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[财经时事] 谁能获得2004年诺贝尔经济学奖? [推广有奖]

midi51 发表于 2004-10-14 13:59:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
newkyle 等级:新手上路 文章:5 积分:64 注册:2004-10-12 楼顶 Attend Prescott's reception last night last night I attended Ed's reception at MPLS FED, many famous and smart guys (they are the mainstream of nowaday's economics)across USA flew in and celebrated joyously They recalled many interesting anecodotes of Ed. Maybe you will read these from some newspaper soon.

In fact, all of us knew Ed's interesting side, like, when he speaks, you can never guess out what he will say in the next, he seldom says something in a continuous way, always jump from one to other without any connection. He writes excellently, but it is really hard to understand his talking.

The best quote I heard was from Tom Sargent, who did not come, he said, roughly," I did not like see your name connected to ASU, you got paycheck from UMN when you did most of your research"

It was a very wonderful moment in my life.

Another comment I would like to share with your guys is what I repeated heard from many professors. It was a mistake made by Sweden that they awarded Mirrlees and Vickery rather than Leo Hurwicz whose ideas transform micro profundly, in the same logic, it is ridiculous if Sweden awarded Williamson before Coase.

Fortunately, Leo Hurwicz won President Award which was only awarded to four economists, the other three were Arrow, Samuleson and Friedman.


The best quote I heard was from Tom Sargent, who did not come, he said, roughly," I did not like see your name connected to ASU, you got paycheck from UMN when you did most of your research"

_____ Tom Sargent话确实代表了很多人的心声。


midi51 发表于 2004-10-15 15:30:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


Finn Kydland Wins the Nobel PrizeUCSB Economics is delighted to announce that Finn Kydland has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics, jointly with Professor Edward Prescott of Arizona State University. The prize was awarded for their research on business cycles and macroeconomic policy. Kydland joined the UCSB faculty in July 2004, and holds the Jeff Henley Chair in Economics.

A highly influential component of Kydland's research focuses on the time-consistency problem in monetary policy: policymakers may wish to restrain inflation in the long run by raising interest rates, but political constraints make them reluctant to bear the short-term costs of doing so. Kydland and Prescott's work in this area has led to a move towards greater independence of the monetary authorities from the political process in a number of countries. Kydland's co-author and co-winner, Edward Prescott, taught at UCSB as a visiting professor in the Winter of 2004.


Finn E. Kydland Jeff Henley Chair in Economics at UCSB 2004 Nobel Prize in Economics "For their contributions to dynamic macroeconomics: the time consistency of economic policy and the driving forces behind business cycles"

Finn E. Kydland, the Henley Professor of Economics at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has been awarded the 2004 Nobel Prize in Economics. The prize, which he shares with Edward C. Prescott of Arizona State University, is "for their contribution to dynamic macroeconomics: the time consistency of economic policy and the driving forces behind business cycles."

Kydland joined the UC Santa Barbara faculty on July 1, 2004. He previously taught at Carnegie Mellon University, where he earned his Ph.D.

UCSB Chancellor Henry T. Yang placed a congratulatory telephone call to Kydland in Bergen, Norway, where he was delivering a lecture at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration.

"I am obviously delighted to be at Santa Barbara and so glad that everyone there is excited about this news," said Kydland. "I'm a little bit of a shy person in public, but I guess I'll have to get used to this attention."

Kydland said he was sorry that he could not be in Santa Barbara when the Nobel Prize announcement was made. However, he participated by telephone in a news conference on the UC Santa Barbara campus on Tuesday, October 12. Other speakers included Chancellor Yang, Dean of Social Sciences Melvin Oliver, and Jeff Henley, who, with his wife, Judy, established the professorship in economics now held by Kydland. Jeff Henley, who graduated from UCSB in 1966, is chairman of the board of Oracle Corporation.

Prescott, who was a visiting professor at UC Santa Barbara last year, is the W.P. Carey Chair of Economics at Arizona State's W.P. Carey School of Business. He is also a senior monetary adviser at the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank.

Noting that the driving forces behind business cycle fluctuations and the design of economic policy are key areas in macroeconomic research, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said the two scholars have made "fundamental contributions of great significance" to these areas, "not only for macroeconomic analysis, but also for the practice of monetary and fiscal policy in many countries."

The prize is the second Nobel awarded to a UC Santa Barbara faculty member this year. The 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to David J. Gross, director of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at UCSB. The prizes bring to five the number of Nobel Prizes won by UCSB faculty members in the past six years.

"All of us here at UC Santa Barbara are overjoyed by the wonderful news of this prize to our distinguished new colleague, Finn Kydland, who has held the Jeff Henley Chair in Economics since July 1, 2004," said Chancellor Yang. "This is a wonderful and fitting recognition of the tremendous impact his research has had on macroeconomics, international economics, and monetary economics. We offer our congratulations to him and to his research colleague, Edward Prescott of Arizona State University, who was a distinguished visiting professor on our campus in winter quarter 2004, when he held the Maxwell and Mary Pellish Chair in Economics."

UC President Robert C. Dynes applauded the news. "The research in the 1970s by Professor Kydland and his colleague Edward Prescott has made a fundamental contribution to the practice of monetary and fiscal policy, which other researchers have used as a foundation for their own work. The work of professors Kydland and Prescott again illustrates the importance of our research universities and I am heartened that our UC students are being taught by economists of such renown."

Said Oliver, the social sciences dean: "We are all delighted that Finn Kydland is a member of our stellar department of economics at UC Santa Barbara. His receipt of the Nobel Prize is a public acknowledgement of both his path breaking work and the growing visibility and achievements of the social sciences at UC Santa Barbara."

UCSB's Other Nobel Laureates

David J. Gross, 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics Alan J. Heeger, 2000 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Herber Kroemer, 2000 Nobel Prize in Physics Walter Kohn, 1998 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

About the Nobel Foundation

Nobelprize.org Nobel Foundation's Web Site


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