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价值理论有多大用处? [推广有奖]

hohai_abc 发表于 2009-12-19 15:23:11 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


巴菲特,哈哈,他所关注的正是我说的fundamental value,他是价值投资理念的信奉者。需要指出的是,巴菲特选股票不是关注竞争力很强的企业,这点误解说明你对金融投资领域的价值投资理念完全不理解。巴菲特历史上并购的企业案例,基本上都是很差,不是那种非常有活力的公司,按照你说的就是竞争力很差的企业。但是这些企业竞争力差是因为经营管理不善,企业策略不对造成的。巴菲特的做法是用很低的价格买下这个企业,然后用几年时间把它经营成一个非常优秀的企业,大幅提升其fundamental value,然后卖出,大赚一笔。










我重开了帖子  http://www.pinggu.org/bbs/thread ... ead-655605-1-1.html[/url]




weecheung 发表于 2012-12-17 15:24:50 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


langbo5011 发表于 2012-12-22 18:49:22 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


jianyangtech 发表于 2013-1-6 22:05:41 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
zerana 发表于 2009-12-19 11:12
觉得没用是正常的,因为价值理论所能解释的一切经济现象,都可以用价格理论来解释。价值理论不能解释的现象 ...


jianyangtech 发表于 2013-1-6 22:11:27 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
zerana 发表于 2009-12-19 14:16
我记得没错的话,马克思对价值的表述好像用的单词是worth 而不是value。而且你的理论也是很奇怪的,如果 ...


loveorange 发表于 2013-1-7 13:48:36 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
In neoclassical economics, the value of an object or service is often seen as nothing but the price it would bring in an open and competitive market. This is determined primarily by the demand for the object relative to supply. Many neoclassical economic theories equate the value of a commodity with its price, whether the market is competitive or not. As such, everything is seen as a commodity and if there is no market to set a price then there is no economic value.

In classical economics, the value of an object or condition is the amount of discomfort/labor saved through the consumption or use of an object or condition (Labor Theory of Value). Though exchange value is recognized, economic value is not, in theory, dependent on the existence of a market and price and value are not seen as equal. This is complicated, however, by the efforts of classical economists to connect price and labor value. Karl Marx, for one, saw exchange value as the "form of appearance" [Erscheinungsform] of value, which implies that, although value is separate from exchange value, it is meaningless without the act of exchange, i.e., without a market.

In this tradition, Steve Keen makes the claim that "value" refers to "the innate worth of a commodity, which determines the normal ('equilibrium') ratio at which two commodities exchange."[1] To Keen and the tradition of David Ricardo, this corresponds to the classical concept of long-run cost-determined prices, what Adam Smith called "natural prices" and Karl Marx called "prices of production." It is part of a cost-of-production theory of value and price. Ricardo, but not Keen, used a "labor theory of price" in which a commodity's "innate worth" was the amount of labor needed to produce it.

"The value of a thing in any given time and place", according to Henry George, "is the largest amount of exertion that anyone will render in exchange for it. But as men always seek to gratify their desires with the least exertion this is the lowest amount for which a similar thing can otherwise be obtained." [2]

In another classical tradition, Marx distinguished between the "value in use" (use-value, what a commodity provides to its buyer), "value" (the socially-necessary labour time it embodies), and "exchange value" (how much labor-time the sale of the commodity can claim, Smith's "labor commanded" value). By most interpretations of his labor theory of value, Marx, like Ricardo, developed a "labor theory of price" where the point of analyzing value was to allow the calculation of relative prices. Others see values as part of his sociopolitical interpretation and critique of capitalism and other societies, and deny that it was intended to serve as a category of economics. According to a third interpretation, Marx aimed for a theory of the dynamics of price formation, but did not complete it.

In 1860, John Ruskin published a critique of the economic concept of value from a moral point of view. He entitled the volume Unto This Last, and his central point was this: "It is impossible to conclude, of any given mass of acquired wealth, merely by the fact of its existence, whether it signifies good or evil to the nation in the midst of which it exists. Its real value depends on the moral sign attached to it, just as strictly as that of a mathematical quantity depends on the algebraic sign attached to it. Any given accumulation of commercial wealth may be indicative, on the one hand, of faithful industries, progressive energies, and productive ingenuities: or, on the other, it may be indicative of mortal luxury, merciless tyranny, ruinous chicanery." Gandhi was greatly inspired by Ruskin's book and published a paraphrase of it in 1908.

Economists such as Ludwig von Mises asserted that "value," meaning exchange value, was always the result of subjective value judgements. There was no price of objects or things that could be determined without taking these judgements into account, as manifested by markets. Thus, it was false to say that the economic value of a good was equal to what it cost to produce or to its current replacement cost.

Value in the most basic sense can be referred to as "Real Value" or "Actual Value." This is the measure of worth that is based purely on the utility derived from the consumption of a product or service. Utility derived value allows products or services to be measured on outcome instead of demand or supply theories that have the inherent ability to be manipulated. Illustration: The real value of a book sold to a student who pays $50.00 at the cash register for the text and who earns no additional income from reading the book is essentially zero. However; the real value of the same text purchased in a thrift shop at a price of $0.25 and provides the reader with an insight that allows him or her to earn $100,000.00 in additional income is $100,000.00 or the extended lifetime value earned by the consumer. This is value calculated by actual measurements of ROI instead of production input and or demand vs. supply. No single unit has a fixed value. Value is intrinsically related to the worth derived by the consumer. [Burke(2005)].


mayongjun021 发表于 2013-1-7 14:19:52 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


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