楼主: fudairu
19548 11

回答Professional Conduct Inquiry 的时候选择了个一个YES,现在被协会拒绝报考考试咋 [推广有奖]

ljs8879359 发表于 2015-4-20 01:36:40 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
我也碰到了类似问题,纯属操作失误。分享下我的appeal  希望对各位有用
To :  Professional Conduct Program    CFA Institute
The appellant :  ×××      CFA Institute ID: ××

Your  last letter  informed me that CFA Institute had denied my application to become a candidate in the CFA® Program.

I am writing this letter to submit an appeal of the denial decision.
The disclosure I made in response to question #1 on the Professional Conduct Inquiry was just a careless mistake.
Actually, I  have never been suspended by a regulatory organization or judicial court from participation in the financial services markets or from association with a financial services institution.
Therefore, the appellant requests to participate in the CFA program. Thank you!

Sincerely yours,
CFA Institute ID: ××


ljs8879359 发表于 2015-4-20 01:36:43 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
我也碰到了类似问题,纯属操作失误。分享下我的appeal  希望对各位有用
To :  Professional Conduct Program    CFA Institute
The appellant :  ×××      CFA Institute ID: ××

Your  last letter  informed me that CFA Institute had denied my application to become a candidate in the CFA® Program.

I am writing this letter to submit an appeal of the denial decision.
The disclosure I made in response to question #1 on the Professional Conduct Inquiry was just a careless mistake.
Actually, I  have never been suspended by a regulatory organization or judicial court from participation in the financial services markets or from association with a financial services institution.
Therefore, the appellant requests to participate in the CFA program. Thank you!

Sincerely yours,
CFA Institute ID: ××
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