Author :Jagdish Handa
Second edition published 2009
PARTI Introduction and heritage1. Introduction
2. The heritage of monetary economics
PARTII Money in the economy 3. Money in the economy: General equilibrium analysis PARTIII The demand for money 4. The transactions demand for money 5. Portfolio selection and the speculative demand for money 6. Precautionary and buffer stock demand for money 7. Monetary aggregation 8. The demand function for money 9. The demand function for money: Estimation problems, techniques and findings PARTIV Monetary policy and central banking 10. Money supply, interest rates and the operating targets of monetary policy: Money supply and interest rates 11. The central bank: Goals, targets and instruments 12. The central bank: Independence, time consistency and credibility PARTV Monetary policy and the macroeconomy 13. The determination of aggregate demand 14. The classical paradigm in macroeconomics 15. The Keynesian paradigm 16. Money, bonds and credit in macro modeling 17. Macro models and perspectives on the neutrality of money 18. Walras’s law and the interaction among markets PARTVI The rates of interest in the economy 19. The macroeconomic theory of the rate of interest 20. The structure of interest rates PARTVII Overlapping generations models of money 21. The benchmark overlapping generations model of fiat money 22. The OLG model: Seigniorage, bonds and the neutrality of fiat money 23. The OLG model of money: Making it more realistic PARTVIII Money and financial institutions in growth theory 24. Monetary growth theory Index 835货币经济学的经典著作,第一版由人大出版社出版(作者被译为 汉达),这是第二版
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