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笔者主要从事金融理论研究,在一些国外的金融财务论文中常常看到Larry H. P. Lang 的名字,后来才知道是郎咸平先生。出于好奇,本人对郎咸平在全世界最权威的学术刊物上的研究成果做了简单的统计,结果令人惊讶,仅仅在《American Economic Review》(全世界经济类排名第一), 《Journal of Political Economy》 (经济类排名第三), 《Journal of Financial Economics》(金融类排名第一),《Journal of Finance》(金融类排名第二)等四本学术期刊上郎先生就发表了17篇学术论文(附录列出了每篇论文的题目),内容涉及财务,内幕交易,企业行为,股权结构,公司控制等诸多方面。据统计,他在金融类期刊综合引用率第一的《Journal of Financial Economics》上面就一共发表了9篇论文(见表1,表1中不包括他在2002年发表的一篇论文),平均每年被引用38.11次,排名第38位(见表 2),在表2中诺贝尔奖获得者R·莫顿排名25位。


  从这些著作的题目可以看出,96年以前郎先生主要从事一些基本理论和美国市场的研究。97后他的研究重点转向亚洲和东欧,与世界银行的一些经济学家合作,开展了一系列有关亚洲和东欧公司治理问题的研究,这些杰出的研究成果获得了广泛的认可,如,研究东亚股权结构与控制的论文"The separation of ownership and control in East Asian Corporations",研究东亚大股东对小股东侵占(剥削)的"Disentangling the Incentive and Entrenchment Effects of Large Shareholdings", 研究东亚股利政策与大股东侵占的"Dividends and Expropriation ",这些论文都在国际顶级学术刊物上发表。

  由于杰出的学术成果,郎先生取得了很多名誉,他担任了世界银行和OECD的企业治理顾问,他的言论和观点也在《经济学家》,《华尔街日报》,《纽约时报》,《商务周刊》等应用刊物上发表,自从1986年在宾州大学Wharton商学院(世界著名商学院,去年多项排名世界第一)取得博士学位以来,他在 Wharton商学院,纽约大学,芝加哥大学等著名学府任教。


   反观,国内的另一些人英文学术论文读不懂,也不是从事金融问题研究,并且连CAPM、EVENT STUDY、FREE CASH FLOW这些基本概念都不知道,更没有任何国际性的研究成果,可是却热衷于处处对股市发表看法,炒作一些理论。




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关键词:学术论文 国际学术 郎咸平 shareholding Corporations 郎咸平 国际 经济学家郎咸平 曼昆经济学 郎咸平论文 克鲁格曼国际经济学 宏观经济学高鸿业

candles will give off light until it melts away
Nosurrender 发表于 2012-2-25 17:27:43 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
  Journal of Financial Economics
  Lang Larry, Ofek Eli, Stulz René M, Leverage, investment, and firm growth, J. Financial Economics (40)1 (1996) pp. 3-29
  Lang Larry, Poulsen Annette, Stulz René, Asset sales, firm performance, and the agency costs of managerial discretion, J. Financial Economics (37)1 (1994) pp. 3-37
  Lang L.H.P., Contagion and competitive intra-industry effects of bankruptcy announcements, Journal Of Financial Economics (32)1 (1992) pp. 45-60

Lang L.H.P., R. Litzenberger "Dividend Announcements: Cash Flow Signalling vs. Free Cash Flow Hypotheses," Journal of Financial Economics 24, 1-9-8-9, p181-191.
  Lang L.H.P., A test of the free cash flow hypothesis, Journal Of Financial Economics (29)2 (1991) pp. 315-335
  Lang, L.H.P.; Stulz, R.M.; Walkling, R., 1-9-8-9. Managerial performance, Tobin's q, and the gains from successful tender offers. Journal of Financial Economics 24, 137{154.
  Gilson, S.C., John, K., Lang, L.H.P Troubled debt restructurings: An empirical study of private reorganization of firms in default Journal Of Financial Economics Vol.27 2 Oct-90 315 353
  Faccio, Mara, and Lang, Larry H.P. The ultimate ownership of Western European Corporations Journal Of Financial Economics V64 2002
  Claessens Stijn, Djankov Simeon, Lang Larry H.P., The separation of ownership and control in East Asian Corporations, Journal Of Financial Economics (58)1-2 (2000) pp. 81-112
  Irwin Friend, Larry H. P. Lang An Empirical Test of the Impact of Managerial Self-Interest on Corporate Capital Structure JOURNAL OF FINANCE Vol.43 Issue.2 June 1988
  Kose John Larry H. P. Lang Insider Trading around Dividend Announcements: Theory and Evidence JOURNAL OF FINANCE Vol.46 Issue4
  Kose John Larry H. P. Lang Jeffry Netter ,The Voluntary Restructuring of Large Firms in Response to Performance Decline JOURNAL OF FINANCE Vol.47 Issue.3
  K. C. Chan Silverio Foresi Larry H. P. Lang, Does Money Explain Asset Returns? Theory and Empirical Analysis JOURNAL OF FINANCE Vo.51 Issue.1
  Claessens Stijn, Simeon Djankov, Joseph Fan, and Larry Lang Disentangling the Incentive and Entrenchment Effects of Large Shareholdings, JOURNAL OF FINANCE 2001
  American Economic Review
  Mara Faccio , Larry H.P. Lang and Leslie Young Dividends and Expropriation American Economic Review, 2001
  Journal of Political Economy
  Lang, Larry H. P., Robert H. Litzenberger, and Vicente Madrigal, "Testing Financial Market Equilibrium under Asymmetric Information," Journal of Political Economy, 1992, Vol. 100, 21:317-348.
  Lang, Larry H.P. and René M. Stulz, 1994, "Tobin's q, Corporate Diversification, and Firm Performance," Journal of Political Economy, 102, 1248-1280.
  Journal of Business
  Joseph P. H. Fan and Larry H.P. Lang The Measurement of Relatedness: An Application to Corporate Diversification Journal of Business, Vol. 73, No. 4, October 2000
  Journal of Accounting Research(会计类世界排名第一)
  K. Butle, Larry H.P. Lang "The Forecast Accuracy of Individual Analysts: Evidence of Systematic Optimism and Pessimism," Journal of Accounting Research 29, 1991, p150-156.
candles will give off light until it melts away


