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> 包装工程
  • 包装工程专业怎么样_包装工程 好吗 好不好

    包装工程专业怎么样_包装工程 好吗 好不好 包装工程专业怎么样 包装工程专业培养适应经济建设与社会发展需要,理想远大、品质优良,富有科学和创新精神,具有宽广的工程基础,熟练地掌握商品包装的设计工艺以及生产装备方面的知识,从事研究、设计、生产、管理和新产品开发,德、智、体、美和谐发展的包装工程方面的复合型高级专门人才,具有坚实的自然科学和外语基础,获得科学的思维方法和工程基础训练,系统地掌握包装工程的基础理论、基本知识、基本技能和所需的专业知识,初步具备综合运用所学知识分析解决包装工程中遇到的研究、运用、规划、设计制造和营销等方面问题的能力。具有较强的创新精神和获取新知识的能力、收集处理信息的能力、团结协作和社会活动的能力。了解体育运动的基本知识,掌握科学锻炼和养护身体的运动技能和方法,身体健康,毅力顽强,掌握初步的军事和国防知识。具有正确运用本国语言、文字的能力,基本掌握一门外国语,有较强的阅读能力和一定的国际交流能力。具有一定的市场经济、经营管理、人文科学和工业美学知识,掌握一定的法律和技术法规知识,具有较强的环境保护意识。  包装工程在课程设计上以培养具有创新能力的复合型人才为出发点,但是就业时可以根据自己的主攻方向选择相应的职位,可以去包装企业从事技术、设计、销售工作;到包装相关企业从事技术管理、企业管理;到物流公司从事物流管理;到外贸商检部门从事质量检测;到科研机构从事科学研究;还可以参加包装工程师的资格考试,考试通过即可做专业的包装工程师;到高校从事教学、考公务员或者进一步深造也都是不错的选择。文章来源于人大经济论坛经管之家https://bbs.pinggu.org/jg/转载请注明出处 从就业区域上来看,从事包装设计的毕业生大多集中在以北京、上海为中心的长三角地区,和以广州、深圳为中心的珠三角地区,且以大中城市为主,主要因为大型的包装企业都集中在这两个区域。从事包装生产及工艺的毕业生相对遍布的地域要广一些,中西部都有,且多以中小型加工、生产型企业为主。但是就业优势也很明显,就是紧跟一线,基础扎实,发展前景较为广阔。

  • 透气透湿实验开发_包装工程论文

    目 录 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 目录 III 1.绪论 1 1.1 课题背景及意义 1 1.2 主要任务与目标 1 2.实验材料的选定 3 2.1 常用的包装材料 3 2.2 实验材料 5 2.3 材料厚度的测量 6 3.透气性能测试 8 3.1 压差法透气性测试 8 3.2 等压法透气性测试 17 3.3 两种测试方法比较 19 4.透湿性能测试 20 4.1 称重法透湿性测试 20 4.2 传感法透湿性测试 28 4.3 两种测试方法比较 30 5.总结与展望 32 5.1 对于测试方法的总结 32 5.2 对于测试方法的展望 32 致谢 34 参考文献 35 附录 37 摘要:传统的金属、玻璃包装对氧气和水蒸气等具有完全不渗透性能,是食品、医药等包装的最好材料,但是随着包装技术的不断发展,塑料包装材料已成为金属、玻璃包装材料的强有力的竞争者。然而塑料软包装材料主体结构是塑料聚合物,对气体有一定的渗透性,因此并不能完全代替金属、玻璃包装。因此,对软包装材料透气透湿性(或阻隔性)的测试研究在包装测试中越来越重要。而测试方法又分很多种,透气性能测试分压差法和等压法,分压法存在的问题是压差问题和包装整体测试问题,等压法则能解决这些问题;透湿性能测试方法分为称重法和传感法,称重法同样存在对包装整体测试的问题,而传感器可以解决这个问题。通过不同测试方法测得数据以及在实验中遇到的问题分析比较,得出的结论是透气性测试中等压法要优于分压法,透湿性测试中传感法要优于称重法。因此,等压法和传感法将是今后的发展趋势。 关键词:软包装材料;透气性;透湿性;整体测试 Abstract: Traditional metal and glass packaging with oxygen and water vapor permeability of completely, the food and pharmaceutical packaging, the best material, but with the continuous development of packaging, plastic packaging materials has become a metal, glass packaging materials, strength strong competitors. However, the main structure of plastic flexible packaging materials are plastic polymers, has some permeability to gas, and therefore can not fully replace the metal and glass packaging. Therefore, water vapor permeability of flexible packaging material (or barrier) of the test of testing more and more important in the packaging. The test method has many different kinds, air permeability test sub-pressure method and equal pressure method, partial pressure of law problem is that the overall test pressure problem and packaging issues, such as press laws to solve these problems; moisture permeability testing points the weighing method and the sensor method, there is packaging weighing method as the overall test problem, sensors can solve this problem. Measured by different test data and the problems encountered in the experiment analysis and comparison, concluded that the permeability test medium pressure method is superior to partial pressure method, water vapor permeability test sensing method is better than weighing method. Therefore, the equal pressure method and the sensing method will be the future trend. Keywords: flexible packaging materials; permeability; moisture permeability; Overall test

