----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
- * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
- clear
- input long stkcd str13 startdate str17 pledratio
- 2905 "2017-10-29" "0"
- 2905 "2017-11-05" "0"
- 2905 "2017-11-12" "0"
- 2905 "2017-11-19" ".01"
- 2905 "2017-11-26" ".01"
- 2905 "2017-12-03" ".01"
- 2905 "2017-12-10" "0"
- 2905 "2017-12-17" "0"
- 2905 "2017-12-24" "0"
- 2905 "2017-12-31" "0"
- 2905 "2018-01-07" ".01"
- 2905 "2018-01-14" ".01"
- 2905 "2018-01-21" ".01"
- 2905 "2018-01-28" ".01"
- 2905 "2018-02-04" ".01"
- 2905 "2018-02-18" ".01"
- 2905 "2018-02-25" ".01"
- 2905 "2018-04-29" "0"
- 2905 "2018-04-22" "0"
- 2905 "2018-04-15" "0"
- 2905 "2018-04-08" ".01"
- 2905 "2018-04-01" ".01"
- 2905 "2018-03-25" ".01"
- 2905 "2018-03-18" ".01"
- 2905 "2018-03-11" ".01"
- 2905 "2018-03-04" ".01"
- end
2905 "2017-12-31" "0"
2905 "2018-04-29" "0"