Nosurrender 发表于 2012-2-25 17:28:01 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
表 1:在Journal of Financial Economics上发表论文次数最多的作者
  (摘自Journal of Financial Economics的官方网站:http://jfe.rochester.edu/
  Authors with the Most Papers Published in the JFE, 1974-2000 (3 or more papers)

Ranked by Papers per Co-Author, Where Each of N Co-Authors Receives Credit for 1/N Paper
  Rank Author Papers/CoAuthor Papers/Author
  1 Fama E.F. 10.50 15
  2 Stulz R.M. 8.58 16
  3 Stambaugh R.F. 7.33 10
  4 Schwert G.W. 6.83 9
  5 Roll R. 6.33 8
  6 Smith C.W. 6.17 10
  7 French K.R. 5.83 10
  8 DeAngelo H. 5.83 13
  9 Ruback R.S. 5.83 8
  10 Keim D.B. 5.75 8
  11 Kaplan S.N. 5.50 7
  12 Warner J.B. 5.33 10
  13 Mayers D. 5.33 10
  14 McConnell J.J. 5.25 12
  15 Constantinides G.M. 5.00 6
  16 Shanken J. 4.83 7
  17 Barclay M.J. 4.67 8
  18 Masulis R.W. 4.67 8
  19 Mikkelson W.H. 4.67 9
  20 Harvey C.R. 4.50 7
  21 Schultz P.H. 4.50 7
  22 Garman M.B. 4.50 5
  23 Long J.B. 4.33 5
  24 Brennan M.J. 4.33 8
  25 Wruck K.H. 4.33 6
  26 Longstaff F.A. 4.33 5
  27 Jensen M.C. 4.00 6
  28 Reinganum M.R. 4.00 5
  29 Esty B.C. 4.00 4
  30 DeAngelo L. 3.83 9
  31 Brickley J.A. 3.67 8
  32 Eckbo B.E. 3.67 6
  33 Walkling R.A. 3.50 8
  34 Kalay A. 3.50 6
  35 Whaley R.E. 3.50 5
  36 Black F. 3.50 4
  37 Merton R.C. 3.50 4
  38 Pound J. 3.50 4
  39 Denis D.J. 3.33 6
  40 Partch M.M. 3.33 6
  41 Bessembinder H. 3.33 5
  42 Geske R. 3.25 4
  43 Weisbach M.S. 3.17 5
  44 Litzenberger R. 3.08 7
  45 Lang L.H.P. 3.00 8
  46 Poulsen A.B. 3.00 7
  47 James C.M. 3.00 6
  48 Bawa V.S. 3.00 5
  49 Gilson S.C. 3.00 5
  50 Kang J.K. 3.00 5
candles will give off light until it melts away


