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  • 江西省纺织品出口现状及发展对策分析_国际贸易论文

    目 录 前言...................................................2 1 江西省纺织品出口贸易现状及存在的问题................2 1.1江西省纺织品出口贸易现状...........................2 1.2江西省纺织品出口贸易存在的问题......................3 1.3江西省纺织品出口问题原因分析........................5 2. 江西省纺织品出口贸易面临的机遇与挑战................5 2.1江西纺织品出口面临的机遇............................5 2.2江西纺织品出口面对的挑战............................6 3.江西省纺织品出口贸易的发展对策与建议.................8 3.1浙江省纺织品出口经验借鉴............................8 3.2江西省纺织品出口贸易发展的应对措施..................9 参考文献...............................................14 致谢..................................................15 摘 要 随着经济全球化和国际贸易一体化的发展,江西省纺织品行业取得飞速发展。全球纺织品贸易配额的取消、出口退税的调整、人民币的升值给江西省纺织行业带来新的机遇和挑战。在国际贸易频繁变化的环境下,如何提高江西省纺织品的国际竞争力显得尤其重要。本文将对江西省纺织品出口做简要的分析,首先阐述江西省纺织品出口贸易的现状及存在的问题,然后探讨江西省纺织品出口贸易面临的机遇与挑战,接着借鉴浙江省纺织品出口贸易经验,最后从政府、行业、企业三方面提出了长期保持江西纺织品国际竞争力的发展对策与建议,如产业结构调整、实施“走出去”战略、加强行业自律、提高创新能力、创立自主品牌等应对措施。 [关键词] 江西纺织品 出口现状 发展对策 Abstract With the development of the globalization and the integration of the international trade, there is rapid growth in textiles industry in Jiangxi. It brings new opportunities together with challenges to the textiles industry as the abolishment of global textile trade quotas, the adjustment of export tax rebate, the appreciation of the Renminbi. Under this background, how to improve the international competition is necessary in the face of an important issue. This article will make an analysis on the export of Jiangxi’s textiles. First, the article formulates the situation and the problems of the export of Jiangxi’s textiles. Then it analyses the opportunities and challenges of the export trade. In addition, it describes the experience of export trade in Zhejiang. Last, in government, field and enterprise, the writer advances some countermeasures which can last long about international competition, such as the adjustment of industrial structure, improving the self-innovation. 【Key Words】 Jiangxi’s textiles export condition countermeasure

  • 我国出口企业应对信用证软条款问题研究_国际贸易论文

    目 录 1 概述.....................................2 1.1信用证软条款的涵义及形成原因.............2 1.2信用证软条款的法律性质...................3 1.3 信用证软条款的主要表现形式..............4 2 我国企业遭遇信用证软条款的现状...........5 2.1 我国企业遭遇信用证软条款的现实状况......5 2.2信用证软条款的实证分析...................7 3 我国出口企业应对信用证软条款的有效策略...9 3.1 信用证应用的发展趋势....................9 3.2 我国出口企业应对信用证软条款的策略.....11 参考文献....................................14 致谢........................................15 摘 要 世界贸易在不断发展,交易速度在高科技的推动下越发神速,信用证制度应更加趋于规范和统一。为了不断发展和完善信用证制度,以适应现代国际贸易发展的需要,对信用证软条款问题应有一个正确和统一的认识。 本文分为三个部分进行阐述,第一部分,论述了信用证软条款的含义、形成原因、法律性质和表现形式;第二部分则阐述了我国企业遭遇信用证软条款的现状,并结合实例进行分析;最后一部分,则是在分析了信用证应用的发展趋势后,提出了我们国家、银行和企业自身应对国际贸易中信用证软条款的有效策略。 【关键字】 信用证 软条款 出口企业 Abstract The international trade is developing unceasingly, and high science and technology gives impetus to the trade. The system of L/C must be improving day by day. To satisfy the requirements of the development of international trade, we must have a correct and unified knowledge of the soft clause. The whole article contains three parts. The first part is the summary of the soft clause, including the concept, characteristic and forms of expression. The second part analyzes the present situation of that our enterprises encounter the soft clause. the third part describes the measures to confront the soft clause. 【Key word】 Letter of credit ;Soft clause ;Exporting enterprise

