental Impact of Suburbanization," Journal of Policy Analysis and

Management (2000)

Abhat, Divya, Shauna Dineen, Tamsyn Jones, Jim Motavalli, Rebecca Sanborn, and Kate

Slomkowski. 2005. “Cities of the Future: Today’s “Mega-cities” are Overcrowded and

Environmentally Stressed,” Environment, 16(5), cover story.

Economist. “The right to drive or the right to breathe?” 3/9/2002, Vol. 362 Issue 8263, p43.

Economist. “Under a cloud.” 4/4/92, Vol. 323 Issue 7753, p51-54.

Economist. “Drying up.” 9/29/90, Vol. 316 Issue 7674, p45-47.

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Class 9: Empirical Day.

Chernenko, Sergey. Introduction to Stata. Harvard Economics Department Stata Help iSite



Class 10: Poverty and Social Issues I.

Mills, Edwin S. and Luan S. Lubuele. 1997. “Inner Cities,” Journal of Economic Literature. 35:2,

pp. 727–56.

George C. Galster and Sean P. Killen, “The Geography of Metropolitan Opportunity: A

Reconnaissance and Conceptual Framework,” Housing Policy Debate, 6, 1, (1995), pp.

7-43. (www.fanniemaefoundation.org/programs/hpd/pdf/hpd_0601_galster2.pdf)

Economist. “Ghettos of the mind.” 9/10/2005, Vol. 376 Issue 8443, p55.

Economist. “On the edge.” 7/06/96, Vol. 340 Issue 7973, p28-29.

Economist. “Doomed to burn?” 5/9/92, Vol. 323 Issue 7758, p21-24.

Class 11: Poverty and Social Issues II.

Glaeser, Edward and Matthew Kahn, and Jordan Rappaport. 2000. “Why Do the Poor Live in

Cities?” NBER Working Paper 7636.

Cutler, David, Glaeser, Edward L., “Are Ghettos Good or Bad,” Quarterly Journal of Economics,

112,3, August 1997.

Economist. “The problem with ghetto grocers.” 8/13/2005, Vol. 376 Issue 8439, p26.

Economist. “Whitman's paradox.” 2/19/2005, Vol. 374 Issue 8414, Special section p13-14.

Economist. “What to do about slums.” 10/11/2003, Vol. 369 Issue 8345, p16.

Class 12: Transportation I.

Small, Kenneth, “Urban Traffic Congestion: A New Approach to the. Gordian Knot,” The

Brookings Review, Spring 1993. (H)

Pack, Janet R. “You Ride, I’ll Pay: Social Benefits and Transit Subsidies.” The Brookings

Review, Summer 1997. (H)

Economist. “America's great headache.” 6/4/2005, Vol. 375 Issue 8429, p28-29.

Economist. “Your turn again, Livingstone.” 6/5/2004, Vol. 371 Issue 8378, p53-54.

Economist. “Ken's gamble.” 12/14/2002, Vol. 365 Issue 8303, p51.

Class 13: Transportation II.

Giuliano, Genevieve and Kenneth A. Small. “Is the Journey to Work Explained by Urban

Structure?” Urban Studies. 30 (9) Nov. 1993. pp. 1485-1500.

Wheaton, William C. 1978. “Price-Induced Distortions in Urban Highway Investment.” Bell

Journal of Economics. 9(2): 622-632

Boarnet, Marlon G. “Infrastructure Services and the Productivity of Public Capital: The Case of

Streets and Highways.” National Tax Journal, 50 (1) March 1997, pp. 39-57.

Economist. “The octopus and the tortoise.” 11/5/2005, Vol. 377 Issue 8451, p35-36.

Economist. “Mono-mania.” 7/2/2005, Vol. 376 Issue 8433, p33.

Economist. “Onward, Swedish socialists.” 7/10/2004, Vol. 372 Issue 8383, p26.

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Class 14: Term Paper Prospectus Discussion.

Class 15: Housing I.

Wheaton, William, “Urban Spatial Development with Durable but Replaceable Capital,” Journal

of Urban Economics, 3 (1978).

Greenberger, Scott S. 2005. “Report Rates Boston Most Expensive City: Housing Drives up Cost

of Living.” Boston Globe, September 8.

Economist. “Not in my neighbourhood.” 11/5/2005, Vol. 377 Issue 8451, p36.

Economist. “Pay off the Nimbys.” 8/7/2004, Vol. 372 Issue 8387, p12.

Economist. “The Hamptons, only colder.” 02/03/2001, Vol. 358 Issue 8207, p61.

Class 16: Housing II.

Edward L. Glaeser & Joseph Gyourko & Raven Saks, 2005. “Why Have Housing Prices Gone

Up?” NBER Working Papers 11129.

