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发布时间:2014-10-13 来源:人大经济论坛
目 录 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 目录 III 1.绪论 1 1.1 课题背景及意义 1 1.2 主要任务与目标 1 2.实验材料的选定 3 2.1 常用的包装材料 3 2.2 实验材料 5 2.3 材料厚度的测量 6 3.透气性能测试 8 3.1 压差法透气性测试 8 3.2 等压法透气性测试 17 3.3 两种测试方法比较 19 4.透湿性能测试 20 4.1 称重法透湿性测试 20 4.2 传感法透湿性测试 28 4.3 两种测试方法比较 30 5.总结与展望 32 5.1 对于测试方法的总结 32 5.2 对于测试方法的展望 32 致谢 34 参考文献 35 附录 37 摘要:传统的金属、玻璃包装对氧气和水蒸气等具有完全不渗透性能,是食品、医药等包装的最好材料,但是随着包装技术的不断发展,塑料包装材料已成为金属、玻璃包装材料的强有力的竞争者。然而塑料软包装材料主体结构是塑料聚合物,对气体有一定的渗透性,因此并不能完全代替金属、玻璃包装。因此,对软包装材料透气透湿性(或阻隔性)的测试研究在包装测试中越来越重要。而测试方法又分很多种,透气性能测试分压差法和等压法,分压法存在的问题是压差问题和包装整体测试问题,等压法则能解决这些问题;透湿性能测试方法分为称重法和传感法,称重法同样存在对包装整体测试的问题,而传感器可以解决这个问题。通过不同测试方法测得数据以及在实验中遇到的问题分析比较,得出的结论是透气性测试中等压法要优于分压法,透湿性测试中传感法要优于称重法。因此,等压法和传感法将是今后的发展趋势。 关键词:软包装材料;透气性;透湿性;整体测试 Abstract: Traditional metal and glass packaging with oxygen and water vapor permeability of completely, the food and pharmaceutical packaging, the best material, but with the continuous development of packaging, plastic packaging materials has become a metal, glass packaging materials, strength strong competitors. However, the main structure of plastic flexible packaging materials are plastic polymers, has some permeability to gas, and therefore can not fully replace the metal and glass packaging. Therefore, water vapor permeability of flexible packaging material (or barrier) of the test of testing more and more important in the packaging. The test method has many different kinds, air permeability test sub-pressure method and equal pressure method, partial pressure of law problem is that the overall test pressure problem and packaging issues, such as press laws to solve these problems; moisture permeability testing points the weighing method and the sensor method, there is packaging weighing method as the overall test problem, sensors can solve this problem. Measured by different test data and the problems encountered in the experiment analysis and comparison, concluded that the permeability test medium pressure method is superior to partial pressure method, water vapor permeability test sensing method is better than weighing method. Therefore, the equal pressure method and the sensing method will be the future trend. Keywords: flexible packaging materials; permeability; moisture permeability; Overall test
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