  • 定海针产品包装设计_包装工程论文

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 绪论1 1. 设计开始1 1.1 任务介绍1 1.2 公司介绍1 1.3 背景、市场调查2 1.4 优秀包装分析4 设计思路5 2.1 设计思路整理5 2.2 设计思路实施——目标确立5 设计想法5 3.1 方案分类(批发类)5 3.2 方案分类(零售类)8 4.设计总结10 4.1 设计总结与设计规划10 设计感言12 参考文献13 摘 要:本论文对定海针包装设计的过程总结,并在完成上述新产品的包装设计之后并对其定海针品牌的系列包装进行一次整体的规划,对其产品未来的包装趋势进行更好的设定规划并简单重新设计。对于解决企业产品在包装上容易出现的“撞衫”的现象,树立起其零售产品的新形象等核心问题进行探讨。 关键词:产品包装;设计规划;包装设计 Abstract: This article sums up the process of packaging design about the Dinghaizhen, and then, conducts a comprehensive design vision about the company, for the future of packaging about their products which to better set the trend plan and re-design. To address the packaging of products in an easy phenomenon which has set up its retail products, such as core issue, a new image to explore. Keywords:Package; design vision; packaging design

  • 包装工程导论CAI建设

    目 录 摘要………………………………………………………………………………….I Abstract……………………………………………………………………………II 目录…………………………………………………………………………………III 1 绪论…………………………………………………………………………………1 2 文献综述……………………………………………………………………………2 2.1 计算机辅助教学(CAI)概念………………………………………………2 2.2 多媒体CAI系统构成…………………………………………………………2 2.3 计算机辅助教学的优势 ……………………………………………………3 2.4 多媒体CAI建设软件概述……………………………………………………5 3 包装工程导论课程介绍……………………………………………………………7 3.1 导论课程对一门学科认识的重要意义………………………………………7 3.2 包装工程导论简介……………………………………………………………7 3.3 包装工程导论教学现状………………………………………………………9 4 包装工程导论CAI建设 ……………………………………………………………11 4.1 课件的总体设计………………………………………………………………11 4.2 课件教学内容模块介绍………………………………………………………18 5 总结与展望…………………………………………………………………………21 5.1 总结……………………………………………………………………………21 5.2 展望……………………………………………………………………………21 致 谢…………………………………………………………………………………22 参考文献………………………………………………………………………………23 摘 要:本课题通过对包装工程导论课程体系的研究、分析,通过计算机辅助教学软件建立一个全面的教学辅助平台。包装工程导论学科课程的特点是所涉及的内容为包装工程专业的主要内容及其介绍,内容复杂、繁多,且大多属于文字信息类,一般不能直观地观察和实地研究,学生只能依靠书本学习,这对于学生掌握知识、开阔视野十分不利。 随着信息时代的来临,计算机越来越广泛的应用于教育教学领域,计算机CAI辅助教学成为计算机技术发展的研究方向之一。本次课题采用PPT教学的模式,加上系统的图片及视频进行导入教学,使学生在轻松的氛围中掌握基本的、核心的包装工程领域的知识,最终目的是激发学生的学习兴趣。 关键词:包装工程;CAI;引导;教学模式 Abstract: The issue of packaging engineering curriculum system Introduction to the research, analysis, computer-aided teaching software through the establishment of a comprehensive platform for teaching aids. Packaging Engineering Introduction to the characteristics of the curriculum content is involved in packaging engineering for the main contents of its introduction, the complexity, variety, and most types of text messages are generally unable to directly observe and field studies, students can only rely on books learning, which students acquire knowledge, broaden their field of vision is very unfavorable. With the advent of the information age, the computer more and more widely used in the field of education and teaching, computer-aided instruction CAI development of computer technology has become one of the studies. The issue of teaching the use of PPT model, together with the system to import pictures and video teaching, so that students in a relaxed atmosphere in the basic skills and core knowledge in the field of packaging engineering, with the ultimate aim is to stimulate student interest in learning. Keywords:Packaging Engineering; CAI; Guide; Teaching Mode

