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20190208【充实计划】第976期   [推广有奖]

richardgu26 发表于 2019-2-8 14:40:01 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

Binary search. Suppose you are searching for a person in the phone book. Their name starts with K. You could start at the beginning and keep flipping pages until you get to the Ks. But you are more likely to start at a page in the middle, because you know the Ks are going to be the near the middle of the phone book.

There is a search problem. And all these case use the same algorithm to solve the problem: binary search.

Binary search is an algorithm; its input is a sorted list of elements. If an element you are looking for is in that list, search returns the position where its located. Otherwise, binary search returns null.
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充实每一天 发表于 2019-2-8 14:45:29 来自手机 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群



Richardsunhw 在职认证  发表于 2019-2-8 15:08:01 来自手机 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
充实每一天 发表于 2019-2-8 06:37
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ccwwccww 发表于 2019-2-8 15:08:42 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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zjlslxt 发表于 2019-2-8 15:12:45 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
昨日阅读0.7小时 累计阅读2.2小时
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XA0 学生认证  发表于 2019-2-8 15:24:17 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
1、学习《your statistical consultant》20页——1.5小时


今天课里提到了一个词 cultivate resilience.  每次听《幸福课(积极心理学)》,除了锻炼英文听力和语言词句,在内容上我一直在寻找学科中的心理学与中国的一些心灵鸡汤de 共同点或是补充。总是可以找到一些中国老话儿的影子。另外我在想脱离实际的“付出和回报“不等的落差,到底如何能形成一种长期的意识去保持积极心理,如何长久才能追求幸福感。

How to cultivate resilience(网络引文)
Resilience is defined by the American Psychological Association as: ‘The process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress and bouncing back from difficult experiences.’ Resilient people have an approach to life that is characterised by realistic optimism, self-confidence, a sense of humour, the ability to stay focused under pressure, not being easily defeated by failure and finding meaning even in negative experiences. They often have a track record of dealing successfully with stressful situations. Such people also tend to be happier and more successful than their less resilient counterparts.

There are two basic personality factors that allow some people to be more naturally resilient than others.

The first is the trait known as ‘hardiness’. This characteristic has three main elements: a commitment to seeing life as meaningful and interesting; a belief that a person can influence events, and a tendency to look at all experiences you have as opportunities to learn and develop. Hardy individuals are more open to change; they tend to interpret any stressful experiences as a normal part of life, and they are less susceptible to boredom. One study* found that Gulf War veterans scored higher than average on this.

The other personality factor is a quality described as ‘mental toughness’. People who score highly on mental toughness tend to be persistent, focused and confident in their abilities. They are better able to withstand external pressures and cope with anxiety, as well as endure hardship and pain, and they also tend to be responsive to new sensations, self-disciplined in their everyday lives, and not prone to worrying.

Personality is only one factor here, however. Fortunately, we can all cultivate behavioural strategies to boost our levels of resilience.

So how do we do that?

1. Reframe fear. The physical symptoms of stress and fear are remarkably similar to those of excitement – a raised heart rate, blood pumping and sweaty palms. ‘When symptoms of fear kick in, try reinterpreting them. For example, if you’re about to speak in public, tell yourself, “I’m feeling like this because I’m hyped up. This is exciting, it’s adrenalin and that’s a good thing”. If you control your thoughts, your physiology will be better able to cope with the situation,’ advises psychologist Emma Barrett.

2. Change your script. People who generally do well in interviews and appraisals tend to be naturally good at putting a positive spin on negative experiences, explains career coach John Lees, author of Secrets Of Resilient People (Hodder & Stoughton, £9.99). ‘Resilient people understand that there are always two possible narratives, the downward slope towards victim mode and the story that’s all about growth. So they’ll tell you: “I was fired from that job, but it enabled me to learn something life-changing…”’

3. Be careful who you panic with. ‘Sometimes the best thing you can do when things are going wrong is just take yourself offline. Go for a walk and pause for reflection, rather than let others around you witness you losing it. This is particularly pertinent at work,’ says Lees.

4. Postpone worry. If something is bugging you, it can help to exercise some containment. ‘Make an appointment for worry. Tell yourself you’ll worry about X on Tuesday at 3pm. Mark it in your diary, if need be. Chances are that the worry will have lost its charge by then,’ says Lees.

5. Resilience isn’t about reinvention. ‘You don’t need to become a different person to be resilient,’ says Lees. ‘Self-awareness isn’t about improving in all directions. Sometimes it’s about ’fessing up, saying “I’m not a good organiser or I’m not good at reading people.” If you do that, then you can honestly turn to others and ask for help.’
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kaiming_zhao 发表于 2019-2-8 15:50:18 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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confused_ddk 发表于 2019-2-8 17:45:43 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
今日阅读1小时,Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness,3%->5%,累积阅读时间21小时
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sunhui7108 发表于 2019-2-8 17:47:05 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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hifinecon 发表于 2019-2-8 18:02:51 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
昨天学习了经济学中福利经济学学派的思维,福利经济学学派的始祖是英国经济学家阿瑟·塞西尔·庇古(Arthur Cecil Pigou),庇古是英国经济学家艾尔弗雷德·马歇尔的高徒。庇古将老师的理论进一步深化,他特别阐述了市场的运行并不总是完美的,市场有时会失灵,“失灵”并不一定意味着经济的大灾难或危机,庇古精准地为其下定义,因此成为“福利经济学”(welfare economics)领域的先锋。他检验了人们在购买、销售、工作中以及公司在生产和雇佣过程中所做的决定为社会带来的整体利益,即“规范经济学”(normative economics)。这种经济学分支可以用来判断经济形势,在这里就是一个市场运转的好坏。庇古提出市场导向经常指引人们及公司做出有利于自身的选择,但这种选择往往会包含损害他人的副作用,例如污染。福利经济学家将污染物称为“外部性”(externalities),因为他们除了创造者本身,还会对外部的人或公司产生影响。庇古指出当社会效应(对每个人产生的整体影响)和“个人效应”(只对生产外部性的人产生影响)之间存在差异时市场失败的风险便会加剧。福利经济学家们将那些不需人们花钱购买也能从中获益的商品称为“公共产品”(public goods),比如我在我家门口装一盏路灯,其他人不用付费也可以受益。因此,当人们创造了外部性或者渴望公共产品时,说明亚当·斯密斯的“看不见的手”发挥的作用是错误的。市场没有充分利用社会资源:糟糕的产品数量过多,而好产品数量却不足。庇古认为,ZF需要推动市场向正确方向迈进,它应该鼓励“正面的”外部性(研发),抑制“负面的”外部性(污染),对于公共产品,ZF应该实行更有力的措施。ZF可能会将税收用于提供产品,例如路灯及国防。在第二次世界大战之后,大部分更为宏观的问题得以解决,很多人相信资本主义是最好的经济体系,但是它需要一种更为有利的ZF行为的参与才能保证其健康发展。庇古的著作为改良特定市场的运作提供了一些政策的思维,如油漆业、渔业、石油业等。今天的经济学家们依然使用这些理论思考帮助ZF如何应用税收和补助来充分利用社会资源,而达到整体经济福利极大化。
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