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美国联储会的大幅度降息是害怕的表现还是负责任的表现? [推广有奖]

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WALL STREET had been hoping for it. By some measures, financial markets had been half-expecting it. But when America's central bankers on September 18th cut the short-term federal-funds rate by half a percentage point, to 4.75%, investors reacted as gleefully as children who spy a chocolate birthday cake.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average ended the day up 336 points—a 2.51% gain, and the biggest one-day jump since April 2003. The broader S&P index rose 2.9%. Wall Street's giddier commentators could hardly contain themselves “I would hug these guys” gushed Jim Cramer, a CNBC pundit whose screaming pleas for lower interest rates epitomised August's panic.
道琼斯工业指数那天上升了336点,或上升了2.51%,这是从20034月来最大的单天升幅。范围更广的S&P斯坦普指数上升了 2.9%。华尔街上那些发晕的评论员也张口结舌了,CNBC那博学的吉姆.克莱默泉涌般的说“我真想拥抱这些人”,他那疯狂般的呼声要求降息是8月恐慌的代表。

The Fed's move came a day after Britain's government announced it would guarantee all deposits at the stricken mortgage lender, Northern Rock, and the day that Lehman Brothers reported third-quarter results that were not as bad as many had feared (see article).

A day later the Bank of England abandoned its hard-nosed attitude to greasing the money markets (see article). America's housing regulators also did an about-turn, announcing that they would allow the government-sponsored mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, to expand their portfolios to help alleviate the mortgage squeeze.

This barrage of good news worked a treat. Stock markets across the globe followed Wall Street upwards. Nerves calmed in the money markets and the most moribund corners of the credit landscape showed signs of life. Banks became more willing to lend to each other. Blue-chip borrowers raised billions of dollars of new debt. Even the junk-bond market began to function. R.H. Donnelley, the firm that publishes Yellow Pages, raised far more than the $650m it had planned in the first junk-bond issue of any size since late July.
这么一大堆好消息就像盛宴一样。全球股票市场跟着华尔街一起上升。货币市场的紧张气氛也得到缓解,而那最死气沉沉的信贷角落也再次显现了生气。银行也变得更愿意借钱给其他银行了。蓝筹公司也筹集了几十亿新债务。甚至垃圾债券市场也开始工作了。出版电话黄页的R.H. Donnelley公司计划筹集6.5亿美金,结果大大超出其计划,而这也是自7月来发行的第一个垃圾债券。

To many on Wall Street, all this marked a turning point for which Mr Bernanke, in particular, deserves credit. Not only had the Fed recognised the risks that financial turbulence posed to America's economy, it had acted boldly to head them off. And that, concluded euphoric investors, would probably mean even lower interest rates ahead. Judging by the price of Fed funds' futures, financial markets reckon there is an 80% probability of another quarter-point cut on October 31st.

Not everyone was happy, however. Hawks worried that the Fed had bailed out Wall Street and compromised its inflation-fighting credentials. Far from eschewing the “Greenspan put” (Wall Street shorthand for the willingness of Alan Greenspan to cut interest rates in the face of financial turmoil), his successor, Mr Bernanke, had created a put of his own. Allan Meltzer, author of a history of the Federal Reserve, called the decision a “big error”. The central bankers, he argued, had “listened to the Siren song” of the markets. History suggested they would regret it.
但是,并不是所有人都高兴。那些鹰派担心联储会挽救了华尔街,而毁坏了其对付通胀的信誉。虽然没有照抄“格林斯潘对策”(华尔街将格林斯潘在金融危机时会同意消减利率的简称),格林斯潘的继承人伯南克已经创造了他自己的对策。写联储会历史的作家Allan Meltzer将这降息决定称为“大错误”。他说,中央银行的官员们是受到华尔街的“蛊惑”(听了华尔街那种有诱惑性的歌?)。历史将证明他们会感到后悔。

Several measures of inflationary jitters wobbled: the price of gold futures hit a 27-year high of $735.50 an ounce and yields on 30-year Treasury bonds rose. The dollar continued to slide, hitting a new low against the euro of close to 1.40. Mr Greenspan himself gave ammunition to the inflation worriers. His memoirs (see article) argued that the disinflationary pressures of the past were ebbing and central bankers' jobs were becoming harder.
各种担忧通胀的数据一个个浮现:黄金期货价格达到每盎司735.3美金,这是 27年来的高点,30年联邦债券回报也在上升。美金继续下降,对欧元达到1.40,这是新低。格林斯潘自己也给了那些担心通胀人士一些弹药。在他的回忆录(见文)提到过去那些非通胀压力也层出不穷,而中央银行官员的工作也更艰难了。

Look carefully, however, and both Wall Street's euphoria and the hawks' nervousness are overdone. Inflation is always a risk, but the Fed is hardly in danger of allowing price pressures to get out of control. Figures released on September 19th showed that core consumer prices, excluding food and fuel, rose by 2.1% in the year to August, down from 2.2% in the year to July.

What is more, although the central bankers' actions were bold—in addition to cutting the federal funds rate, they also cut the discount rate by half a percentage point to 5.25%—monetary policy is hardly easy. One rule of thumb is to compare nominal interest rates to nominal GDP. At 4.75%, the Fed funds rate is now roughly in line with nominal GDP growth over the past few quarters, suggesting that interest rates are broadly neutral.

Perhaps most importantly, the central bankers left themselves plenty of room for manoeuvre. The statement accompanying the Fed's decision made clear that the rate cut was intended to “help forestall” the adverse effects on the economy from financial-market disruptions. But it made no commitment that more cuts would be coming. The central bankers said they would act “as needed to foster price stability and sustainable economic growth”. And this statement (unlike the previous one on August 17th) included an explicit reference to “inflation risks.”

Much depends on what drove the Fed's decision. Tactics may have played a role, particularly a desire to avoid a repeat of September 1998. After Russia's default and the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management, a hedge fund, the Fed cut rates by a quarter point. Disappointed, markets plunged and the central bankers were rattled into cutting rates again long before their next scheduled meeting. By acting boldly now, Mr Bernanke must hope to avoid hasty inter-meeting cuts.

Risk management undoubtedly played a part too. Even if the most likely outcome for the economy has not worsened dramatically, the risks of a truly nasty downturn have risen. A bold cut now was probably designed, in part, to reduce those risks.

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