  • 不同缓冲材料抗压性能分析与实验研究_包装工程论文

    目 录 摘要……………………………………………………………………………………I ABSTRACT……………………………………………………..………………………II 第一章 绪论………………………………………..…………………………………1 1.1课题提出的背景……………………………..………………………………1 1.2目前缓冲材料的分类…………………..……………………………………2 1.3缓冲材料的特性…………………………..…………………………………3 1.4课题研究的意义………………..……………………………………………5 第二章 现代缓冲包装材料………………………………..…………………………6 2.1环保型缓冲材料国内外研究的现状…………..……………………………6 第三章 缓冲材料测试………………………………………………………………17 3.1静态缓冲性能分析…………………………………………………………18 3.2动态缓冲特性分析…………………………………………………………19 3.3压缩回弹性分析……………………………………………………………21 第四章 静态压缩实验………………………………………………………………23 4.1静态压缩实验设备…………………………………………………………23 4.2静态压缩实验的原理及步骤………………………………………………23 4.3静态压缩实验测试及分析…………………………………………………23 第五章 压缩回弹性实验……………………………………………………………28 5.1压缩回弹性实验设备以及原理……………………………………………28 5.2压缩回弹性测试和分析……………………………………………………28 第六章 结论…………………………………………………………………………33 致谢……………………………………………………………………..……………34 参考文献……………………………………………………………………..………35 摘 要 缓冲材料是运输包装中重要组成部分,但是目前对于缓冲材料的选择,并没有理论上的指导,是采用全面缓冲包装还是采用局部缓冲包装,缓冲衬垫的面积选多少、厚度取多大,缺乏理论依据。是用经济实用的发泡塑料缓冲材料还是用新型环保的缓冲材料都需要根据实际情况做出最正确的选择。因此需要对不同缓冲材料的性能特别是其抗压性能进行测试、比较和分析研究。再通过其经济性、环保性、可持续性,多方考虑来进行缓冲材料的选择和应用。 本课题的研究对象主要是EPE、EPS、瓦楞衬垫等常见的缓冲材料和一些新型绿色环保缓冲材料如蜂窝纸板,纸浆模塑、膨胀珍珠岩缓冲衬垫、气垫缓冲材料。论文在简述了现有缓冲包装材料存在的主要问题和环保型缓冲材料研究进展的基础上,通过实验分析研究不同缓冲材料的性能。对缓冲材料的静、动态缓冲性能、回弹性进行了测试分析可以得到一些经验公式或拟合曲线,结合各种缓冲材料的成本、回收和是否可降解等多方因素,为缓冲包装设计的材料选择提供很好的理论和实验数据。 关键字:压缩特性、缓冲材料、回弹性、可降解 Abstract The cushion material is an important part of transports packing, but at present the choice of cushion material is without the theory, the using the comprehensive cushion packing or the partial cushion packing, the area and the thickness of cushion liner are lack of theorist foundation . The correct choice of the cushion material of economical practical foaming plastic or the cushion material of new environmental protection must be made according to the reality. Therefore the test, comparison and analysis research need to be carried on the different cushion material especially their resistant to compression performance. Then the choice and application of the cushion material made by considering their efficiency, the environmental protection, sustainable. The objects of the topic in this research mainly are EPE, EPS, and the corrugated liner and so on, which are the common cushion material and some new environmental protection cushion material like materials of honeycomb cardboard, the paper pulp molding, the inflated pearlier cushion liner, the air cushion. The paper discussed on the base of the main existing problems of cushion packing material and the progress of research on the cushion material of environmental protection, studying the function of different cushion material through experiments and analyses. The empirical formulas or the fitted curve can be obtained by testing and analyzing the function of static, the dynamic of the cushion materials, the cushion material, resilience, and including the factors of the cost, recycling, whether could be degraded, the above mentioned provide the best theory and empirical datum for the choice of design of cushion packing materials. Key words: The characteristic of compression, the cushion material, resilience, degradable