  • 我国企业外贸出口中的品牌竞争力分析_国际贸易论文

    目 录 前言.............................................2 1.我国出口企业忽视品牌竞争力的现状分析...........2 1.1大量出口产品“贴牌生产”......................2 1.2企业没有从战略的高度提高品牌竞争力............3 1.3品牌价值低....................................3 1.4品牌的科技含量低..............................3 2 我国出口企业实施品牌策略的主要问题分析.........4 2.1企业不具备创造世界级品牌的规模................4 2.2.企业自身的研发观念淡薄.......................4 2.3企业自身品牌意识淡薄..........................5 2.4具有民族特色的品牌尚未走出国门................5 2.5出口品牌建设的服务与政策环境滞后..............5 3 提高我国企业外贸出口品牌竞争力的重要途径分析...6 3.1声誉问题......................................6 3.2时间问题......................................7 3.3规模问题......................................7 3.4时机问题......................................8 4我国企业实施品牌策略的对策分析..................9 4.1立足自身提高企业技术研发能力..................9 4.2加强品牌服务提高产品的附加值..................10 4.3构建企业品牌体系和运行机制....................11 4.4利用整合营销沟通塑造品牌形象..................11 4.5促进文化变迁做中国特色品牌....................12 4.6冲破绿色壁垒创建绿色品牌......................12 4.7政府应为企业实施宏观谋划......................13 4.8 建设维护名牌成长的法制环境...................14 参考文献.........................................15 致谢.............................................16 摘 要 自2005年以来,中国在贸易额不断上升的同时,面对越来越多的贸易摩擦。究其原因,主要来自“中国制造”的负面效应。在贸易保护主义盛行的今天,“中国制造”过分依靠量的增长模式已经走到了尽头。我国企业出口只有通过打造自主品牌,提高投资效率才能实现质的飞跃,真正提高其出口竞争力。 全文共分四部分:首先,从四个方面分析了我国企业忽视品牌竞争力的现状,接着,分析了企业实施品牌策略的主要问题。最后,在以上分析的基础上,对我提高品牌竞争力提出了四大重要途径和相关策略建议。 [关键字] 品牌 品牌战略 品牌竞争力 贴牌生产 中国制造 Abstract Though trade volume has risen greatly, China has been facing more and more trade frictions since 2005. The reason mainly lies in the negative effect from ‘Made in China’. Nowadays, trade protectionism is spreading widely. The growth mode of ‘Made in China ’which is excessively relying on export capacity will eventually come to the end . Our enterprises can only enhance their export competitiveness by creating their own brands and improving investment efficiency. This article was divided into three parts , the first part analyzed the current situation and problem existed in the export of Chinese enterprises OEM products and brand products .The second part analyzed 4 big problems that enterprises confronted with in the process of making brand strategy, the last part brought forward my viewpoints and suggestion to brand strategy from the perspective of Chinese enterprises. [Key words] Brand; Brand Strategy; Brand Competitive; OEM Production; Made in China

  • 江西省第三方物流业发展中存在的问题与对策_国际贸易论文

    目 录 1 第三方物流业概述.....................................2 1.1第三方物流的内涵及特征...............................2 1.2 第三方物流业兴起的动因.............................3 1.3 第三方物流的经济价值................................3 2 江西省第三方物流业的发展状况及存在的问题.............4 2.1 江西省第三方物流业的发展现状........................5 2.2江西省第三方物流业发展中存在的问题及制约因素.........6 3 江西省第三方物流业发展趋势及对策.....................8 3.1 江西省第三方物流业发展的必然趋势....................8 3.2 欧洲发达地区第三方物流业发展的经验借鉴..............9 3.3 江西省第三方物流业的发展对策........................10 参考文献................................................12 致 谢.................................................13 摘 要 第三方物流在欧美等发达国家已经是一个较为成熟的行业,这些年在我国越来越受到重视,也得到了长足的发展,但是离国外的先进水平仍有很大的差距。江西省作为我国一个内陆城市,在发展第三方物流业的过程中也遇到了许多机遇和挑战。本文概述了第三方物流的特点、兴起的动因及其经济价值,通过对江西省第三方物流市场及企业两方面的现状分析,找出了江西省在第三方物流业发展中存在的一些问题及制约因素,比如使用比例偏低、服务范围狭窄等,并在此基础上,结合实际情况,探讨了江西省第三方物流业未来的发展趋势,最后在借鉴发达国家和地区第三方物流业发展的先进经验的基础上,提出了江西省第三方物流业的发展对策。 【关键词】 江西省 第三方物流 问题与对策 Abstract Third party logistics is a comparatively developed industry in developed countries such as America, Europe, etc. It is being paid more attention and gets great progress in our country these years, but there is still a big gap from advanced countries. As an inland city of our country, Jiangxi Province faces lots of opportunities and challenges in the development of Third party logistics. This text has summed up the characteristics, the reasons of the rise and economic worth of third party logistics. And through the current situation analysis of logistics markets and enterprises of third party in Jiangxi Province, we have found out some problems and restriction factors in the development of third party logistics industry in Jiangxi Province, such as low proportion of adoption and small scope of services. On this basis, combining the actual conditions, the thesis has probed into the logistics future development trend of third party in Jiangxi Province. Finally, based on the analysis of the advanced experience of third party's logistics development of developed countries, the article have proposed countermeasures for the development of Third party logistics of Jiangxi Province. 【Key Words】 Jiangxi Province Third party logistics Problems and measures

