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发布时间:2014-10-15 来源:人大经济论坛
目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要Ⅱ 目录Ⅲ 1. 绪论1 1.1商业地产展示设计概述1 1.1.1市场调查1 1.1.2商业地产展示设计的意义2 1.1.3商业地产展示设计研究的内容2 1.2展示设计的定位3 1.2.1项目背景3 1.2.2展示达到的作用3 2.项目案例4 2.1.1方案一设计构思4 2.1.2设计要素简介4 2.1.3 展示设计中灯光对环境的影响5 2.1.4色彩和材质对设计概念的表达6 2.1.5新媒体的强大潜力6 2.1.1方案二设计构思6 2.1.2设计要素简介7 2.2.3 空间的营造与风格7 3.结束语7 致谢8 参考文献9 摘 要:设计是为了解決问题所作的创造行为,它必需能上承理念,下接形构。而商业地产展示设计所要解決的就是通过展示空间、色彩、灯光等诸多要素衬托提升楼盘的整体价值,以达成促进楼盘销售的目标。通过市场调查以及对中国展示业现状与未来发展趋势的研究,探究商业地产展示设计的核心要素,恰有三个层面与三个设计阶段浮现,可以提供我们对展示设计的我能提作一全方位的思考,商业地产展示设计的问题可从本质面、现象面、实体面三个主层面思考。展示的本质面在思考「为什么展示」,解決参展的需求与展示涵构等的问题;展示的现象面在呈现「适切的展示」,解決空间设计与媒体运用用等的问题;展示的实体面则在落实「合理的展示」,解決人因工程与美学因素等的问题。而商业地产展示设计理念即是在將展示的本质、现象、实体等作整合性的思考。相对于展示设计理念的三个层面,展示设计可分为概念设计、基本设计、细部设计三个阶段,三个阶段各有结合展示设计理念的思考,形成路径。它提供我们一个明确的程序思维,逐步勾勒出具体可行的展示图像。概念设计即是破题的方式, 着重展示的本质思考层面;基本设计是接引实际概念的初步形构,着重展示的现象诠释层面;而细部设计则是形构细部的具体落实,着重展示的实体应用层面。 随着商业地产的快速发展,地产业的展示设计需要更多的新思维,新视野,从展示设计之理念思考再出发,从展示设计之路径探索逐步落实。 关键词:商业地产;展示设计;设计理念;空间设计 Abstract: The design is made to solve the problem in order to create a behavior, it must be for the idea, then under formation. Commercial real estate to display design is to be solved through the exhibition space, color, lighting and many other elements of the background to enhance the overall value of the properties for sale in order to reach the goal of promoting real estate sales. Through market surveys, as well as the status quo of China's display industry trends and future research to explore the commercial real estate to display the core elements of the design, There are three levels with just the design phase of the three surface, you can provide us with the design of the show I was able to make a full range of thinking, the design of commercial real estate to display the essence of the problem can be from the surface, the phenomenon of surface, solid surface three main levels of thinking. Surface display of thinking about the nature of "why to display the" to address the needs of exhibitors and the display structure, such as the issue of Han; display surface in the phenomenon is "appropriate to display the" to address the media space design and use, such as the use of the problem; display entities an area which is in the implementation of "reasonable showing" to address the people factor, such as engineering and aesthetic problems. Commercial real estate to display design concepts that will be exhibited in the nature of the phenomenon, such as integrated entities thinking. Display design concept in relation to the three levels, showing the design can be divided into conceptual design, basic design, detail design in three phases, each combination of the three stages of thinking design show, and form path. It provides us with a clear thought process, step by step outline of the display image specific and feasible. Conceptual design problem that is breaking the way, focusing on the nature of thinking displayed level; the basic design is the actual notion of initial formation, focus on the interpretation of aspects of the phenomenon of show; and detail design is the formation of concrete implementation details, focusing on the physical display Application level With the rapid development of commercial real estate, real estate exhibition design need more new ideas and new visions, from the show re-thinking the concept of design, from design to display the gradual implementation of the path to explore. Keywords:commercial real estate; Exhibition Design; Design Concept.
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