Nosurrender 发表于 2012-2-25 17:28:18 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
表2:引用次数最高的作者(摘自的Journal of Financial Economics官方网站)
  Authors with the Most Citations to Their JFE Papers, 1974-2000
  Ranked by Citations per Co-Author, Where Each of N Co-Authors Receives Credit for 1/N Citation
  Rank Author Cites/Auth/Yr Cites/Year
  1 Jensen M.C. 71.26 137.33
  2 Fama E.F. 61.59 97.79
  3 French K.R. 51.44 98.64
  4 Warner J.B. 51.23 103.51
  5 Smith C.W. 50.89 79.82
  6 Meckling W.H. 48.54 97.08
  7 Stulz R.M. 46.11 69.56
  8 Myers S.C. 42.67 62.81
  9 Roll R. 38.97 46.40
  10 Keim D.B. 31.12 41.69
  11 Stambaugh R.F. 28.10 50.20
  12 Masulis R.W. 27.27 46.40
  13 Brown S.J. 25.60 51.19
  14 Ruback R.S. 25.50 48.24
  15 Gilson S.C. 24.87 33.51
  16 Schwert G.W. 23.71 44.81
  17 Reinganum M.R. 21.46 22.43
  18 Breeden D.T. 21.35 21.35
  19 Black F. 21.22 24.85
  20 Kaplan S.N. 20.76 25.40
  21 Mikkelson W.H. 20.39 39.28
  22 DeAngelo H. 20.07 41.91
  23 Weisbach M.S. 19.45 20.62
  24 Majluf S. 19.38 38.76
  25 Merton R.C. 18.67 19.21
  26 Asquith P. 18.58 30.89
  27 McConnell J.J. 17.92 37.51
  28 Wruck K.H. 17.39 27.74
  29 Banz R.W. 17.35 17.35
  30 Dodd P. 16.15 24.59
  31 Scholes M.S. 15.19 30.38
  32 Shleifer A. 15.01 42.08
  33 Partch M.M. 14.67 27.71
  34 Dann L.Y. 14.61 23.48
  35 Shanken J. 14.20 19.75
  36 James C.M. 14.16 19.05
  37 Vishny R.W. 14.16 39.51
  38 Lang L.H.P. 14.13 38.11
  39 Watts R.L. 13.96 29.20
  40 Ross S.A. 13.92 34.93
  41 Cox J.C. 13.65 34.53
  42 Glosten L.R. 13.65 27.30
  43 Campbell J.Y. 13.57 15.07
  44 Brickley J.A. 13.49 30.28
  45 Ritter J.R. 13.26 23.00
  46 Lakonishok J. 13.06 33.84
  47 Eckbo B.E. 12.93 14.06
  48 Vermaelen T. 12.63 21.10
  49 Poterba J.M. 12.52 24.25
  50 Whaley R
candles will give off light until it melts away


Nosurrender 发表于 2012-2-25 17:28:27 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
表2:引用次数最高的作者(摘自的Journal of Financial Economics官方网站)
  Authors with the Most Citations to Their JFE Papers, 1974-2000
  Ranked by Citations per Co-Author, Where Each of N Co-Authors Receives Credit for 1/N Citation
  Rank Author Cites/Auth/Yr Cites/Year
  1 Jensen M.C. 71.26 137.33
  2 Fama E.F. 61.59 97.79
  3 French K.R. 51.44 98.64
  4 Warner J.B. 51.23 103.51
  5 Smith C.W. 50.89 79.82
  6 Meckling W.H. 48.54 97.08
  7 Stulz R.M. 46.11 69.56
  8 Myers S.C. 42.67 62.81
  9 Roll R. 38.97 46.40
  10 Keim D.B. 31.12 41.69
  11 Stambaugh R.F. 28.10 50.20
  12 Masulis R.W. 27.27 46.40
  13 Brown S.J. 25.60 51.19
  14 Ruback R.S. 25.50 48.24
  15 Gilson S.C. 24.87 33.51
  16 Schwert G.W. 23.71 44.81
  17 Reinganum M.R. 21.46 22.43
  18 Breeden D.T. 21.35 21.35
  19 Black F. 21.22 24.85
  20 Kaplan S.N. 20.76 25.40
  21 Mikkelson W.H. 20.39 39.28
  22 DeAngelo H. 20.07 41.91
  23 Weisbach M.S. 19.45 20.62
  24 Majluf S. 19.38 38.76
  25 Merton R.C. 18.67 19.21
  26 Asquith P. 18.58 30.89
  27 McConnell J.J. 17.92 37.51
  28 Wruck K.H. 17.39 27.74
  29 Banz R.W. 17.35 17.35
  30 Dodd P. 16.15 24.59
  31 Scholes M.S. 15.19 30.38
  32 Shleifer A. 15.01 42.08
  33 Partch M.M. 14.67 27.71
  34 Dann L.Y. 14.61 23.48
  35 Shanken J. 14.20 19.75
  36 James C.M. 14.16 19.05
  37 Vishny R.W. 14.16 39.51
  38 Lang L.H.P. 14.13 38.11
  39 Watts R.L. 13.96 29.20
  40 Ross S.A. 13.92 34.93
  41 Cox J.C. 13.65 34.53
  42 Glosten L.R. 13.65 27.30
  43 Campbell J.Y. 13.57 15.07
  44 Brickley J.A. 13.49 30.28
  45 Ritter J.R. 13.26 23.00
  46 Lakonishok J. 13.06 33.84
  47 Eckbo B.E. 12.93 14.06
  48 Vermaelen T. 12.63 21.10
  49 Poterba J.M. 12.52 24.25
  50 Whaley R
candles will give off light until it melts away


owlskipjack 在职认证  发表于 2012-3-6 14:14:16 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


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