  • 中小企业应用国际保理存在的问题及对策分析_国际贸易论文

    目 录 1 国际保理的概述.........................................2 1.1 国际保理的涵义及服务内容.............................2 1.2 FCI和美国PMF.........................................2 1.3 国际保理的发展趋势...................................3 2 我国中小企业应用国际保理的现状及问题分析...............5 2.1 中小企业应用国际保理的适用性分析.....................5 2.2 我国中小企业应用国际保理的状况.......................6 2.3 我国中小企业应用国际保理存在的问题及原因分析.........8 3 推动我国中小企业应用国际保理的对策建议.................10 3.1 政府加强完善国际保理的法律环境.......................10 3.2 企业增强风险意识,建立科学的信用管理方法和制度.......10 3.3 企业提高对国际保理的认知,选择合理的保理模式.........11 3.4 银行等金融机构加强保理业务的建设.....................12 参考文献.................................................13 致 谢...................................................14 摘 要 在国际商品市场竞争日益激烈的今天,贸易结算方式成为继商品价格、商品质量之后另一个重要的竞争手段,保理业务是在这一需求下发展起来的。我国中小企业一直面临融资难的问题。在我国中小企业中引入国际保理业务,对加速企业的快速融资,提高企业的资本周转,从而提高其国际竞争能力具有很大作用。 本文系统阐述了国际保理在国内外的发展状况。从国际保理对中小企业的重要性及我国中小企业特点的角度上分析我国中小企业应用保理业务的可行性和必要性,并在阐述国内中小企业应用国际保理状况的基础上,分析其存在的问题及原因。最后,从政府、企业及银行保理商等角度提出了我国中小企业应用国际保理应采取的解决问题的措施。 【关键词】中小企业 国际保理 问题及对策 Abstract Nowadays, the competition of the international commodity market in the world is more and more drastic. The trade settlement considered as the competed method has become another important means after the commodity price and quality. International factoring develops just based on the need. It is always difficult for the medium-sized and small enterprises in our country to finance. If the medium-sized and small enterprises adopt the International factoring business as the trade settlement, it will be propitious for them to quicken the enterprise financing and up-grade turnover of capital enterprises competitive capacity in the market will be enhance. This thesis systemically expatiates the development of International factoring in home and abroad. From the point of the importance of International factoring to the medium-sized and small enterprises and their characteristics, it analyzes the feasibility and necessary that the medium-sized and small enterprises apply the International factoring. And based on the states of those, it analyzes the problems and reasons when the medium-sized and small enterprises in our country develop International factoring business. At length, it brings forward referred measures to solve the problems from the government, enterprises and the banks. 【Key words】medium-sized and small enterprise; international factoring; problem and countermeasure

