请各位大虾帮我分析一下,文献“investor sentiment and the Cross-section of stock returns”中,出现了这样一段话" Because a mispricing is the result of an uninformed demand shock in the presence of a binding arbitrage constraint, we predict that a broad-based wave of sentiment has cross-sectional effects (that is, does not simply raise or lower all prices equally) when sentiment-based demands or arbitrage constraints vary across stocks. In practice, these two distinct channels lead to quite similar predictions because stocks that are likely to be most sensitive to speculative demand, those with highly subjective valuations, also tend to be the riskiest and costliest to arbitrage. Concretely, then, theory suggests two distinct channels through which the shares of certain firms—newer, smaller, more volatile, unprofitable, non-dividend paying, distressed or with extreme growth potential, and firms with analogouus characteristics—are likely to be more affected by shifts in investor sentiment.”