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[其它] Evolutionary spite, China depopulation, and NSSM 200 - Part 1/3 [推广有奖]

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A text analysis of National Security Study Memorandum 200: the 1974 Kissinger plan to depopulate competing countries

Author: 刘汉清

Foreword: I present NSSM 200 as the shiniest example of the game theory concept of evolutionary spite. In colloquial terms, this means the adaptive, rational, deliberate sabotage of competing countries and nationalities, to increase one's personal or national Darwinian relative fitness. For the declassified copies of this CIA worldwide depopulation program, see: http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAB500.pdf and http://www.foia.cia.gov/browse_docs.asp?doc_no=0000969815#.

I will restrict myself to a text analysis, after provide the following background information, which the reader may confirm elsewhere: 1) That this depopulation policy was formalized by President Gerald Ford on November 26, 1975, and has remained the official global population policy of the United States since, as implemented in the quiet, behind-the-scenes manner described in the document. 2) That the author and one overseer of the policy is Henry Kissinger (then National Security Advisor and Secretary of State), an officer of the Rockefeller family who unbroken to this day directs the National Security Council (which oversees the CIA.) 3) That the movement is Jewish, led by Jews to depress the birthrates of non-Jews, even as Jewish communal organizations were systematically implementing programs to raise Jewish birthrates in Israel and diaspora. What we have is, the ethnic group with the world's highest IQ duping dumber ethnic groups into auto-natiocide - just another example of unfolding evolution.

The text of National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200), issued December 10, 1974, outlines a covert operation to do a worldwide depopulation program. Remarkably blunt-spoken of aim and method, NSSM 200 was likely never meant to become public document, declassified in year 1989 under court order of a pro-life Catholic group lawsuit. Only light annotation is required because the authors convict themselves.

The high-level document writes matter-of-factly of an already decade-old program to demographically sabotage other countries (e.g., page 85 of PDF copy), so as to more easily enslave them into a U.S. “world order” (page 37).

Six separate times in the Document, Henry Kissinger’s study group writes the policy motive: the advance of United States interests – and for that reason alone.

His social engineers attempt to minimize a single variable: the birthrate of target countries, i.e. Point E on page 78, “Creating Conditions Conducive to Fertility Decline”. For every non-Western country a target birthrate is set in secret (e.g. Page 77), with covert personnel, a separate department in the State Department, and hundreds of millions of dollars to make it happen.

The expected number of humans to be murdered by opportunity loss is 3 billion (Pages 8, 9), up to 7 billion – a gigacidal scale of billion soft-kills rather than the millions of WWII hard-kills. The idea is Darwinian: to lessen competition for limited resources via a pre-emptive kill-off of competing nations. This cull would occur in the gestational infancy, before the citizen reaches adulthood to oppose U.S. dominion of their economy and country’s natural resources (e.g. page 64, paragraph 4.) On pages 42 and 43, Kissinger states lowered population in non-Western countries: (1) lessens resource competition for the U.S. on petroleum and 197 minerals (especially aluminum, copper, iron ore, lead, nickel, tin, uranium, and zinc); (2) pre-empts revolutions against the U.S.-created post-WWII order (page 43; page 57), and (3) makes an environment benign for investment by U.S. corporations:
Whatever may be done to guard against interruptions of supply and to develop domestic alternatives, the U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries… Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States. population pressures …are scarcely conducive to systematic exploration for mineral deposits or the long-term investments required for their exploitation… concessions to foreign companies are likely to be expropriated… the smooth flow of needed Materials will be jeopardized. Although population pressure is obviously not the only factor involved, these types of frustrations are much less likely under conditions of slow or zero population growth. (Pages 42-43)

Full-spectrum Propaganda Campaign

NSSM 200 describes the use of every form of technological medium (e.g., radio, television, satellite) in support of depopulation propaganda. I have chosen only to analyze their meme payloads. Propaganda operates through an information - behavior - output path. In economics terminology, technology (instructions or an instruction set) insert into an individual’s production function to govern bodily behavior, much as a virus hijacks a computer. In the case of NSSM 200, Kissinger wishes to insert bad technologies that would crash birthrate and family production.

Countries Tricked into Population Reduction

The population of target countries must be duped. To kill his own children, the citizen must believe the policy benefits him individually (to increase utility or fitness). To kill the citizenry of his own country, the government official must believe the policy benefits the nation:
It should be obvious, however, that efforts at birth control directed toward adults will with even maximum success result in acceptance of contraception for the reduction of births only to the level of the desired family size - which knowledge, attitude and practice studies in many countries indicate is an average of four or more children. The great necessity is to convince the masses of the population that it is to their individual and national interest to have, on the average, only three and then only two children.
(Page 102)

(Continued in Part II...)


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关键词:depopulation Evolutionary Population Evolution ulation depopulation one child policy evolutionary spite

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