  • 重庆摩托车出口贸易现状分析_国际贸易论文

    摘 要  摩托车从诞生之日发展迅猛,到现在已有一百多年的历史了。我国是世界第一大的摩托车生产国和出口国。然而,重庆工业摩托车发展从1979年9月嘉陵出产的第一辆50型摩托车至2010年为止,经历了从技术引进到消化吸收,再从消化吸收到自主开发的过程,现在摩托车的出口已经居我国首位,是其他城市不可取代的。但近几年来,重庆摩托车也经历着来之不同方面的考验,技术,销售,质量等可谓是“喜中带忧,忧中带着喜”。在此基础上本文主要以近几年重庆摩托车的出口贸易现状进行分析,如倾销,金融危机,并利用重庆摩托车企业采取的措施进行研究,从而更全面底了解整个摩托行业的形势。 关键词:重庆,摩托车,出口,现状分析 Abstract Motorcycles from the date of birth of the rapid development, now has one hundred years of history. China is the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer and exporter. However, Chongqing industry development from 1979September Jialing Motorcycle produced the first 50 model motorcycle until 2010, experienced from technology introduction to digestion and absorption, and then from the digestion and absorption to the independent development of the motorcycle, now exports already occupies the first place of our country, is other city can not be replaced. But in last few years, Chongqing motorcycle is also experiencing to different aspects of the test, technical, sales, quality is "the joy with sorrow, joy and sorrow". On this basis, this article mainly in recent years Chongqing motorcycle export trade current situation to undertake an analysis, such as dumping, financial crisis, and the use of the Chongqing motorcycle enterprise to take measures for research, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the whole motorcycle industry situation. Key words: Chongqing, motorcycle, export, present situation analysis 目 录 引 言1 一、重庆摩托车出口现状1 (一)重庆摩托车出口现状简介1 (二)重庆摩托车出口主要优势2 二、重庆摩托车出口存在的问题4 (一)行业技术发展落后4 (二)摩托车出口遭反倾销待遇5 (三)保护贸易抬头不利于摩托车出口6 三、促进重庆摩托车出口的对策分析8 (一)走科技创新之路8 (二)摩托车企业应对反倾销的策略10 1.坚持走差异化道路,注重摩托车品质取胜10 2.摩托车企业积极应对反倾销诉讼10 3.合理利用WTO规则作为保护手段11 (三)“重庆摩帮”积极应对金融危机12 结 论14 参考文献15 致 谢16

  • 浅析老北京火锅特许经营对策_国际贸易论文

    目 录 1前言...................................................2 2老北京火锅特许连锁经营企业的现状及问题.................2 2.1企业现状简介.........................................2 2.2存在的问题...........................................2 3中外特许经营企业经典案例分析...........................4 4老北京火锅特许经营模式的对策分析.......................8 4.1加强品牌管理,提升老北京火锅融牌价值.................8 4.2建立标准化的操作模式和特许加盟体系管理制度...........9 4.3选择合格的受许人.....................................10 4.4签定完善的特许经营合同...............................11 4.5构建高效的物流配送体系...............................12 4.6制定合理的人力资源开发与管理制度.....................13 参考文献................................................15 致 谢.................................................16 摘 要 特许经营是当今世界上最为流行的企业扩张和个人创业途径之一,最近些年在中国以特许经营管理模式的企业也在不断地增加。 餐饮业是特许经营的传统主力军。本文将视线聚集于餐饮业这个国内最有潜力利用特许经营加速发展的行业,结合老北京火锅这个具体的餐饮连锁企业的实际情况,提出适合餐饮特许经营行业和老北京火锅发展的特许经营模式及实施控制措施。 论文共分四个部分。第一、第二部分介绍老北京火锅的基本情况,现有的特许经营模式,并深入分析了目前特许经营模式中存在的问题。第三部分,概述特许经营理论及内涵,结合正反案例,提出餐饮企业特许经营的发展策略。第四部分是本文的重点,结合公司自身情况、营销环境及市场现状,提出改进的特许经营模式。 【关键词】特许经营 经营模式 餐饮业 特许人 Abstract Franchising is one of the world’s most popular ways to establish a business and expand business. Not only the trend has become more obvious in developed countries such as the United States but also franchising management models in China are constantly increasing. The catering industry is the traditional main force of the franchising. This dissertation tries to focus on the domestic catering industries that have the most potential to take advantage of franchising industry to accelerate development. And that will be a strong guiding role to the franchising development of LaoBeijing Restaurant Limited. This dissertation is made of four parts. The first part and the second part introduce basic information of LaoBeijing Restaurant Limited, the existing franchising models and analyze deeply the problems of the present franchising models. The third part recalls the history of the franchising development, outlines the theory and the essence of the franchising, and proposes developing strategies of the catering enterprises in combination with positive and negative cases. The fourth part is the focus of this dissertation, which put forward improved franchising model combined with the situation of the company, marketing environment and market conditions. 【Key Words】Franchise; Operation Model; Catering Industry; Franchiser