  • 购物袋的附加价值研究_包装工程论文

    目 录 中文摘要...........................................................Ⅰ 英文摘要...........................................................Ⅱ 目录...............................................................Ⅲ 1.绪论.............................................................1 1.1 购物袋的定义 ...............................................1 1.2购物袋的价值与附加价值.......................................5 2.购物袋的特征.....................................................7 2.1 购物袋对产品的用 ............................................7 2.2 购物袋的多元使用使用.........................................7 3.购物袋的多元化附加价值..........................................10 3.1 购物袋附加价值的表现........................................10 3.2 购物袋附加价值的实现途径....................................12 4.购物袋再设计....................................................15 4. 1购物袋的再设计必然性........................................15 4.2 购物袋的设计................................................16 5.品牌服装购物袋设计实例..........................................20 5.1 服装的品牌效应..............................................20 5.2 绫致集团(bestseller)的介绍 ..................................21 6.总结与展望......................................................25 致谢...............................................................27 参考文献...........................................................28 附件...............................................................29 摘要:爱逛街的人们不难发现,当下我们走进商场时,映入眼帘的除了琳琅满目的商品外,人们手中各式各样的购物袋已经成为了另一道独特风景线,特别当我成为包装工程专业的一名学生后,似乎是出于专业敏感性,我对购物袋的关注也越来越多了。充满设计感的购物袋或者神秘魅惑,或者清新宜人,或者尊贵奢华,或者个性张扬,吸引着消费者的眼球。在当今这个商品包装随着社会经济的飞速发展而日益完善的时代,购物袋作为包装的重要方面已经成为增加商品附加价值的重要手段之一了。 本文将先对购物袋的范围进行定位,从市场的角度分析购物袋存在的理由及其价值,接着分析购物袋作为包装形式的独特的作用,并在一定层面上对购物袋进行分类。本文的第三章,通过论述购物袋设计与附加价值的关系,分析购物袋设计具有的如经济价值、实用价值、审美价值、文化价值、社会价值、情感交流价值等附加价值,并讨论购物袋是如何通过结构、材料、色彩、市场营销、整体设计等方面,最大程度地增加其附加价值,试图从一个比较全面的角度论述,附加价值的实现是购物袋设计中的一个不容忽视的重要方面。最后阐述购物袋再设计的重要性,如何在针对购物袋进行市场调研后,成功进行购物袋的再设计,最后附上本人在对某一服装品牌分析研究之后的购物袋设计实例。 关键字:购物袋;附加价值;再设计;包装设计 Abstract:People who like shopping would find out that when we walk in the shopping mall, there are a superb collection of beautiful commodities in my eyes. Besides, all sorts of shopping bags in people’s hands have become special scenery. Especially, when I come to be a student major in packaging engineering, I have paid much more attention to the shopping bag. These shopping bags look as if they are mysterious or pure or noble or individual attract consumers’ eyes. With the development of economy, commodity packaging improves increasingly. Packaging design is become an important means to increase the add value of commodities. This thesis expounds the shopping bags’ scope, from the market view to analyze the existence of the shopping bags and its value. Then analyze the shopping bag as one kind of packaging how it exerts particular effect. And to classify the shopping bags. The third chapter of this thesis analyzes the shopping bags’ value-added such as economic value, practical value, aesthetic value, cultural value, social value, emotional value through state the relationship between shopping bag design and add value. And then discuss how to maximize the added value of shopping bags through the design of structure, material, color, marketing and overall. Try to illustrate the importance of the design in increase of add value from a comprehensive perspective. At last expound how to do a market research of shopping bag and the importance of shopping bag redesign. Add my design example after studying a chosen clothes brand. Key words: shopping bag ;add value ;redesign ;packaging design