John M. Quigley and Steven Raphael, 2004. “Is Housing Unaffordable? Why Isn’t It More

Affordable?” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18, 1 pp. 191-214.

Economist. “Dreams in the desert.” 11/26/2005, Vol. 377 Issue 8454, p36-37.

Economist. “Bridging the gap.” 2/19/2005, Vol. 374 Issue 8414, Special section p6.

Economist. “The roof that costs too much.” 12/7/2002, Vol. 365 Issue 8302, p34.

Class 17: Sprawl and Land Use Control I.

Glaeser, Edward L. and Jesse Shapiro, 2001. “Is There a New Urbanism? The Growth of U.S.

Cities in the 1990s,” NBER Working Papers 8357.

Downs, Anthony. 1998. “How America’s Cities Are Growing: The Big Picture.” The Brookings

Review, Fall issue (http://www.brookings.edu/press/review/fa98/downs.pdf)

Fischel, William A. “Comment on Carl Abbott’s “The Portland Region: Where Cities and

Suburbs Talk to Each Other – and Often Agree.” Housing Policy Debate 8 (1) 1997.

Economist. “No end in sight.” 09/12/98, Vol. 348 Issue 8085, p29-30.

Economist. “Stuff of dreams.” 5/1/2004, Vol. 371 Issue 8373, Special section p7-8.

Economist. “Paradise dimmed.” 08/09/97, Vol. 344 Issue 8029, p21-22.

Class 18: Sprawl and Land Use Control II.

Thomas J. Nechyba and Randall P. Walsh, 2004. “Urban Sprawl.” Journal of Economic

Perspectives, 18, 4 pp.177-200.

Gordon, Peter and Harry W. Richardson. 1998. “Prove It: The Costs and Benefits of Sprawl.”

The Brookings Review, Vol.16 No.4, pp. 23-25.


Glaeser, Edward and Matthew Kahn. 2003. “Sprawl and Urban Growth.” NBER Working Paper

No. w9733.

Economist. “Not quite the monster they call it.” 08/21/99, Vol. 352 Issue 8133, p24-25.

Economist. “Into the suburbs.” 3/13/2004, Vol. 370 Issue 8366, p31-32.

Economist. “Bananas.” 4/17/93, Vol. 327 Issue 7807, p27-29.

Class 19: Growth I.

John M. Quigley and Steven Raphael, 1998. “Urban Diversity and Economic Growth,” Journal

of Economic Perspectives, 12, 2 pp. 127-138.

Economics 970 (Spring 2007) Urban Economics and Policy Syllabus

Version: 1/15/2007 Page 7 of 7

Glaeser, Edward. 2005. “Urban Colossus: Why Is New York America’s Largest City?” NBER

Working Paper 11398.

Economist. “America the creative.” 12/23/2006, Vol. 381 Issue 8509, p41-42.

Economist. “Steeled for recovery.” 12/23/2006, Vol. 381 Issue 8509, p42.

Economist. “Globocity.” 3/18/2006, Vol. 378 Issue 8469, Special Section p8-9.

Economist. “The town of the talk.” 2/19/2005, Vol. 374 Issue 8414, Special section p3-6.

Economist. “The Americano dream.” 7/16/2005, Vol. 376 Issue 8435, Special section p8-9.

Class 20: Growth II.

Edward L. Glaeser, “Smart Growth: Education, Skilled Workers, and the Future of Cold-

Weather Cities,” Taubman Center for State and Local Government, Harvard University,

Policy Brief 2005-1, April 2005.


Glaeser, Edward L. & Albert Saiz, 2003. “The Rise of the Skilled City,” NBER Working Paper


Economist. “How now brown town?” 9/16/2006, Vol. 380 Issue 8495, p42-43.

Economist. “Brawn yields to brains.” 3/18/2006, Vol. 378 Issue 8469, Special Section p4-8.

Economist. “A success story.” 3/18/2006, Vol. 378 Issue 8469, Special Section p3-4.

Economist. “A plug for the Plains drain?” 5/7/2005, Vol. 375 Issue 8425, p29.

Class 21. Region.

Bucovetsky, S. “Asymetric Tax Competition,” Journal of Urban Economics, 30, (1991), 167-

181. (H)

Wheaton,William, “Decentralize Welfare: Will There Be Underprovision?” Journal of Urban

Economics, 48, 3 (2000), pp 536-555.

Economist. “Last men standing.” 04/03/99, Vol. 351 Issue 8113, p55-58.

Economist. “Osaka's bid for freedom.” 5/1/93, Vol. 327 Issue 7809, p32-34.


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