  • WTO争端解决机制的缺陷及其完善分析_国际贸易论文

    目 录 1 GATT向WTO转变过程中争端解决机制的发展....................2 1.1 关贸总协定(GATT)下的争端解决机制及其缺陷..............2 1.2 世界贸易组织(WTO)对争端解决机制的调整及完善...........4 2 WTO争端解决机制当前存在的问题............................5 2.1 规则性缺陷..............................................5 2.2 结构性缺陷..............................................5 2.3解决期限过长.............................................6 2.4 救济措施不完善..........................................7 2.5发展中国家负担沉重......................................8 3 WTO争端解决机制的完善意见................................8 3.1 改革处理程序...........................................8 3.2 增加金钱赔偿的具体规定.................................9 3.3 强化DSU规则本身的可操作性..............................9 3.4改进专家小组的工作,增强专家小组工作的透明度.............9 3.5向发展中国家提供更多的技术援助..........................10 参考文献....................................................11 致 谢.....................................................12 摘 要 虽然WTO的争端解决机制已经对各个环节的时间进行了限制,比较GATT时期的争端解决程序大大缩短了时间。但是,依照DSU的有关规定,对于大部分争端的解决,从协商到请求设立专家小组、到通过上诉机构报告、到获得补偿或中止减让或其他义务,大约需要2-3年的时间,这还不包括国内受损害部门或产业游说本国政府将争议诉诸WTO解决所花费的时日。如此漫长的争端解决期限将为有关交易带来无法挽回的损失。商机往往一闪即逝,经过如此漫长的等待,即便最后公正的裁决下来,并且得到了执行,对于一个国家,一个行业尤其是那些对外部经济依赖性很强的国家和部门而言影响可能已经是巨大而难以弥补的了。 【关键词】WTO争端解决机制 缺陷 完善 Abstract Although the WTO dispute settlement mechanism restrict the time of all aspects, it greatly shortened the time compared the period of GATT dispute settlement procedures. However, according the relevant provisions of the DSU, the majority of disputes resolved requires about 2 -3 years, from negotiation request, setting up an expert group, to the adoption of the Appellate Body report, or to get compensation suspend concessions or other obligations. This does not include the time of the domestic sector and industry which was damaged lobbying their governments to resort to the WTO dispute settlement .Such a long period of the dispute settlement transactions will bring the irreparable loss. Opportunities are often fleeting, after such a long time, even if the final ruling is justice and has been carried out. For a country, an industry, especially those dependent on external economies strongly, impact is already enormous and difficult to bridge. 【Key Words】WTO dispute settlement mechanism Defects Improvement

  • 联想、惠普国际并购策略之比较_国际贸易论文

    目 录 1 导论..........................................................2 1.1 重要概念界定...............................................2 1.2文献综述.....................................................2 1.3 选题的由来..................................................4 1.4 基本思路和结构安排..........................................4 2 联想国际并购的发展历程及其经验总结............................4 2.1 联想国际并购发展历程概述....................................4 2.2 联想国际并购发展的经验总结..................................5 3 惠普国际并购发展历程及其经验总结..............................6 3.1惠普国际并购的发展历程......................................6 3.2 惠普国际并购发展的经验总结..................................7 4 联想和惠普国际并购战略的比较..................................8 4.1 两者的相同点................................................8 4.2不同点......................................................11 5 国际并购对中国企业国际化道路的启示............................13 5.1 国际并购对中国企业国际化道路的启示..........................13 5.2 总结........................................................14 参考文献........................................................15 致 谢.........................................................16 摘 要 自20世纪90年代以来,在全球范围内掀起了新一轮企业并购热潮。重大的并购案例此起彼伏,高潮迭起,且有愈演愈热之势。与前几次并购浪潮相比,此次并购浪潮呈现出许多不同的特点,其最为明显的表现在于,越来越多的企业将并购与企业核心竞争力的构建紧密结合起来。联想、惠普做为国内外IT知名企业,他们的国际并购行为对整个IT市场来说都有巨大的影响。 本文主要分为五个部分进行阐述。第一部分是导论部分,主要是分析国内外并购现状。第二部分主要阐述联想国际并购的发展历程。第三部分阐述惠普国际并购发展历程。第四部分对两者的并购进行对比分析。最后部分谈谈国际并购对我国企业国际化发展的启示。作者主要是对两者的国际并购战略加以分析,并进行比较,进而提出一些对我国企业国际化的启示,希望对我国企业的发展、对正在进行企业国际化的公司有所借鉴和启示。 【关键词】 并购 价值链 整合营销 Abstract Since 1990s, a new turn of enterprises Merger and Acquisition upsurge has been raised in the global scope. Significant cases of international M & A usually happend as one falls another rises, the high tide occurs repeatedly and tend to appear more fury. Compared with the former M & A upsurges, this one presents many different characteristics, the most obvious performance is that more and more enterprises closely band the M & A with the construction of enterprises core competition. Lenovo and HP are both the global IT well-known enterprises, so the behavior of their international merger and acquisition has come into being huge influence to the entire IT market. The Thesis is divided into 5 chapters. In Introduction, the thesis analyzed the present situation of Merger and Acquisition in the world. Chapter 2 discussed the path of Lenovo’s M&A, and chapter 3 discussed the path of HP’s M&A, then chapter 4 compared the same and the difference between Lenovo and HP. Chapter 5 studied the experiences and the lessons of our national enterprise’s internationalization that come from the two companies. The author mainly analyzes and compares the international M & A strategy of the Lenovo and HP, and puts forward some suggestions to our enterprise’s internationalization at the last. The author hopes, it is helpful for our national enterprise’s internationalization to abstract from the experiences and the lessons of Lenovo’s and HP’ s M&A. 【Key Words】Merger and Acquisition(M&A) Value Chain Conformity marketing