  • 领带包装设计_包装工程论文

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 环境分析1 1.2 应用分析1 2. 设计前言1 2.1 男士消费年代的到来2 2.1.1 男士消费品2 2.1.2 没有女士消费品的优势2 2.2 男人的重要饰品:领带2 2.1.1 领带轻轻划过时尚轨迹2 2.1.1 领带点睛之笔5 2.3 设计体悟6 2.4 本次项目设计心得8 3.总结8 致谢10 参考文献11 摘 要:领带是现今生活中的常见的饰品,它虽已经走出了传统的“男人世界”,但在市场上仍是以男士为最大的消费受众。但是在本次选题调查中,发现领带的包装市场虽已经比较成熟,但却是显现了一种以“刻板”为最大印象的趋势。在领带的包装设计比较单一的今天,包装材料、包装色彩、包装结构及内容都比较相似的市场而言,设计一款新颖的包装相信会给消费者带来一定的视觉冲击效果,对宣传的品牌也有促进作用,成为销售中的热点。对领带的包装设计是给如今单一的包装市场注入新鲜的颜料,一成不变的包装模式最终将会被这个市场所淘汰! 关键词:领带;消费品;设计;发展 Abstract: Nowadays, tie has been the most common accessories. It has stepped out the traditional male’s world; however, its major customer is still man. This survey discovered that the market of tie packaging has been greatly developed , while it seems that “hard” has long being the biggest image of it .Since the design of tie packaging is adjective single , and materials, colors , structures and contents are sole at present. Designing a new kind of packaging will bring a certain kind of vision attractiveness for the customers. Moreover it can also popularize the brand of the product and makes it become the best selling goods. The new design for tie packaging is to give fresh blood to the sole packaging market at present and the immutable pattern of packaging will eventually die out of the market. Keywords:Tie; Design; Commodity ; Development

  • 商业地产展示设计_包装工程论文

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要Ⅱ 目录Ⅲ 1. 绪论1 1.1商业地产展示设计概述1 1.1.1市场调查1 1.1.2商业地产展示设计的意义2 1.1.3商业地产展示设计研究的内容2 1.2展示设计的定位3 1.2.1项目背景3 1.2.2展示达到的作用3 2.项目案例4 2.1.1方案一设计构思4 2.1.2设计要素简介4 2.1.3 展示设计中灯光对环境的影响5 2.1.4色彩和材质对设计概念的表达6 2.1.5新媒体的强大潜力6 2.1.1方案二设计构思6 2.1.2设计要素简介7 2.2.3 空间的营造与风格7 3.结束语7 致谢8 参考文献9 摘 要:设计是为了解決问题所作的创造行为,它必需能上承理念,下接形构。而商业地产展示设计所要解決的就是通过展示空间、色彩、灯光等诸多要素衬托提升楼盘的整体价值,以达成促进楼盘销售的目标。通过市场调查以及对中国展示业现状与未来发展趋势的研究,探究商业地产展示设计的核心要素,恰有三个层面与三个设计阶段浮现,可以提供我们对展示设计的我能提作一全方位的思考,商业地产展示设计的问题可从本质面、现象面、实体面三个主层面思考。展示的本质面在思考「为什么展示」,解決参展的需求与展示涵构等的问题;展示的现象面在呈现「适切的展示」,解決空间设计与媒体运用用等的问题;展示的实体面则在落实「合理的展示」,解決人因工程与美学因素等的问题。而商业地产展示设计理念即是在將展示的本质、现象、实体等作整合性的思考。相对于展示设计理念的三个层面,展示设计可分为概念设计、基本设计、细部设计三个阶段,三个阶段各有结合展示设计理念的思考,形成路径。它提供我们一个明确的程序思维,逐步勾勒出具体可行的展示图像。概念设计即是破题的方式, 着重展示的本质思考层面;基本设计是接引实际概念的初步形构,着重展示的现象诠释层面;而细部设计则是形构细部的具体落实,着重展示的实体应用层面。 随着商业地产的快速发展,地产业的展示设计需要更多的新思维,新视野,从展示设计之理念思考再出发,从展示设计之路径探索逐步落实。 关键词:商业地产;展示设计;设计理念;空间设计 Abstract: The design is made to solve the problem in order to create a behavior, it must be for the idea, then under formation. Commercial real estate to display design is to be solved through the exhibition space, color, lighting and many other elements of the background to enhance the overall value of the properties for sale in order to reach the goal of promoting real estate sales. Through market surveys, as well as the status quo of China's display industry trends and future research to explore the commercial real estate to display the core elements of the design, There are three levels with just the design phase of the three surface, you can provide us with the design of the show I was able to make a full range of thinking, the design of commercial real estate to display the essence of the problem can be from the surface, the phenomenon of surface, solid surface three main levels of thinking. Surface display of thinking about the nature of "why to display the" to address the needs of exhibitors and the display structure, such as the issue of Han; display surface in the phenomenon is "appropriate to display the" to address the media space design and use, such as the use of the problem; display entities an area which is in the implementation of "reasonable showing" to address the people factor, such as engineering and aesthetic problems. Commercial real estate to display design concepts that will be exhibited in the nature of the phenomenon, such as integrated entities thinking. Display design concept in relation to the three levels, showing the design can be divided into conceptual design, basic design, detail design in three phases, each combination of the three stages of thinking design show, and form path. It provides us with a clear thought process, step by step outline of the display image specific and feasible. Conceptual design problem that is breaking the way, focusing on the nature of thinking displayed level; the basic design is the actual notion of initial formation, focus on the interpretation of aspects of the phenomenon of show; and detail design is the formation of concrete implementation details, focusing on the physical display Application level With the rapid development of commercial real estate, real estate exhibition design need more new ideas and new visions, from the show re-thinking the concept of design, from design to display the gradual implementation of the path to explore. Keywords:commercial real estate; Exhibition Design; Design Concept.

