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Social Dynamics in a Systems Perspective
by Sergio Barile (Editor),‎ Marco Pellicano (Editor),‎ Francesco Polese (Editor)

About the Author
Sergio Barile is Full Professor of Economics and Business Administration (SECS-P/08) at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, where he is also Director of the Management Section of the Department of Management in the Faculty of Economics. Professor Barile’s areas of research range from business economics to systems theory and he is an expert on the Viable Systems Approach, in particular with reference to governance and business management, decision theory, and complexity theory. He is a member of AIDEA (Italian Academy of Business Economy) and a member of the board of the Master Universitario in Marketing Management (MUMM). Professor Barile has been a consultant for both public and private institutions. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Research Centre of Pure and Applied Mathematics (CRMPA), the Board of Directors of Centro Studi Arnia, the scientific committee of Esperienze d'impresa, and the editorial board of Sinergie, edited by CUEIM. He is the author of numerous publications in Italian and English.
Marco Pellicano is Full Professor in Economics and Business Management at the Department of Business Science – Management and Innovation Systems, University of Salerno. He is currently coordinator of the working group for drafting the “Social Report (SR) UNISA” of the University of Salerno. He is also a member of AIDEA (Italian Academy of Business Economy) and SVI.M.A.P. (University Network for Management Development in the Public Sector). Furthermore, he is manager of the professional training and refresher course in Business Economic Discipline at the Department of Business Science – Management and Innovation Systems and a member of the scientific committee of the journal Business Experience. He has presented papers at national and international conferences.  His main research interests are Enterprise Relational View, Managerial and Strategic Studies, Business Ethics, Industrial and Business Relationships, and Small Businesses.
Francesco Polese is Full Professor of Business Management at the University of Salerno, Italy, where he teaches Marketing, Service Management and Business Management. He is founder and Director of SIMAS (Centre of Systems for Innovation and Healthcare Management). He was also founder and Director of MADILab (Laboratory of Innovation Management) and President of the Center for Disability and Handicap at Cassino University. He has been Scientific Responsible of the international research project “Perspectives of Service Science Research” involving universities in Italy, Sweden, and Argentina. Professor Polese has authored books, book chapters, and articles in international journals on topics such as Viable Systems Approach, Service Science, Service, and Networks. He was a co-chair of the 2009, 2011, 2013, and 2015 editions of The Naples Forum on Service: Service-Dominant Logic, Service Science and Network Theory. He is a member of the editorial boards of Service Science and the Journal of Service Theory and Practice and has been guest editor of numerous special issues of various leading journals in the field.

About this book
This book targets the critical issue of decision making in uncertain conditions and situations. The aim is to increase readers’ understanding of complexity and of socio-economic interactions through the application of systems thinking perspectives. Among the various areas and topics addressed are complexity and sustainable management, markets as complex adaptive systems, the impacts of psychological and emotional factors upon value co-creation exchanges, and ICT enablers of service network performance and service exchange fulfillment. Thanks to the chosen perspectives, all of which are based on different systems research streams, the book will support more consistent and robust decisions, leading to sustainable, wise, and viable systems dynamics. It will aid managers, practitioners, and consultants in their decision-making processes and will also be of interest for academics and scholars in management, systems, computer science, engineering, and marketing.

Table of contents
1 A Systems Approach to Understanding the Philosophical Foundation of Marketing Studies
2 Successful Value Co-creation Exchanges: A VSA Contribution
3 Complexity and Sustainability in Management: Insights from a Systems Perspective
4 Innovation Policies: Strategy of Growth in a Complex Perspective
5 Value-Driven Conceptualization of Services in the Smart City: A Layered Approach
6 Service as Entropy Reduction: A Conceptualization of Service for Sustainable Coexistence
7 In Anticipation of Black Swans
8 Customer Value Co-creation in a Service-Dominant Logic Perspective: Some Steps Toward the Development of a Measurement Scale
9 Market Formation in the Sharing Economy: Findings and Implications from the Sub-economies of Airbnb
10 The Performativity of Value Propositions in Shaping a Service Ecosystem: The Case of B-corporations
11 A Journey Through Possible Views of Relational Logic
12 From Mechanical to Cognitive View: The Changes of Decision Making in Business Environment
13 An Overview of the Contribution of Systems Thinking Within Management and Marketing

Series: New Economic Windows
Hardcover: 259 pages
Publisher: Springer; 1st ed. 2018 edition (October 5, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3319619667
ISBN-13: 978-3319619668

About the series
Even what seems simple in economics generally arises from behavior reflecting the enormous diversity of humanity in terms of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors, which interact within an enormous range of institutional frameworks. Put briefly, the economy is a complex system.
This complexity arises naturally. Economic agents, be they banks, firms, households, consumers, or investors, act with strategic behavior and foresight by considering outcomes that might result from behavior they might undertake. Furthermore, they continually adjust their market operations, buying decisions, prices, and forecasts to the situations that these operations, decisions, prices, and forecasts together create. This adds a layer of complexity to economics not experienced in the natural sciences.
The recognition of such complexity has resulted in diverse new approaches to the analysis of economic phenomena. After two centuries of preferential study of static equilibrium models, economists are discovering models that contain discontinuity, nonlinearity, and a variety of phenomena that are not so easily predicted or understood.
The New Economics Windows (NEW) series, derived from Massimo Salzano’s ideas and work, comprises books that explore innovative perspectives and components of complexity theory in economics. They have in common an acceptance that economic phenomena should be investigated not as an outcome of deterministic, predictable, and mechanistic dynamics, but as history-dependent, organic, and continually evolving processes.
Research fields covered by the series include in particular (but are not limited to): • Agent-Based Models • Nonlinear Economic Systems • Evolutionary Economics • Econophysics • Chaos Theory • Fractal Analysis• Neuroeconomics• Fuzzy Systems• Network Theory

Springer__Social Dynamics in a Systems Perspective.pdf (5.14 MB, 需要: 30 个论坛币)


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关键词:perspective Perspectiv Dynamics Dynamic Systems

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edmcheng 发表于 2018-10-14 17:32:00 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
Thanks a lot for your kind sharing
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wangyong8935 在职认证  发表于 2019-9-18 07:38:02 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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wangyong8935 在职认证  发表于 2019-10-3 13:34:20 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
thank you  for sharing
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wangyong8935 在职认证  发表于 2020-1-12 08:42:14 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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