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Abstract: This article focuses on the past few years, electronic information industry has become the industrial sector of China's fastest-growing in the industry's largest export a maximum of efficiency the forefront of an important pillar industries, as well as China's packaging industry to win new opportunities for development. China's electronic information product packaging has been made great progress, but in some respects, there are still some issues that can not be ignored. Packaging design of electronic products to protect the function of goods, easy to carry storage, is conducive to the sale and display of goods and accurately convey information, but also not lose sight of the beautiful packaging and brand image, in the design to the use of aesthetic principles, the adoption of the form , color changes and other factors, will have a packaging function and appearance of the United States and electronic products packaging design to visual form. Electronic products in the series decided to use the packaging, such as lines and color to express the flow of flu and flu jumping. At the same time, the use of text design, graphic design, color design to highlight three aspects of its brand image.
Keywords£ºElectronic products; corrugated cardboard; text design; graphic design; color design