《Signal processing with Levy information》
Dorje C. Brody, Lane P. Hughston, Xun Yang
一级分类:Mathematics 数学
二级分类:Probability 概率
分类描述:Theory and applications of probability and stochastic processes: e.g. central limit theorems, large deviations, stochastic differential equations, models from statistical mechanics, queuing theory
一级分类:Computer Science 计算机科学
二级分类:Information Theory 信息论
分类描述:Covers theoretical and experimental aspects of information theory and coding. Includes material in ACM Subject Class E.4 and intersects with H.1.1.
一级分类:Electrical Engineering and Systems Science 电气工程与系统科学
二级分类:Signal Processing 信号处理
分类描述:Theory, algorithms, performance analysis and applications of signal and data analysis, including physical modeling, processing, detection and parameter estimation, learning, mining, retrieval, and information extraction. The term "signal" includes speech, audio, sonar, radar, geophysical, physiological, (bio-) medical, image, video, and multimodal natural and man-made signals, including communication signals and data. Topics of interest include: statistical signal processing, spectral estimation and system identification; filter design, adaptive filtering / stochastic learning; (compressive) sampling, sensing, and transform-domain methods including fast algorithms; signal processing for machine learning and machine learning for signal processing applications; in-network and graph signal processing; convex and nonconvex optimization methods for signal processing applications; radar, sonar, and sensor array beamforming and direction finding; communications signal processing; low power, multi-core and system-on-chip signal processing; sensing, communication, analysis and optimization for cyber-physical systems such as power grids and the Internet of Things.
一级分类:Mathematics 数学
二级分类:Information Theory 信息论
分类描述:math.IT is an alias for cs.IT. Covers theoretical and experimental aspects of information theory and coding.
一级分类:Mathematics 数学
二级分类:Optimization and Control 优化与控制
分类描述:Operations research, linear programming, control theory, systems theory, optimal control, game theory
一级分类:Quantitative Finance 数量金融学
二级分类:General Finance 一般财务
分类描述:Development of general quantitative methodologies with applications in finance
Levy processes, which have stationary independent increments, are ideal for modelling the various types of noise that can arise in communication channels. If a Levy process admits exponential moments, then there exists a parametric family of measure changes called Esscher transformations. If the parameter is replaced with an independent random variable, the true value of which represents a "message", then under the transformed measure the original Levy process takes on the character of an "information process". In this paper we develop a theory of such Levy information processes. The underlying Levy process, which we call the fiducial process, represents the "noise type". Each such noise type is capable of carrying a message of a certain specification. A number of examples are worked out in detail, including information processes of the Brownian, Poisson, gamma, variance gamma, negative binomial, inverse Gaussian, and normal inverse Gaussian type. Although in general there is no additive decomposition of information into signal and noise, one is led nevertheless for each noise type to a well-defined scheme for signal detection and enhancement relevant to a variety of practical situations.