  • 电子产品包装设计_包装工程论文

    目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 市场调查1 1.1 公司简介1 1.2 设计任务1 1.3 电子产品包装调查2 1.3.1 电子产品包装现状2 1.3.2 电子产品包装存在的问题2 1.3.3 电子产品包装未来趋势3 1.4 瓦楞纸箱包装调查4 2. 电子产品瓦楞纸箱包装设计6 2.1 包装设计流程6 2.2 瓦楞纸箱设计6 2.3 印刷方式的选择9 2.4 包装装潢设计创新点10 3.设计总结12 致谢13 参考文献14 摘 要:本论文重点介绍了近几年来,电子信息产业已成为我国各工业部门中发展速度最快、产业规模最大、外贸出口最多、效益位居前列的重要支柱产业,并为我国包装行业赢来了新的发展机遇。我国电子信息产品包装已经取得了长足的进步,但在某些方面也存在着一些不容忽视的问题。电子产品的包装设计的功能即保护商品、便于搬运储存、有利于陈列销售并准确地传达商品信息,同时还不能忽略包装装潢的美观性和企业品牌形象,在设计时要运用美学原则,通过形态、色彩等因素的变化,将具有包装功能和外观美的电子产品包装容器造型,以视觉形式表现出来。对该系列电子产品的包装决定运用线条及色块等方式来表现流动感与跳跃感。同时利用文字设计、图形设计、色彩设计三个环节来突出其品牌形象。 关键词:电子产品;瓦楞纸板;文字设计;图形设计;色彩设计 Abstract: This article focuses on the past few years, electronic information industry has become the industrial sector of China's fastest-growing in the industry's largest export a maximum of efficiency the forefront of an important pillar industries, as well as China's packaging industry to win new opportunities for development. China's electronic information product packaging has been made great progress, but in some respects, there are still some issues that can not be ignored. Packaging design of electronic products to protect the function of goods, easy to carry storage, is conducive to the sale and display of goods and accurately convey information, but also not lose sight of the beautiful packaging and brand image, in the design to the use of aesthetic principles, the adoption of the form , color changes and other factors, will have a packaging function and appearance of the United States and electronic products packaging design to visual form. Electronic products in the series decided to use the packaging, such as lines and color to express the flow of flu and flu jumping. At the same time, the use of text design, graphic design, color design to highlight three aspects of its brand image. Keywords:Electronic products; corrugated cardboard; text design; graphic design; color design

  • 绿色包装设计研究_包装工程论文

    目 录 摘要 I Abstract 1 绪 论1 1.1 绿色包装概述1 1.2 绿色包装设计概念的提出3 1.3 本文主要研究内容4 2 绿色包装设计影响因素研究5 2.1 绿色包装材料5 2.2 绿色包装结构7 2.3 绿色包装设计产品的加工工艺10 2.4 绿色包装回收10 3 绿色包装系统建模12 3.1 包装材料选择12 3.2 包装结构设计14 3.3 包装工艺设计15 3.4 包装回收利用17 3.5 建立模型18 3.6 蜜饯的绿色包装设计应用21 3.7 绿色包装设计实例分析22 4 结论23 致 谢24 参考文献25 摘要:本文从绿色包装概念及在国内外发展现状出发,系统性地阐述了绿色包装设计应考虑的因素与环节:材料,结构,工艺,回收。另外,通过研究国内外绿色包装设计的优势,设计方法等对绿色包装进行优化设计,并建立合理的模型。文章还就模型设置了相应的例子进行可行性分析。 关键词: 绿色包装,设计,材料, 模型, 可行性分析 Abstract:The paper is about researches on green packaging design which starts from the concept and situation of green package .We are focusing on factors and progresses which must be taken into account ,including materials ,structure ,craft and recycle . In addition ,models will be formulated to illustrate the optimization of green packaging design .We also offer corresponding example to find out whether the model is feasible or not . Key words: green package ; design ;materials; model ; analysis of feasibility