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Economic Modelling专刊征稿,专刊会议11月初在人大召开 [推广有奖]

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Economic Modelling专刊征稿,会议11月在人大召开

Callfor Papers for a Conference and

SpecialIssue on:

The Challenges ofManaging and Modelling Innovation

and Growth in China

4-5 November 2017

Selected conference papers will be published in aspecial issue of Economic Modelling and Journal of ChineseEconomics and Business Studies

FullPaper submission date: 1th October 2017

Ifyou need to apply for a visa to travel to China, please submit your paper by 20thSeptember 2017 or as soon as possible.

Conferencevenue: 4-5 November 2017, Renmin University of China (central Beijing)

Conferencewebsite: http://www.innochina17.com/

Co-organized by Renmin University of China

&Queen Mary University of London

Ithas long been argued that China’s unprecedented economic growth has been drivenby a high level of state investment in science and technology. However, Chinais now facing the problem of slower growth that other emerging low-incomecountries have encountered in the past. China’s national development policiestogether with recent research have highlighted innovation as the key engine forthe country to achieve sustainable economic growth. Innovation enablescountries to move up the economic value chain to escape the ‘middle incometrap’, where they are unable to compete successfully in either low cost or highvalued added markets.

Considerable researchefforts have been devoted to understanding and analyzing the impact ofinnovation on firm performance and regional economic and industrial growth incountries such as China.  At the regional and industrial levels, a largestrand of literature has examined internal growth factors such as R&Dspending, human capital and exports. External growth factors considered includenational industrial structure, national and regional innovation systems,industrial clusters, high tech zones, the “triple helix” model ofuniversity-industry-government relationships, and foreign direct investment. Atthe firm level, previous literature has also explored the impact of innovationon firm performance evidenced by sales growth, productivity and profitability.Despite significant previous research efforts, the results of many empiricalstudies are still inconclusive. There is a growing interest not only fromacademia but also from policymaking communities in trying to understand howinternal and external innovation growth factors interact with each other,forming a mechanism or a system that can foster innovation. This conferenceaims to offer timely theoretical, empirical and methodological contributions oninnovation and growth, drawing from regional, industrial and firm levelevidence in China.  Submitted articles will take into account thespecificities of the Chinese context. It will provide much needed knowledge andfacilitate the development of research agendas and policy analysis.

Thegoal of this conference is thus to encourage research that can contribute tothe literature on innovation and growth in China and particularly with a viewon how innovation can be modelled at regional, industrial and firmlevels.  For this conference we welcome theoretical, empirical andmethodological contributions that can broadly enhance our understanding ofinnovation and growth, drawing from the Chinese context. It is essential thatpapers consider what is unique and ‘Chinese’ about innovation. We also welcomepapers in the broader area of innovation in the Chinese context or thatfacilitate the development of agendas for further research and policy analysisin China. Such topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • National     and regional innovation systems, industrial policies and their impact on     firm innovation performance  
  • The     middle-income trap and challenge of innovation
  • Spatial     analysis of innovation, growth and distribution
  • Industrial     agglomeration, clusters, science parks, and firms’ location decision for     innovation
  • Economic     conditions and the business environment for innovation, their relation to     firm-level innovation performance
  • Innovation     and spin-offs from universities and public institutions
  • State     and private ownership and governance structures that affect     innovation  
  • Creation     of firm and organisational innovation
  • Innovation     in business creation, process and incubators
  • Service     innovation and business innovation models
  • Foreign     direct investment, multinational enterprises and technology spill-overs
  • Outward     FDI and internationalisation of innovation strategies
  • Open     innovation and technology networks
  • Entrepreneurship,     social innovation and start-ups

Selected papers presented at theconference will be invited for submission to Economic Modelling and Journal ofChinese Economics and Business Studies. These papers will have the reviewprocess expedited in collaboration. with the conference organisers, but theprocess will follow the journal review guidelines. http://www.innochina17.com/).


Manuscriptsshould be prepared according to the https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=innochina17


Conferencepaper submission deadline:  01 Oct 2017

If you need to apply for a visa to travel to China,please submit your paper by 20th September 2017 or as soon aspossible.

Conferencedate: 4-5 Nov 2017

Specialissue for Economic Modelling  

Likelypublication date: August 2018

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