  • 人民币汇率变化对石油进出口的影响_国际贸易论文

    目 录 1导论....................................................................2 1.1研究背景...............................................................2 1.2 研究意义..............................................................2 1.3 国内外相关文献回顾....................................................3 1.4本文研究思路..........................................................3 2 汇率对进出口影响的一般分析..............................................4 2.1 弹性论................................................................4 2.2 货币分析法............................................................5 2.3 吸收分析法............................................................5 3 回顾人民币汇率变化的过程................................................6 3.2 汇率基本稳定时期......................................................6 3.3 汇率稳中有升时期......................................................6 4我国石油进出口概论......................................................7 4.1世界石油概况..........................................................7 4.2 我国石油进出口概况....................................................8 5人民币汇率变化方向对石油进出口的影响....................................9 5.1 数据来源及基本理论....................................................9 5.2 一元回归分析..........................................................9 5.3 结果分析..............................................................11 6结论及改进建议..........................................................12 6.1 增加汇率弹性实行更加灵活的汇率制度来协调石油价格调整..................13 6.2. 建立以市场供求为基础的石油价格机制配合汇率改革.......................13 6.3 通过拉动内需协调汇率改革与石油价格调整................................13 参考文献..................................................................15 致 谢...................................................................16 摘 要 石油是重要的稀缺性资源,也是重要的工业原料和战略物资。它们的国际价格对国民经济各行各业具有明显的波及效应。随着我国经济高速增长,资源产品需求量迅速增大。深入研究人民币汇率变化方向对石油进出口的影响,提出合理的对策方案,对于保证我国国民经济稳定、快速、持续增长以及保护我国石油的数量,具有重要的理论和现实意义。 本文主要依据弹性论对人民币汇率展开研究,首先介绍论文研究背景、相关文献综述、研究思路与方法;其次运用回归分析,分析了人民币汇率变动对石油进出口的影响,得出汇率小幅适度调整,一方面有利于进口国内紧缺的石油,另一方面使进口石油的价格降低,有利于我国通过进口石油,缓解越来越严重的资源瓶颈对经济发展的制约。最终根据结论提出了合理应对风险的对策。 〔关键词〕 人民币汇率 回归分析 弹性论 Abstract Petroleum is known as the big raw materials of industry. It is scarce resource, a security strategic resource of state economy, so it influences national economy deeply. With economy development of our country, the demand for petroleum increases rapidly, while the production of domestic cannot meet the demand. So the author makes a thorough research on petroleum international price mechanism, put off the countermeasures on petroleum international price risk, will have a practical significance on guaranteeing the fast and stable development of national economy. This paper mainly based on theory of elasticity to study mineral and Renminbi. The introduction mainly introduced the background of research, literature review, methodology, innovation and weakness. Second part depends on regression analysis, has analyzed the effect that exchange rates for the Renminbi against other currencies changes as well as to resource product import and export theoretically, knowing the regulation of exchange rate in a narrow rang will bring some benefit, on the one hand, it will be of advantage to import the petroleum badly need in our country, on the other hand, it will spur the imported petroleum to reduce the prices so that our country will alleviate the restrict of economic development caused by resource bottleneck by means of importing petroleum. The third has put forward the countermeasure answering risk rationally. 〔Keywords〕Rates for the Renminbi Regression analysis Theory of elasticity