北京冶乐咨询有限公司(ELA Bridge Associates)是一家小型咨询公司,提供快消品营销/零售管理方面的咨询与培训。我们长期协作的客户包括百事集团、联合利华、蒙牛乳业、箭牌、美赞臣、大宝/强生、家乐氏谷物早餐、科蒂中国、贝因美等等。基于在快速消费品与零售方面的专长,我们也为投资机构提供零售方面的投资/并购咨询。
公司合伙人毕业于美国宾州大学沃顿商学院(U. Penn., Wharton School),在快消/零售行业有二十余年的丰富经验。其他核心成员也来自快消/零售行业全球500强企业,小团队,但有丰富的快销/零售经验。
我们不是传统意义的管理咨询公司,如果您有志于金融/财务/管理咨询方面的工作,不建议申请。如果您的Key Words 是快销/零售+培训/教育,欢迎和我们聊聊!
To know more about FMCG/retail industry, please visit our official mini-blog:
Job title:
Job description:
Research on training contents and cases
Research on consulting projects
Collection and organization of FMCG/retail information
Other supportive work
Bachelor’s degree or above – no specific major required
Internship experience in FMCG/retail industry or related fields is a plus
Interest and commitment to work in Training/Education field
Excellent communication skills in English and Mandarin (both oral and written)
If you are interested in this position, please send your CV (with a recent photo) as attachment to the following email address: and specify “Position-Name-University” on the subject.
A brief cover letter is also required, in which you may describe your abilities and reasons why you choose our company, thus we are able to know more about you.
Thank you for your attention. Welcome to join us!