by Jovanovic Slobodan (Author)
This book is an invaluable resource of hedging case studies and examples, explaining with clarity and coherence how various instruments - such as futures and options - are used in different market scenarios to contain, control and eliminate price risk exposure. Its core objective is to elucidate hedging transactions and provide a systematic, comprehensive view on hedge performance.When it comes to hedge strategies specifically, great effort has been employed to create new instruments and concepts that will prove to be superior to classic methods and interpretations. The concept of hedge patterns - introduced here - proves it is possible to tabulate a hedging strategy and interpret its use with diagrams, so each example is shown visually with the result of radical clarity.A compelling visual pattern is also attached to each case study to give you the ability to compare different solutions and apply a best-fit hedging strategy in real-world situations.A diverse range of hedging transactions showing the ultimate payoff profiles and performance metrics are included. These have been designed to achieve the ultimate goal - to convey the necessary skills to allow business and risk management teams to develop proper hedging mechanisms and apply them in practice.
- Harriman House; February 2014
- ISBN: 9780857193292
- Edition: 1
- Read online, or download in secure PDF format
- Title: Hedging Commodities
- Author: Slobodan Jovanovic
- Imprint: Harriman House